Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure

Kung Lao - Hat Trick
Welcome to my Kung Lao guide. Since the recent buffs, this is a character many people have been intrigued by, and I personally think at this point it's fair to say he IS very viable, and although he doesn't have some of the pointed strengths of the other two variations, he does bring his own to the table, and a versatile, adaptible playstyle to be molded by the hands of the player behind him. This guide contains almost all the information I could come up with, but nothing is ever truly complete in the ever-changing world and metagame of Mortal Kombat, so I am 100% committed to keeping this thread up to date, accurate, and useful. Any suggestions, please leave them in the comments.
DISCLAIMER: this guide is currently unfinished, and will be built on heavily over the next few weeks by contributing members of the Kung Lao community. If you would like to contribute, feel free to leave anything in the comments section, if not I do have a very friendly and open Inbox

RC = Run Cancel
OH = Overhead
HCB = Hat Call Back (DD2 with Hat out)
Spin = DF1 with Hat in
TP = Teleport (DU)
JiP = Jump in 2
JiK = Jump In 3
Just to run down most useful buttons to be pressing in the neutral game. Hat Trick has some very nice, very safe buttons.
F2: Punish, Neutral
B22: Overhead Starter
D4: Poke/conditioning tool
D1: Check/Pressure Set-Up
112124: Pressure string
Jump in 2: Air opener
EX-Projectile: Fullscreen full combo starter projectile
F23 is your go-to punisher but is super unsafe in the neutral, however F2 is an amazing 11 frame advancing mid that can also hitconfirm into a 35% Hatarang combo in the neutral off the F21 string. B22 is an Overhead starter with advancing properties, that cancels into Hat Trap and is fully safe against everything except Cassie's Flipkick. Using D4 is a good poke and a great way to bully your opponent into getting opened up for an Overhead. Aside from the regular uses of D1's as a check and fastest/least negative poke, it is especially useful as Hat Trick (and Kung Lao in general) as he has a lot of stuff that leaves him only slightly negative (6 frames and and under) and throwing that poke out immediately after can discourage your opponent from being able to throw anything too heavy your way if the try capitilise on their plus frames. On hit it also perfectly sets up a 112124, which is a pressure string that builds about half a bar and gives a completely safe trap, and with a Hat Trap already out can be gapless looped into itself again at the cost of a meter. It's a great response to any blocked pokes or for just taking advantage of +frames in general, as it hitconfirms quite easily into 25% and a Trap set-up. I normally wouldn't mention Jump in 2 as every character obviously has jump in's, but this one deserves a mention as it has an insane disjointed Hitbox, and makes 44 (your highest damage combo starter) completely safe, as it can usually be beaten by pokes as it's a high, and the second hit has an armorable gap, hitconfirming off the Jump in solves both these problems at once. This is especially relevant for Hat Trick because we get a completely safe Trap set up off the JiP, 4 cancel, and also because unlike other variations, B321 is such a bad opener for us, netting only 18% without meter. JiP also beats out most other air normals, and is still an easy convert thanks to our advancing normals. EX-Projectile is also a key tool as it launches for combo making it a great opener, which I'll touch on more in other sections. Other noteworthy moves for the neutral game are NjP, JiK, Divekick, Teleport, Spin, and Hat Trap/Callback, but I feel these are pretty self explanatory and/or mentioned later on in this guide. However, it is also worth emphasising that his NjP is really good.
44: 50/50 opener
112124: Punish/Wake-Up Pressure
F21: Punish/Wake-Up Pressure
B22: Overhead Starter with Hat On
D1/D4: Pokes
B321: Good punish, advancing corner push normal
NjP: Air opener
Corner plays somewhat different to midscreen, in that after every 21 knockdown ender, you can make use of the frame advantage to set up a safe Low Hat Trap, and use it in conjunction with 44. The second hit of the string being Overhead gives you a mix-up option between that and cancelling the first 4 into Hat Callback, making it a true 50/50, even if the first hit is blocked. The dangers of this however is the fact that 4 is a high starter, meaning it will get beaten out by most wake-up pokes. F21 however is a good compliment to this, as it will beat out wake up pokes, delayed wake ups, and will give amazing pressure on block as well. Neutral jump into Air-Hat Callback or NjP is a good mix-up as well, and jumping back while threatening the Divekick/Air-Hat Callback at all times are good options to start with another Jump In, or to just catch your opponent off guard with one of the first two options, or a whiffed cross-up/wake up punish. The overhead starter option of B22 is as good as ever in the corner if your Trap isn't set up, and combos into significantly more meterless damage than before. B321 is now a much better option in the corner as it now does combo with Spin, as does the entirety of 112124 for your fastest point blank punish other than naked Spin, but F2 is still your fastest advancing normal so don't forget about it.
