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Has NRS done a good job patching Mortal Kombat X so far?

Has NRS done a good job patching Mortal Kombat X so far?

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Started well

Fuck no




Fuck no

Fuck no

Aside from remove all Option selects some of these changes are terrible. Its easy to say nerf Y, X, Z and don't give reasonable explanations on why you want them nerfed, those are things that can be easily managed from the defense point of view or offense point of view, none of those are game breaking. You just seem to be terrible overall at this game.
I still find laughably surprising how people still can't punish Kung Jin's NJP 3 months old in the game, and he doesn't even has ovewhelming pressure on the hands of a scrub player.
#GitGud Bro
just to clear up things and why i listed all these:
-scorpions 214 fireball cancels are overpowered, the only way to escape the pressure is to take the hit of the 4 and get knocked fullscreen (which kills you, if you are in chip range) or to use push breaker (which uses up 2 bars of stamina and causes you to lose most of your mobility), if the scorpion player makes a correct read, seeing that you take the 4, he can just cancel after 21 and full combo punish you for letting go of block
Erron Black:
-Erron Blacks 21122 string is already one of the most powerful tools in the game, why make his ex sand grenade + on block so he can apply free pressure once more
as soon as he has a caltrop setup in the corner and applies pressure with the ex sandgrenade, he can just go for another blockstring and cancel it into the command grab - if you guess wrong, you can just watch your life bar drain super quickly
jax' d1 is already -5, which is fair enough - my fault
his 112 can be armored out of ever hit and his f12 2+4 can be armored out of as well, same as if the opponent reacts to a kunai, which is always a full combo punish, if he's close enough
Kung Lao:
his jump in 2 has way too much range and a lot of priority, which makes it super hard to even AA with a d2, also if you block the jump in 2, he's free to pressure you with his great blockstrings
Kung Jin:
his njp has way too much priority and alot of range, compared to other njp and beats out every poke - i don't think that's what NRS had intended

also, stop acting like a smartass, throwing out assumptions like "you must be terrible at the game"
i'm actually not that terrible at the game - but that's another story


Two men enter, one man leaves!
You know who else was considered weak in mk9 by "tournament players" ? Kenshi and Sonya. And look how that turned out.
first of all no one ever thought kenshi or sonya was bottom 5, second are you seriously comparing ferra/torr to sonya and kenshi...and third MK9's playerbase was smaller and the meta advanced at the pace of a snail compared to this game

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
just to clear up things and why i listed all these:
-scorpions 214 fireball cancels are overpowered, the only way to escape the pressure is to take the hit of the 4 and get knocked fullscreen (which kills you, if you are in chip range) or to use push breaker (which uses up 2 bars of stamina and causes you to lose most of your mobility), if the scorpion player makes a correct read, seeing that you take the 4, he can just cancel after 21 and full combo punish you for letting go of block
Erron Black:
-Erron Blacks 21122 string is already one of the most powerful tools in the game, why make his ex sand grenade + on block so he can apply free pressure once more
as soon as he has a caltrop setup in the corner and applies pressure with the ex sandgrenade, he can just go for another blockstring and cancel it into the command grab - if you guess wrong, you can just watch your life bar drain super quickly
jax' d1 is already -5, which is fair enough - my fault
his 112 can be armored out of ever hit and his f12 2+4 can be armored out of as well, same as if the opponent reacts to a kunai, which is always a full combo punish, if he's close enough
Kung Lao:
his jump in 2 has way too much range and a lot of priority, which makes it super hard to even AA with a d2, also if you block the jump in 2, he's free to pressure you with his great blockstrings
Kung Jin:
his njp has way too much priority and alot of range, compared to other njp and beats out every poke - i don't think that's what NRS had intended

also, stop acting like a smartass, throwing out assumptions like "you must be terrible at the game"
i'm actually not that terrible at the game - but that's another story
such a terrible post again.

21 fireball cancel its a gimmick, its 0 frames on block and you can interrupt his followups with armor, you can neutral duck standing 2 after 21fbc, and you can back dash all his options except F3, but he has to expect that.
His only real pressure is 214 FBC, which indeed if you want to coinflip and risk your chances on a pure guess and let off go block to stay fullscreen suit yourself, if Scorpion hits you with a spear out of 214 FBC you deserve to die IMO.

