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General/Other - Reptile Reptile Bottom 5

Bottom 5 Yeees?

  • Yes

    Votes: 135 39.0%
  • NO

    Votes: 211 61.0%

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NetherRealm Studios
Its all about the timing of it right? If you do b3 and input ex claw slightly later than just dial in it won't come out vs block but will on hit?
Not quite. There's a bunch of videos regarding how to do it. I know @Pig Of The Hut explained an easy way to do it on his show


I would like better frames on his pokes OR a faster elbow dash

Better recovery on forceballs OR property changes to them like making them a meaty mid

Don't even want (or need) a damage buff.

You're just taking multiple people's requests and lumping them all into one and pretending we're all wanting Reptile to be number one. Most are not saying that. We just want him to not be ass.

You're off on some weird holier than thou anti bottom reptile agenda or some shit. It's kinda comical at this point.
I think you're the one reading between the lines. Most of what I mentioned was stated in the OP as "needed buffs": a safe overhead, better recovery on already solid pokes, another hkd, etc. And that's just the fucking OP... so I'm hardly just cherry picking random posts and compiling them to make you guys look bad.

Hell, even your own post seems a little... greedy. "Well we need this OR that OR the other thing... but fuck the one buff they gave us." Like I said, I'm amenable to the notion that people want a few quality of life changes, but this thread has spiraled out of control which is annoying (plus it gives me something to do when work gets slow).

So I am glad that you're probably a bit more reasonable than the OP, but to suggest that the rest of this thread has been as reasonable is... crazy.


The last Saurian from Zaterra - Syzoth - Reptile
Closing in on 2k fights with reptile..
Rapzilla, I'm a big fan, studied your gameplay.

Reptile needs some better frame data. I get pinned by many characters in the corner and can't armor out - Have no teleport - And get interrupted during wakeups. Johnny, Cassie, Sonya, a Kotal, Raiden, and every single god forsaken Lui Kang.
Reptile's uppercut is slow and shorter range than many characters.
Kotal.. the big giant has a much faster d3 than Reptile as well as many other characters (it's also extreme short range)
Reptile's mixups suck. Especially if you compare to the latest DLC character.

I would like to see some quicker frame data. Reptile is very punishable. The klaw needs to be overhead. The fact that it isn't is completely asinine. A slash that arcs over his head is a med? What? I'd say Reptile's learning curve is very high. It takes time to learn how to sidestep his flaws and even then you can easily lose to an opponent based off of the characters they choose.

Also, not that they'd change this but.. Reptile's brutalities SUCK. Spit over their mouth. They die, (not much of an animation) Rip their heart out with your tongue.. assuming you can lick the everloving crap out of your opponent midfight and finish it with the 2% damage move. Noxious's uppercuts their headoff.. mind you this same fatality was in the very first couple of MKs. And reptile doesn't catch or eat their head. Deceptive requires you to repeatedly waste bars vomiting on your opponent. Whats the animation? He pukes on their face and only the front half of their skull melts... not even through the skull. Just their face. Only the front half. and all that acid that pours over their chest? Doesn't leave a mark. Knee Kapper is the only one I'm okay with. His secret input for his first one is kinda cool. Sucks it can't occur in air.
Reptile had so much Brutality potential.. His grab coulda slashed them to pieces. His Pounce coulda ripped right through the opponent.
These brutalities prevent Reptile from being competitive in ladders.
His fatalities. His deceptive brutality and splits their head in half.. Looks rushed and one of the least brutal fatalities. And His second he dissolves his opponent in acid. Which... he also has been doing since mk3? But Atleast it's the best he has.
Sorry this rant has been long coming :(

Acid Hand

The Acid Hand
Closing in on 2k fights with reptile..
Rapzilla, I'm a big fan, studied your gameplay.