F2: Punish, Neutral
B22: Overhead Starter
D4: Poke/conditioning tool
D1: Check/Pressure Set-Up
112124: Pressure string
Jump in 2: Air opener
EX-Projectile: Fullscreen full combo starter projectile
F23 is your go-to punisher but is super unsafe in the neutral, however F2 is an amazing 11 frame advancing mid that can also hitconfirm into a 35% Hatarang combo in the neutral off the F21 string. B22 is an Overhead starter with advancing properties, that cancels into Hat Trap and is fully safe against everything except Cassie's Flipkick. Using D4 is a good poke and a great way to bully your opponent into getting opened up for an Overhead. Aside from the regular uses of D1's as a check and fastest/least negative poke, it is especially useful as Hat Trick (and Kung Lao in general) as he has a lot of stuff that leaves him only slightly negative (6 frames and and under) and throwing that poke out immediately after can discourage your opponent from being able to throw anything too heavy your way if the try capitilise on their plus frames. On hit it also perfectly sets up a 112124, which is a pressure string that builds about half a bar and gives a completely safe trap, and with a Hat Trap already out can be gapless looped into itself again at the cost of a meter. It's a great response to any blocked pokes or for just taking advantage of +frames in general, as it hitconfirms quite easily into 25% and a Trap set-up. I normally wouldn't mention Jump in 2 as every character obviously has jump in's, but this one deserves a mention as it has an insane disjointed Hitbox, and makes 44 (your highest damage combo starter) completely safe, as it can usually be beaten by pokes as it's a high, and the second hit has an armorable gap, hitconfirming off the Jump in solves both these problems at once. This is especially relevant for Hat Trick because we get a completely safe Trap set up off the JiP, 4 cancel, and also because unlike other variations, B321 is such a bad opener for us, netting only 18% without meter. JiP also beats out most other air normals, and is still an easy convert thanks to our advancing normals. EX-Projectile is also a key tool as it launches for combo making it a great opener, which I'll touch on more in other sections. Other noteworthy moves for the neutral game are NjP, JiK, Divekick, Teleport, Spin, and Hat Trap/Callback, but I feel these are pretty self explanatory and/or mentioned later on in this guide. However, it is also worth emphasising that his NjP is really good.
44: 50/50 opener
112124: Punish/Wake-Up Pressure
F21: Punish/Wake-Up Pressure
B22: Overhead Starter with Hat On
D1/D4: Pokes
B321: Good punish, advancing corner push normal
NjP: Air opener
Corner plays somewhat different to midscreen, in that after every 21 knockdown ender, you can make use of the frame advantage to set up a safe Low Hat Trap, and use it in conjunction with 44. The second hit of the string being Overhead gives you a mix-up option between that and cancelling the first 4 into Hat Callback, making it a true 50/50, even if the first hit is blocked. The dangers of this however is the fact that 4 is a high starter, meaning it will get beaten out by most wake-up pokes. F21 however is a good compliment to this, as it will beat out wake up pokes, delayed wake ups, and will give amazing pressure on block as well. Neutral jump into Air-Hat Callback or NjP is a good mix-up as well, and jumping back while threatening the Divekick/Air-Hat Callback at all times are good options to start with another Jump In, or to just catch your opponent off guard with one of the first two options, or a whiffed cross-up/wake up punish. The overhead starter option of B22 is as good as ever in the corner if your Trap isn't set up, and combos into significantly more meterless damage than before. B321 is now a much better option in the corner as it now does combo with Spin, as does the entirety of 112124 for your fastest point blank punish other than naked Spin, but F2 is still your fastest advancing normal so don't forget about it.
Kung Lao plays a bit differently to Tempest and Buzzsaw, in that he doesn't necessarily always need to be rushing in and beating down your face. The Hat Trap does however give him elements of what makes both versions good without crossing into their territory or doing their "thing" better than them, while adding some unique utility of it's own.