The best way to avoid this option is to block all the blockstring, independent of him think you will let go bock or no in the end all he can do to stay safe is speding a bar for a ex fireball to leave him at +8, but from that point on he can't be reckless because any followup can be blow with armor, standing 2 only connects in th corner afterwards and the most important he stays without stamina.

Takeda having a gap on F12+24 is a mind game, The string has a gap so they can dare to interrupt you you blow them up with another combo, its a counter to counter a counter strategy considered the range of that string he gets more mixups and mind game from it having a gap.

The Erron Back String needs a few tweaks not the ex sand grenade.

Kung Lao is harder to AA due the Disjointed hitbox its an intended thing if you have not learned this by now then i feel sorry for you, same goes with kung jin NJP its an intended design that his NJP can't be crouched because he makes use of his Disjointed hitbox to extend the reach of his normal and pushes his hurtbox away from the hit, and is around -14 on block and hits mid on the way up.

Basically all Disjointed hitboxes in this game have the same rule, it hides the user hurtbox in certain positions that are build to win trades, by trying to AA Kung Lao with D2 you're trading your own body with his hat.

Its not the normals that needs nerfing, AA in general is what needs to be buffed.

From someone that is not that terrible at the game should have figure that by now, but that's another story.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Sadly I think that's true. But maybe their goal is for their characters to all be mid tier. Then once they achieve that they don't want them high tier again.

i don't think one character changing the game is interesting. That's just a pure advantage over the whole cast in a game with weak anti airs. Let's say tremor can combo off of down pokes. Is that interesting?


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Changing the game does not equal broken. It just means having to adapt your playstyle. The game would be better if more characters were like this. If Tanya is OP overall, then we can balance her out, but let's give her some time, and let's not do it by taking away what makes her unique. Let's stop dumbing the game down, Tanya is the best thing to happen to it since release and I hope Tremor follows suit


There it is...
such a terrible post again.

21 fireball cancel its a gimmick, its 0 frames on block and you can interrupt his followups with armor, you can neutral duck standing 2 after 21fbc, and you can back dash all his options except F3, but he has to expect that.
His only real pressure is 214 FBC, which indeed if you want to coinflip and risk your chances on a pure guess and let off go block to stay fullscreen suit yourself, if Scorpion hits you with a spear out of 214 FBC you deserve to die IMO.

The best way to avoid this option is to block all the blockstring, independent of him think you will let go bock or no in the end all he can do to stay safe is speding a bar for a ex fireball to leave him at +8, but from that point on he can't be reckless because any followup can be blow with armor, standing 2 only connects in th corner afterwards and the most important he stays without stamina.

Takeda having a gap on F12+24 is a mind game, The string has a gap so they can dare to interrupt you you blow them up with another combo, its a counter to counter a counter strategy considered the range of that string he gets more mixups and mind game from it having a gap.

The Erron Back String needs a few tweaks not the ex sand grenade.

Kung Lao is harder to AA due the Disjointed hitbox its an intended thing if you have not learned this by now then i feel sorry for you, same goes with kung jin NJP its an intended design that his NJP can't be crouched because he makes use of his Disjointed hitbox to extend the reach of his normal and pushes his hurtbox away from the hit, and is around -14 on block and hits mid on the way up.

Basically all Disjointed hitboxes in this game have the same rule, it hides the user hurtbox in certain positions that are build to win trades, by trying to AA Kung Lao with D2 you're trading your own body with his hat.

Its not the normals that needs nerfing, AA in general is what needs to be buffed.

From someone that is not that terrible at the game should have figure that by now, but that's another story.
The 21 fbc when u expect them to release on the final hit. How is that a gimmick? If you're standing unblocked you're not going to poke out.

Not to mention he has those f3 fbc's which string on hit.

So the best option is for you to eat about 12-15% chip and for him to be left at +8, and that doesn't sound ridiculous to you?

This hellfire scorpion downplaying geeeez. I agree ninjitsu needs some help inferno is fine, but how can u say this variation doesn't need tweaked.