Reptile needs some better frame data. I get pinned by many characters in the corner and can't armor out - Have no teleport - And get interrupted during wakeups. Johnny, Cassie, Sonya, a Kotal, Raiden, and every single god forsaken Lui Kang.
Reptile's uppercut is slow and shorter range than many characters.
Kotal.. the big giant has a much faster d3 than Reptile as well as many other characters (it's also extreme short range)
Reptile's mixups suck. Especially if you compare to the latest DLC character.

I would like to see some quicker frame data. Reptile is very punishable. The klaw needs to be overhead. The fact that it isn't is completely asinine. A slash that arcs over his head is a med? What? I'd say Reptile's learning curve is very high. It takes time to learn how to sidestep his flaws and even then you can easily lose to an opponent based off of the characters they choose.

Also, not that they'd change this but.. Reptile's brutalities SUCK. Spit over their mouth. They die, (not much of an animation) Rip their heart out with your tongue.. assuming you can lick the everloving crap out of your opponent midfight and finish it with the 2% damage move. Noxious's uppercuts their headoff.. mind you this same fatality was in the very first couple of MKs. And reptile doesn't catch or eat their head. Deceptive requires you to repeatedly waste bars vomiting on your opponent. Whats the animation? He pukes on their face and only the front half of their skull melts... not even through the skull. Just their face. Only the front half. and all that acid that pours over their chest? Doesn't leave a mark. Knee Kapper is the only one I'm okay with. His secret input for his first one is kinda cool. Sucks it can't occur in air.
Reptile had so much Brutality potential.. His grab coulda slashed them to pieces. His Pounce coulda ripped right through the opponent.
These brutalities prevent Reptile from being competitive in ladders.
His fatalities. His deceptive brutality and splits their head in half.. Looks rushed and one of the least brutal fatalities. And His second he dissolves his opponent in acid. Which... he also has been doing since mk3? But Atleast it's the best he has.
Sorry this rant has been long coming :(
I agree with much of what was said about the fatalities and brutalities...at this point I would be grateful for any improvements for the actual character.


Reptile needs some better frame data. I get pinned by many characters in the corner and can't armor out - Have no teleport - And get interrupted during wakeups. Johnny, Cassie, Sonya, a Kotal, Raiden, and every single god forsaken Lui Kang.
Reptile's uppercut is slow and shorter range than many characters.
Reptile's mixups suck. Especially if you compare to the latest DLC character.
I'd worry more about QOL than better frames. If, long-term, he's falling behind in the buttons department, sure, give them a look. But I'd like to see the Reptile NRS seemed to be going for off the ground. Then there'd be ample time to see if his buttons are too weak. Being trapped in the corner is something other characters have to deal with, sometimes with similarly risky (or expensive) options. In that respect I'd say it's Reptile's meter addiction that hurts him there.
As for his d3, d4's slower but is sufficiently awesome anyway.

Getting interrupted during wakeups doesn't always happen. In matchups where b34 failed me, I've had options--though quicker forceballs would certainly help there. I'm sure some characters don't even get the option to breeze through wakeup.

A slow uppercut is just another frame thing--somebody in the game has to have a bad one, y'know? I think if Reptile had a decent anti-air that wasn't EX db2, this would be less of an issue.

The klaw needs to be overhead. The fact that it isn't is completely asinine. A slash that arcs over his head is a med? What?
I don't think it needs to be. It can be reacted to during a blockstring anyways, and mixing it up with slide is probably riskier than it's worth. It'd be gravy.

Also, not that they'd change this but.. Reptile's brutalities SUCK.
Agreed. A lot of effort for some rather lame payoffs. As for his fatalities, I'm in the Maximilian boat of "I love his first fatality because it sucks". Silver linings and all that.


Full Combo Punishable
Yup. Besides being a marginal character at best, his brutalities are stupid hard to do (and suck) and his fatalities look like they were slapped together at the end of the development cycle to beat the release deadline. Compared to some of the more detailed and badass fatalities (Ermac, for instance), Reptile definitely got the short end in this category.