In general, you want to get whatever you can out of the situations you are in, without necessarily trying to force positioning on to your opponent. At range? Use your Hat's to win the meter war and trick your opponent into getting opened up to a Hat-A-Rang opener. Your opponent throwing projectiles? You have an excellent teleport opener to punish, that can combo into 45% meterless if you set up a trap as well. Trading blockstrings? Abuse your meter gain and chip strings. Neutral game, you have an amazing Overhead starter which is completely safe on block and sets up a free Trap on block, you have a good D4, and you have a very legit mids in the game with F2. AA's are unreliable in this game, and Kung Lao is a major threat in the air, with air-armor, Divekick, possibly THE best D2 hitbox in the game, an amazing NJP, and Hat Trick even has the ability to call Traps back mid jump. In the corner you have a lot of mix-ups and everything you do midscreen pushes your opponent towards it heavily, even his THROW (which really lives up to the name). Make good use of it all, you have the tools.
Simplest terms, you generally want to be pressing D4, B22, D1, 11212(4) (hitconfirming for the 4 on Block or the Spin on hit),Throw, F21, Ji2(+44), EX-BF2 (and B321 if you have a Hat out). There is some good buttons behind this character, nothing OP, but everything does it's role very sufficiently.
In general, you want to get whatever you can out of the situations you are in, without necessarily trying to force positioning on to your opponent. At range? Use your Hat's to win the meter war and trick your opponent into getting opened up to a Hat-A-Rang opener. Your opponent throwing projectiles? You have an excellent teleport opener to punish, that can combo into 45% meterless if you set up a trap as well. Trading blockstrings? Abuse your meter gain and chip strings. Neutral game, you have an amazing Overhead starter which is completely safe on block and sets up a free Trap on block, you have a good D4, and you have a very legit mids in the game with F2. AA's are unreliable in this game, and Kung Lao is a major threat in the air, with air-armor, Divekick, possibly THE best D2 hitbox in the game, an amazing NJP, and Hat Trick even has the ability to call Traps back mid jump. In the corner you have a lot of mix-ups and everything you do midscreen pushes your opponent towards it heavily, even his THROW (which really lives up to the name). Make good use of it all, you have the tools.
Simplest terms, you generally want to be pressing D4, B22, D1, 11212(4) (hitconfirming for the 4 on Block or the Spin on hit),Throw, F21, Ji2(+44), EX-BF2 (and B321 if you have a Hat out). There is some good buttons behind this character, nothing OP, but everything does it's role very sufficiently.
Any combo that ends in 21 can have replace this for a second JumpKickDiveKick. In the corner, its generally best to end in 21, you can end in a Throw for max damage, or F14 for max Untechable Knockdown damage. I prefer to end with 21 for Hard Knockdown and good frame advantage whenever possible, as it gives time to get a hat out, even Low Hat is unpunishable after a 21 ender. I've ended all my combo's listed in in 21, unless it's impossible or inconsistent to land. I'll touch more on the benefits of this later.
Hat Traps can be used in a number of ways, and aside from being ABSOLUTELY safe to both throw out and call back off certain strings, they are excellent ranged punishes, Call Back being a safe "projectile", that travels towards your position on the screen (and will follow your movements), which also launches on connect (although not always practical to convert off), and Low Hat which skims all the way across the ground, hits Low, but is less safe to set-up, and launches less thus is harder to both convert, and combo with. They can also be used to give you very nice block strings, as well as to extend your damage mid combo (pushing Tempest levels, with extra wallcarry). Remember that Spin and Hat Toss are not available while your Hat is off, but if you get hit the hat immediately returns meaning you can always Spin on the wake-up.
Kung Lao's 112124 can be either used to get a completely safe Hat Trap out behind your opponent, or linked together with another 112124 with no armorable gap by using an EX-Hat Call Back (giving him shades of Tempest pressure). Low Hat set up in the corner is completely safe after any 21 ender even if your opponent Tech Rolls, which gives you a 50/50 in the corner albeit off a set-up, giving you a very nice corner game and options regardless.