21 fireball cancel its a gimmick, its 0 frames on block and you can interrupt his followups with armor, you can neutral duck standing 2 after 21fbc, and you can back dash all his options except F3, but he has to expect that.
Actually, in the case he described, where you predict your opponent is going to take the final hit, it's not a gimmick, it's a read.


The Free Meter Police
Everyone knows I am huge critic of Mortal Kombat X. While the overall presentation of the game is beautiful, I dislike the monotonous 50/50 mix ups of the game. However, something positive must be said about the manner in which NRS has patched the game thus far. I understand this community is in a highly emotional state after each patch, which leads to some amusing "Salt Report" material that can last @SneakyTortoise a month, yet objectively speaking the patches so far have honestly been anything but controversial. The top tier characters have been normalized but remain top tier. As much as @SonicFox5000 's Erron Black gameplay disgusts me, I do not want to see Erron Black be bombarded with constant negative changes. Keep Erron Black top tier but more fair, which is more or less what NRS has done. On the other side of the tier spectrum, some previous low tier characters such as Kenshi and Shinnok have received reasonable adjustments that have propelled them to at least mid tier status. Some work still remains to be done to characters like Kitana and Ferra/Torr while some reoccurring glitches and bugs have to be fixed.

With everything said, I ask the community, has NRS done a good job patching Mortal Kombat X so far? I personally think so. There is a vast improvement from what we have seen in Injustice: GAU and in particular Mortal Kombat 9, so props to the development team, and also quality assurance who tested the game.

Finally, I would normalize the top tier characters some more with the following suggestions. Do you agree with the suggestions? And which characters ought to be buffed?
I don't agree with making shocker -14. The b2 OS is really dumb. Fix that. But don't nerf regular shocker. It's a high and does 9 damage. Ex-shocker is already -14 so blow it up.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
I disagree. Shinnok is a lot better now. More importantly, we're going to see more of him.

Erron is still in the top 5, but reducing his hit advantage off tackle somewhat weakened his oki game. Making sand toss more negative also helped, because now EB players can't just derp sand toss out all the time.

Honestly, i don't want to see EB get nerfed too much more. Good characters should stay good.

I think buffs need to go toward Kitana, Goro, Necro Shinnok again, a few others.
People need to stop with the notion that Shinnok somehow became mid/top tier because obviously they don't play the fucking character to find out his real flaws. For one, he is super meter dependant...without it he's very unsafe and even if he somehow scores a hit, it's barely doing any damage.


Shoulder? UNSAFE.
Sparks? UNSAFE
Amulet? Unsafe up close and doesn't have the range that it seems to be. Plus, it's a high.
Mimicry? UNSAFE.

So he basically has no safe specials to build meter on block. THE ONLY WAY HE CAN BUILD METER IS TO SPEND IT. When other players start realizing this weakness, he is once again going to fall off the map as no one wants to deal with the humongous drawback playing this character.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
The 21 fbc when u expect them to release on the final hit. How is that a gimmick? If you're standing unblocked you're not going to poke out.

Not to mention he has those f3 fbc's which string on hit.

So the best option is for you to eat about 12-15% chip and for him to be left at +8, and that doesn't sound ridiculous to you?

This hellfire scorpion downplaying geeeez. I agree ninjitsu needs some help inferno is fine, but how can u say this variation doesn't need tweaked.
You only eat a lot of chip due the flame aura combined, imo reducing the chip damage of the last hit of the 214 string up a bit and reduce 0,25% more on the aura thick would help out.

But i think eating 12 to 15% by chip is much better than eating another 35% combo and then you risk to lose your all bar you just built.

Its not Downplaying Hellfire is really good, that is why every hellfire scorpion knows he doesn't need anything, no buffs no nerfs, if you mess up with the flame aura thick damage the move might become shit, if you mess up with the block advantage of the FBC he loses the only pressure string that allows him to mix up when he gets the chance, which is the only safe variation he has, 214 is -14 across all variations.

No matter how FBC looks good, the only guaranteed blockstring is 214 FBC, and that string is better guaranteed on a teleport on hit or from a jump in.

People need to explore the other hit confirming strings and see for themselves how can they explore that, to this day on i still hit F3~fbc 114 on block
B3~fbc 214 and ppl just stand there.


