You should use f3skrc more, it's your best tool to apply pressure and approach the opponent.
After nutpunch try to use b34skrc into 114skrc into what you want. You'll do great chip damage and build a lot of meter too, which is never bad.
Also, try to maximize your damage in combos; in the video you dropped a lot of damage during your corner combo.
You did f24,d1,f3 nut but you could do f24,d1,njp, 12 12 12xxnutpunch for 31%. Is probably possible to do even more, take a look at the Johnny Cage combo thread.
113intonutpunch is super risky, try to use it sparingly. 113SKRC is a bit better but hitconfirming after only the low hits is next to impossible.
If the opponent blocks the low and you try to do anything other than SKRC block or SKRC backdash any armored move will blow you up.