He has a decent projectile, which is extremely hard to distinguish from forward Hat Trap. You can Hat Trap AND Callback in the amount of frames it takes most characters to throw a projectile, so this is a good way of building meter at range, and if your opponent gets too irrespectful of it, the afore mentioned similarity in animations is a good way to sneak through a Hat Toss projectile, as well as a Hat-A-Rang, our EX projectile, an amazing launcher which combo's full screen for ~30% after a Run Cancel.
Kung Lao's 112124 can be either used to get a completely safe Hat Trap out behind your opponent, or linked together with another 112124 with no armorable gap by using an EX-Hat Call Back (giving him shades of Tempest pressure). Low Hat set up in the corner is completely safe after any 21 ender even if your opponent Tech Rolls, which gives you a 50/50 in the corner albeit off a set-up, giving you a very nice corner game and options regardless.
He has a decent projectile, which is extremely hard to distinguish from forward Hat Trap. You can Hat Trap AND Callback in the amount of frames it takes most characters to throw a projectile, so this is a good way of building meter at range, and if your opponent gets too irrespectful of it, the afore mentioned similarity in animations is a good way to sneak through a Hat Toss projectile, as well as a Hat-A-Rang, our EX projectile, an amazing launcher which combo's full screen for ~30% after a Run Cancel.
Midscreen (and corner) combo's can be extended by the Hat Callback, and once the Hat is back on further extended by the spin, giving you a bit of extra damage and wallcarry. But if the spacing is too short your combo can carry you past your Hat meaning the HCB will whiff, and if the Hat is too far the hitstun won't be long enough to combo. So being aware of where your Hat roughly is at all times is important. Assuming you get a full combo punish or TP 3 opener where you can follow up with anything, your 3 optimal choices for ranges are as follows: 4xxHCB for close range, B321xxHCB for slightly further range, and 44, RC, B321xxHCB for maximum range. As such, Hat Trick has more BnB's than most characters, combo's are almost freeform and change based on the positioning and flow of the game. Obviously, if you don't have fullcombo punish the range of connect will be dependant on what your opener is, sometimes you just have to call it back and hope for the connect, not much else you can do.
Practically any combo with a HatCall Back in the middle of it, can be followed up with either 4xxSpin or B321xxSpin. B321 is singificantly harder on execution, and adds more gravity making the follow up double air kicks much harder to connect, but will add about an extra 2% to most to combos. At my discretion, I've used 4xxSpin for most combos, B321 for the ones that didn't have much previous juggle if they were considered consistent enough during my testing. Feel free to go with what you what please.
You want to go for the longest range combo possible without carrying them past your Hat in the space of the combo before the Hat Callback. I personally recommend sticking one map as much as possible and getting familiar, although that's just a suggestion, but I'll touch more on it later.
Practically any combo with a HatCall Back in the middle of it, can be followed up with either 4xxSpin or B321xxSpin. B321 is singificantly harder on execution, and adds more gravity making the follow up double air kicks much harder to connect, but will add about an extra 2% to most to combos. At my discretion, I've used 4xxSpin for most combos, B321 for the ones that didn't have much previous juggle if they were considered consistent enough during my testing. Feel free to go with what you what please.
You want to go for the longest range combo possible without carrying them past your Hat in the space of the combo before the Hat Callback. I personally recommend sticking one map as much as possible and getting familiar, although that's just a suggestion, but I'll touch more on it later.
Hat Trick has a true 50/50 in the corner if he has a Low Hat set up, a set up which is 100% safe off a 21 ender if timed right (tested against Tempest EX-Spin), or off B321xxLow Hat Trap. A close enough Low Hat can be used to give you a 50/50 with standing 4, you have a choice of follow up string which is an Overhead launcher into combo (44), or cancelling into Hat Callback (4xxHCB). It can be used midscreen but requires close promixity Low Hat, and gets very little return off the Overhead as well as less returns off the Low than a standard midscreen combo, making it best used after pushing someone to the corner and ending in a 21, giving him some very strong options in the corner. Just remember that there IS a gap that can be armored through in between the first and second hit of 44.
