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Online Complains/Rants About Etiquette, Players, Netcode, Desyncs etc!!


It a training partner gets upset and keeps playing that's not real salt. If your training partner gets salty quits they aren't really your training partner.

I don't get salty. I might about lag, or something beyond the game, but never salty about an L or a W. I was playing a random guy in player match a few nights ago and we were having very good matches, I think it ended 14-17 him, I know he came out on top, but he got super angry at the end. I had no idea he was even upset, we played for like an hour, and I felt like we both learned a few things. Frankly I could go 0-10 (happened last week for sure) and as long as I've learned something I don't care, you'll just get a GG from me.

Anyone wants to add me on XBL my GT is Audit. I have you Aqueous Echo, I'd still like to get some games some time if the lag permits.
Yeah you got me bro. We shouldn't have lag. I even play with @ApocalypseUK (PND guy) and he's in the UK. No lag complaints from us.

I'll be on tonight around 8pm or so. HMU


Stories like this surprise the hell out of me... why do people think they SHOULD win every match? Secondly, if your opponent is NOT getting any better wouldn't it get boring af to continue?

In BLADEs case he did get closer and closer and finally won, and dude got mad? Why because his 25-0 streak was defeated and he got 1 loss out of all those wins or?... this shit confuses me and it'd have been stale af if my sparring partner didn't get any closer to winning
Lol I don't know what his problem was. Its odd because at first he seemed like he wanted to help me get better and practice with him , which was probably just a show he put on so he could rack up some wins, it would explain why he lost it after I finally managed to pull a win lol


Lol I don't know what his problem was. Its odd because at first he seemed like he wanted to help me get better and practice with him , which was probably just a show he put on so he could rack up some wins, it would explain why he lost it after I finally managed to pull a win lol
You may know as well as anyone else but... w/l does NOT matter. In fact I wish I wasnt 290/50 or whatever I am in player match (ranked has been horrid the last few weeks on One) because NO ONE, not even the 263747/5 dudes will fight me.

Kinda wish I was like... 9/775 so I could upset every noob that has obscene w/l and put their ass in their place.


Its normal to get salty, especially in this game. but no matter what I always say good games after the set, and then go straight to practice to figure how to beat whatever made me salty

tell that dude to calm down with the messages or find a new sparring partner


gotta stay sharp!
This isn't really a serious matter but just thought it would be cool to hear the opinions of others.

Recently I got a sparring partner for mk, good player and we thought it would be cool if both of us should play more often to up our game.

I main Sub Zero and our first set was Sub v Lao (wasn't meant to be a serious set) he bodied me this set and I didn't complain one bit.

Next set he alternated between characters and played with Lao. I bodied him when he was Lao and when he switched up characters as well. The MU is in Lao's favour (one would think) so I wouldn't expect any salt, especially from a serious player. I was wrong, he was salty as Hell. He said Sub Zero is OP and that him in the corner is basically bullshit (he sent more but I cba to type it up here)

Basically, those of you who have had multiple sparring partners. What do you think? Should I just take the salt, will it still up my game or not as much? Or is this matter just bullshit as a whole.

Btw, just because he said sub is op doesn't make him a bad player. I guess the salt took over him when he said that.
For real though. If hes like that in other games with other people (if you play other games with him) id find a new partner. I have a guy i play with sometimes and he just gets mad at everything. Dropping combos, asking why erron black is doing random shit, why armor didnt come out. Etc. And in other games like cod he gets mad when he feels bullshitted. "He trash, its the gun, map, etc. Like tbag i wouldnt play with him all that often


One thing that irks me is when I'm having a set with someone where I'm losing and then I finally get a win, they immediately switch characters. I'm like for real bro? It's like that?
Or if you win match 1 and they win match 2... you hit rematch they hit quit... really?...

Or even better, I'm not one to fatality someone unless they're a trash talker. Sometimes not even then. Anyway, when I'm prompted to FINISH HIM/HER I usually just d4 and end... well... It urks me to do the d4's then they pull off a win and fatality. I'm like ugh. I'm not even mad you fatalitied me, I'm more salty at the time we are wasting.

Then they quit. Ugggh what the EFF man.


Falls down too much
Or if you win match 1 and they win match 2... you hit rematch they hit quit... really?...

Or even better, I'm not one to fatality someone unless they're a trash talker. Sometimes not even then. Anyway, when I'm prompted to FINISH HIM/HER I usually just d4 and end... well... It urks me to do the d4's then they pull off a win and fatality. I'm like ugh. I'm not even mad you fatalitied me, I'm more salty at the time we are wasting.

Then they quit. Ugggh what the EFF man.
That gets me as well. We've all seen all the fatalities by now, and I've just D4ed or JKed every Fatality but you have to do it every time? Sheesh.

The people that quit after a match I kind of get. A lot of people just want to play a first to three and move on, which I can respect.


That gets me as well. We've all seen all the fatalities by now, and I've just D4ed or JKed every Fatality but you have to do it every time? Sheesh.

The people that quit after a match I kind of get. A lot of people just want to play a first to three and move on, which I can respect.
I think it gets me more just when it's 1-1 and instead of tie breaking they just quit so yeah... I'm like well that was stupid I guess... off to wait another 20 mins of sending challenges and getting declined by 23212345/90 "top tiers"
Hey if anybody wants to get some sets in salt free HMU on xbone. I'm new to the FGC and TYM and just trying to level up. Could use any and all tips to get better. I primarily play Displacer Raiden and Pumped Up Jax. My XBL is STUDWEISER5184. Later all.
i would love a sparring partner. im tired of gettting on koth and having everyone eventually leave. if anyone has psn and would like to play send me a friend request!
PSN: BaHONK_Obamer

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
Or if you win match 1 and they win match 2... you hit rematch they hit quit... really?...

Or even better, I'm not one to fatality someone unless they're a trash talker. Sometimes not even then. Anyway, when I'm prompted to FINISH HIM/HER I usually just d4 and end... well... It urks me to do the d4's then they pull off a win and fatality. I'm like ugh. I'm not even mad you fatalitied me, I'm more salty at the time we are wasting.

Then they quit. Ugggh what the EFF man.
This. Omg this. I can't stand people that do fatalities every. single. match. It wastes so much damn time in an extended set. If we're going for 30 games, what on earth is the point of showing me the same 10 second sequence for every one you win? Do you just not want those minutes back?


This isn't really a serious matter but just thought it would be cool to hear the opinions of others.

I main Sub Zero and our first set was Sub v Lao (wasn't meant to be a serious set) he bodied me this set and I didn't complain one bit.

Next set he alternated between characters and played with Lao. I bodied him when he was Lao and when he switched up characters as well. The MU is in Lao's favour (one would think) so I wouldn't expect any salt, especially from a serious player.
am i reading this wrong because this is confusing as fuck. you were lao and he was sub, and then you switched to sub and he switched to lao?


Triborg Enthusiast
Sometimes, my sparring partners become very salty after a long set against me and I can't figure out why because I'm not even that good.
I'm pretty mediocre, more of a causal FG player.
At the same point, I can feel some salt against some good sparring partners but, generally, I end up to blame myself and not the other player or the character.


ah ok it makes sense now. i was just reading it wrong. too early and not enough sleep.

its frustrating sometimes when you dont know how to deal with corner pressure. personally i would want to keep playing until i figured it out.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
I don't get very salty with people on my friends even though I do not win very many. The things that do make me salty is trying to focus on blocking oh/low strings (Sonya, EB, Ronin) mix up online and then getting destroyed by everything else. So I guess it is more the netcode that makes me salty more then anything.

Always looking for training partners on steam if anyone is interested.