You guys will not like what this game will turn into with 1 bar block breakers. I think I said this about 1000 times already. I keep seeing it suggested and it's a bad idea imo.
Care to elaborate?

I think the only downside to it would be characters that build ridiculous amounts of meter (Kung Lao, Raiden, etc) would benefit greatly from this while the other characters who don't will see less of a benefit. Finally get to put some pressure on said characters? BLAM. BLOCK BREAKER. Right back to square one again.


I don't agree with making shocker -14. The b2 OS is really dumb. Fix that. But don't nerf regular shocker. It's a high and does 9 damage. Ex-shocker is already -14 so blow it up.
B2 should be one slap (-7) and then b22 should be the high damage double slap thats full combo punishable. He has been nerfed in so many other directions theres no reason he cant at least have his mixup game since he lost the bulk of his pressure
People need to stop with the notion that Shinnok somehow became mid/top tier because obviously they don't play the fucking character to find out his real flaws. For one, he is super meter dependant...without it he's very unsafe and even if he somehow scores a hit, it's barely doing any damage.


Shoulder? UNSAFE.
Sparks? UNSAFE
Amulet? Unsafe up close and doesn't have the range that it seems to be. Plus, it's a high.
Mimicry? UNSAFE.

So he basically has no safe specials to build meter on block. THE ONLY WAY HE CAN BUILD METER IS TO SPEND IT. When other players start realizing this weakness, he is once again going to fall off the map as no one wants to deal with the humongous drawback playing this character.
I hope all the Shinnok upplay isn't ruining his chances at being "Normalized" in the future
and hopefully becoming viable.

He's crippled in defense and offense when he has no meter

He has to spend a bar to make himself safe/advantage all the time which means he doesn't have the same access
to breaker and EX specials for wakeup and reversals that the other top tier characters have.

His damage is terrible. He spends a bar to get low 20s in damage meanwhile other characters get mid 30s

He has like only 3 strings that are all disadvantage so you cant really mixup or stagger strings.

When is he good and what does he have to compete with? Good footsies? D4xxHS?
He has meter, but then you're opponent baits you into blowing it so you have nothing...
Get 3 bars of meter and chip your opponent for 40%? give me a break. you're never going to have that
much meter and a shinnok player would never spend the meter on something like that unless it was to
closeout a game.

Some matchups in Imposter allow him to vortex meterlessly albeit you're punishable and
getting terrible damage vs other characters that are safe and getting mid 30s in damage?!

Seriously, who are these players who will make this character look good at a major and place top 8
and how are they going to do it?
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Care to elaborate?

I think the only downside to it would be characters that build ridiculous amounts of meter (Kung Lao, Raiden, etc) would benefit greatly from this while the other characters who don't will see less of a benefit. Finally get to put some pressure on said characters? BLAM. BLOCK BREAKER. Right back to square one again.
If you get 1bar block breakers I want 1 bar zone breakers that bring me right in front of you if i do it blocking projectiles

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Care to elaborate?

I think the only downside to it would be characters that build ridiculous amounts of meter (Kung Lao, Raiden, etc) would benefit greatly from this while the other characters who don't will see less of a benefit. Finally get to put some pressure on said characters? BLAM. BLOCK BREAKER. Right back to square one again.
You made one point yourself.

Characters who rely on block pressure, chip and frame advantage will suffer because there will be way too much incentive to block break and kill all their momentum.

Characters with 50/50 mixups will excel more because they can just make the right guess on the first hit to avoid the block breaker in general.

There's a lot of characters that will gain a big advantage just from using push block. Mostly characters with great long range mixups like KJ for example. You'll get push blocked out of your pressure for 1 bar of meter and then they can actually make you respect there options. Not a fair trade off imo.

Block breaker should stay as intended. A way to save you from death at the end of a round. If a character like cage is about to do some massive chip damage while your at around 30% life that 2 bar block breaker becomes very useful. 1 bar would be way too much.
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If you get 1bar block breakers I want 1 bar zone breakers that bring me right in front of you if i do it blocking projectiles
I'm not asking for them. I just wanted to know what his thoughts were on why he felt it's a bad idea and he did just that.