Positioning is vital with this variation. If you start a combo and your Hat is behind you, you've just cut your combo short because you can't spin or HatCall. Cross-up your opponent, make sensible use of TP, armored Teleports ARE an good use of meter (and your Hat stays up even if you take a hit), if you need to call your hat back pre-emptively even if it whiffs (still a bit of meter), and just be aware of your Trap at all times. Believe me, it will be much easier for you to keep track of it than your opponent, and the payoff is worth it. On this note, I swear by Lin Kuie Temple as that stage for Hat Trick Kung Lao, there is four "Leap" interactables, the two middle ones you can pick your direction. This is perfect for switching positions, and using your Hat traps to control a LOT of space. And given how much dominance Air Force Kung has over the sky, it's much harder for your opponent to abuse. Between Dive Kick, Spin, Vortex, great jumping normals, air armor with EX-Teleport, Hat Call back and AIR Hat Call Back, you have a lot of options. It will also make it harder for your opponent to keep track of the Hat.
I find meter is best saved for getting in as opposed to extending combos, as Lao has so many great tools to do this (Spin, Hat Toss, Hat Call Back, Armored Teleport [+ MB Throw] are all great metered openers), but spending meter in combo's will generally only net around 3% per meter spent, but I've included a couple of mid combo Meter uses regardless in the section, but generally only for the hardest hitting combos.
You can build a LOT of meter for these options with the 112124 blockstring.
You can build a LOT of meter for these options with the 112124 blockstring.

||Neutral Game Openers||
JiP Starter
38% Meterless - JiP, 44, RC, B321xxSpin, JiKxxDK, 21*
42% 1-Bar - JiP, 44, RC, B321xxEX-Spin, NjP, JiKxDK, JiKxxDK*
29% Meterless - JiP, RC, B321xxSpin, JiKxxDK, 21 [Air-To-Air]
31% Meterless - JiP, DU, 2, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, JiKxxDK, 21
36% Meterless - JiP, 4xxHCB, B321xxSpin, JiKxDK, 21 [Close Range]
39% Meterless - JiP, B321xxHCB, B321xxSpin, JiKxDK, 21 [Mid Range]
43% Meterless - JiP, 44, RC, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, JiKxDK, JiKxxDK [Long Range]
54% 3-Bars - JiP, 44, RC, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, B32xxXRay
35% Meterless - JiP, RC, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, JiKxxDK, JiKxxDK [Air-To-Air]
36% Meterless - JiP, 4xxHCB, B321xxSpin, JiKxDK, 21 [Close Range]
39% Meterless - JiP, B321xxHCB, B321xxSpin, JiKxDK, 21 [Mid Range]
43% Meterless - JiP, 44, RC, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, JiKxDK, JiKxxDK [Long Range]
54% 3-Bars - JiP, 44, RC, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, B32xxXRay
35% Meterless - JiP, RC, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, JiKxxDK, JiKxxDK [Air-To-Air]
Neutral Starters
33% 1-Bar - B22xxHat Trap, EX-HCB, B321xxSpin, JiKxDK,21 ** [Overhead Starter]
36% 1-Bar - F21xxEX-Hatarang, 44, RC, B321xxSpin, JiKxxDK, 21
Hat-A-Rang Starter
31% 1-Bar - EX-Hatarang, RC, 1, B32xxSpin, JiKxDK, JiKxDK [Anti-Air Conversion]
Hat Callback Starter
22% Meterless - HCB, F21xxSpin, JiKxxDK, 21 *** [Longest Range Convert]
29% Meterless - HCB, B321xxSpin, JiKxxDK, 21 [Anti-Air Convertible]
31% 1-Bar - EX-HCB, B321xxSpin, JiKxDK, 21
||Punishment Starters||
25% Meterless - 11212xxSpin, JiKxDK, B321xxHat Trap
25% Meterless - F23xxSpin, JiKxDK, B321xxHat Trap
33% 1-Bar - B321xxEX-Spin, JiKxDK, 21
35% 1-Bar - 112124xxEX-Hatarang, 44, RC, B321xxSpin, JiKxxDK, 21
36% Meterless - 44, RC, B321xxSpin, JiKxDK, 21
31% Meterless - 112124xxHCB, B321xxSpin, Ji1, JiKxDK, 21
32% Meterless - F23xxHCB, B321xxSpin, Ji1, JiKxDK, 21
35% Meterless - 4xxHCB, B321xxSpin, JiKxDK, 21
38% Meterless - B321xxHCB, B321xxSpin, JiKxDK, 21
43% Meterless - 44, RC, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, JiKxDK, JiKxDK
32% Meterless - F23xxHCB, B321xxSpin, Ji1, JiKxDK, 21
35% Meterless - 4xxHCB, B321xxSpin, JiKxDK, 21
38% Meterless - B321xxHCB, B321xxSpin, JiKxDK, 21
43% Meterless - 44, RC, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, JiKxDK, JiKxDK
||Air/Anti-Air/Wake-Up/Armored Starters||
NjP Starter
Spin Starter
22% Meterless - Spin, NjP, JiKxDK, 21 [Anti-Air only]
24% 1-Bar - EX-Spin, NjP, JiKxDK, 21
25% 1-Bar - EX-Spin, NjP, JiKxDK, RC, Throw [Armored - Wake-Up Corner Swap]
Dive Kick Starter
JiK Starter
||Teleport Starters||
TP-Mid Starter
38% Meterless - TP, 3, 4xxHCB, B321xxSpin, JiKxDK, 21 [Close Range]
41% Meterless - TP, 3, B321xxHCB, B321xxSpin, JiKxDK, 21 [Mid Range]
45% Meterless - TP, 3, 44, RC, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, JiKxDK, JiKxDK [Long Range]
56% 3-Bars - TP, 3, 44, RC, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, B32xxXRay
41% Meterless - TP, 3, B321xxHCB, B321xxSpin, JiKxDK, 21 [Mid Range]
45% Meterless - TP, 3, 44, RC, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, JiKxDK, JiKxDK [Long Range]
56% 3-Bars - TP, 3, 44, RC, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, B32xxXRay
TP-OH Starter
32% Meterless - TP, 2, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, B321xxHat Trap [Untechable Knockdown + Set-Up Ender]
EX-TP-Throw Starter
44% 2-Bars - EX-TP, EX-1, 4xxHCB, 4xxSpin, JiKxxDK, JiKxxDK [Close Range]
47% 2-Bars - EX-TP, EX-1, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, JiKxxDK, JiKxxDK
47% 2-Bars - EX-TP, EX-1, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, JiKxxDK, JiKxxDK
Execution Tips:
*;44 has an armorable gap, but with a jump in can be made entirely safe by hitconfirming the jump in and inputting [Ji2,4DF4] on hit or [Ji2, 4DF2] on Block for a completely safe Hat Trap.
**: Immediately after calling the Hat back, hold forward while waiting to press F2. You won't notice any visible walk, but the couple of frames or so will be enough to make the combo string consistently when you get it.
***: In poke range, after calling a Hat back, input D1F1 and hitconfirm the second 1, you just don't tap if you don't see them get launched. This is the safest most reliable possible convert.
||Corner Game With Hat On||
Overhead Starter
NjP Starter
Dive Kick Starter
Neutral Game/Oki Openers
27% Meterless - F21xxSpin, NjP, JiK, JiKxDK, 21
28% Meterless - 112124xxSpin, NjP, JiKxDK, 21
33% Meterless - B321xxSpin, NjP, JiK, JiKxxDK, 21 [Mid Opener ]
38% Meterless - 44, RC, B321xxSpin, NjP JiKxDK, 21
||Corner Game With Low Hat Out||
Neutral Jump Starter 50/50
35% Meterless - NjP, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, JiKxxDK, 21
50/50 After High Opener
37% Meterless - 44, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, JiKxxDK, 21 [Overhead Starter - 42% if unblocked**]
Hat Callback Starter
31% Meterless - HCB, B321xxSpin, NjP, JiKxDK, 21 [Jump Back Tech*]
29% Meterless - EX-AirHCB, F21xxSpin, NjP, Ji1, JiKxxDK, 21 [Jump Back Tech*]
Dive Kick Starter
Neutral Game/Oki Openers
33% Meterless - F23xxHCB, 1, B321xxSpin, NjP, JiKxDK, 21 [Mid Opener ]
42% Meterless - 44, B321xxHCB, 4xxSpin, JiKxDK, 21
||With Regular Hat Out||
39% Meterless - B321xxHCB, Bj3, B321, JiKxDK, 21
*: After a knockdown, between Divekick, EX-AirHCB, and HCB on landing, going for a Back Jump lets you threaten a full combo the entire way back, and if they respect all that, gives you a safe Jump in to make your High openers uncrouchable. Good mix-up tech, especially good against characters like Mileena with a low-profile wake up launcher, or against characters whose wake up you know will whiff on a Jump Back.
**: Delay the B321 follow-up, let them float for a little bit after the 44 launcher, so that the HCB connects.
||100% Safe-On-Block Set-Ups||
1.5% Meterless - B22xxHat Trap [Builds 20% of a Bar]
2% Meterless - 4xxHat Trap [Builds 10% of a Bar]
2% Meterless - B32xxHat Trap [Hitconfirmable - Builds 20% of a Bar]
2.5% Meterless - 112124xxHat Trap [Hitconfirmable - Builds 40% of a Bar]
25% Meterless - 11212xxSpin, JiKxxDK, B321xxHat Trap [Untechable Knockdown + Set-Up Ender]
33% 1-Bar - B321xxEX-Spin, NjP, JiKxDK, 21
33% 1-Bar - B321xxEX-Spin, NjP, JiKxDK, 21
||100% Safe-On-Block Hat-Calls||
3.5% Meterless - 4xxHCB [Builds 25% of a Bar]
4% 1 Bar - EX-HCB, 112124xxHat Trap [Builds 50% of a Bar, No Armorable Gap]
7% 1-Bar - 112124xxEX-HCB, 112124xxHat Trap [Hitconfirmable -Builds 90% of a Bar + Set-Up, No Armorable Gap]
8% 1-Bar - B321xxEX-HCB, 112124xxHat Trap [Hitconfirmable - Builds 75% of a Bar + Set-Up, No Armorable Gap]
31% Meterless - 112124xxHCB, B321xxSpin, JiKxxDK, 21
38% Meterless - B321xxHCB, B321xxSpin, JiKxxDK, 21
38% Meterless - B321xxHCB, B321xxSpin, JiKxxDK, 21
46% 1-Bar - TP, 3, 44, RC, B321xxHCB, B32xxEX-Spin, JiKxDK, JiKxDK
48% 2-Bars - TP, 3, 44, RC, B321xxEX-HCB, NjP, B32xxEX-Spin, JiKxDK, JiKxDK
50% 2-Bars - TP, 3, 44, RC, B321xxEX-HCB, B321xxEX-Spin, JiKxDK, JiKxDK [High Execution, Inconsistent, Impractical, Stylish AF]
49% 3-Bars - EX-TP, EX-1, B321xxEX-HCB, 4xxSpin, JiKxxDK, JiKxxDK
35% 1-Bar - 4xxEX-HCB, NjP, JiK, B321xxSpin , JiKxxDK, 21 [Low Hat Out - Low Starter - 38% if unblocked]
39% 1-Bar - 44, B321xxHCB, 4xxEX-Spin, JiKxxDK, 21 [Low Hat Out - Overhead Starter - 43% if unblocked]
47% 2-Bars - JiP, 44, B321xxEX-HCB, 4xxEX-Spin, NjP, JiKxxDK, Throw [Throw Ender - Ultra Brutality Making Machine]
46% 1-Bar - TP, 3, 44, RC, B321xxHCB, B32xxEX-Spin, JiKxDK, JiKxDK
48% 2-Bars - TP, 3, 44, RC, B321xxEX-HCB, NjP, B32xxEX-Spin, JiKxDK, JiKxDK
50% 2-Bars - TP, 3, 44, RC, B321xxEX-HCB, B321xxEX-Spin, JiKxDK, JiKxDK [High Execution, Inconsistent, Impractical, Stylish AF]
49% 3-Bars - EX-TP, EX-1, B321xxEX-HCB, 4xxSpin, JiKxxDK, JiKxxDK
35% 1-Bar - 4xxEX-HCB, NjP, JiK, B321xxSpin , JiKxxDK, 21 [Low Hat Out - Low Starter - 38% if unblocked]
39% 1-Bar - 44, B321xxHCB, 4xxEX-Spin, JiKxxDK, 21 [Low Hat Out - Overhead Starter - 43% if unblocked]
47% 2-Bars - JiP, 44, B321xxEX-HCB, 4xxEX-Spin, NjP, JiKxxDK, Throw [Throw Ender - Ultra Brutality Making Machine]

@ETC Mcfly
@Mykal NS
@Eddy Wang
@themilkman014 (tried to copy your Reddit formatting for Ermac, couldn't find a way to make it work well on here, so I built from that and this is what I went with, hopefully still counts as "convenient"

@Big Pampering
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