Syzoth of the Devil Reef
Also, not that they'd change this but.. Reptile's brutalities SUCK. Spit over their mouth. They die, (not much of an animation) Rip their heart out with your tongue.. assuming you can lick the everloving crap out of your opponent midfight and finish it with the 2% damage move. Noxious's uppercuts their headoff.. mind you this same fatality was in the very first couple of MKs. And reptile doesn't catch or eat their head. Deceptive requires you to repeatedly waste bars vomiting on your opponent. Whats the animation? He pukes on their face and only the front half of their skull melts... not even through the skull. Just their face. Only the front half. and all that acid that pours over their chest? Doesn't leave a mark. Knee Kapper is the only one I'm okay with. His secret input for his first one is kinda cool. Sucks it can't occur in air.
Reptile had so much Brutality potential.. His grab coulda slashed them to pieces. His Pounce coulda ripped right through the opponent.
These brutalities prevent Reptile from being competitive in ladders.
His fatalities. His deceptive brutality and splits their head in half.. Looks rushed and one of the least brutal fatalities. And His second he dissolves his opponent in acid. Which... he also has been doing since mk3? But Atleast it's the best he has.
Sorry this rant has been long coming :(
Buffing his brutalities and fatalities is a top priority. Fuck his damage and his framedata, I want some cool reptilian illuminati shit.
Reactions: JDM


The last Saurian from Zaterra - Syzoth - Reptile
The lack of creativity is so... heartbreaking when it comes to every single one of his finishers. We need a thread, a petition, and a militia to get word out that they screwed Reptile fans in that department so whole heartedly that we don't need an apology. We need a remedy.

I dont get the complaints about acid balls.. that's the one part of his play I like. It's true that stopping the acid ball is useless online.. but you can time it well offline.

His costume I saw someone complain about somewhere. I love his bone armor. I think it fits his background and personality PERFECTLY. I would however like to see him have a tail again..

Back to our subject though: Someone does have to have the low end uppercut. I agree. But it's his only anti air, unless you count the Overhead klaw which never works for me. (Especially online.) Put Reptile up against the newest DLC and it's like pay to win. She has more mixups, better uppercut, better pokes, better brutalities and fatalities. Her air game, teleports, and pole standing makes a matchup between her and reptile a 9-1. In her favor. If I believed in 10-0 I may argue she is one.

Someone said the klaw pounce should be long distance only. I disagree. The pounce is one of my favorite tools. Unpredictability is key. You're the last of the Saurian race. You rely on your animalistic instincts to protect your species from extinction. You're wild. And that pounce is wild. I love it and cry it doesn't have a brutality... it's enhanced is completely stupid though and I'd be okay with it tracking movement. The background of Reptile and the lore behind him is rich and full of potential. I wish NRS would tap into it further. But nah.


Beware my power.
Reptiles claw swipe being an overhead would do literally nothing for the character or the move itself, you guys need to realize this. Damage buff isn't going to solve the problems in MUs he has already.

IMO he needs 2 things faster forceballs (startup or recovery) and f412 to be neutral on all hit since he gets the most milage off this string in all variations. He would need a faster poke if the string became neutral because that's where his mixup a would come from

Make sense?

Agree, disagree?


Syzoth of the Devil Reef
People complaim that he's not a green ninja anymore because they are nostalgic. Ermac was changed too, but a Legion is a whole lot scarier than a green gecko. Myself, I love his looks. The alternative color for the Kraken costume is just great, like a tropical Deep One. I love his standard costume and his klassic costume too.

A tail would be good if it was inserted in the original concept. I mean, like a Tail Pounce? The range would be better, the anti air potential would be better, and it would look great, too. Can you imagine the potential of a B4 using a tail? The creative combos reptile could have?

NRS, gibe a visual rework plos or i report you


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Reptiles claw swipe being an overhead would do literally nothing for the character or the move itself, you guys need to realize this. Damage buff isn't going to solve the problems in MUs he has already.

IMO he needs 2 things faster forceballs (startup or recovery) and f412 to be neutral on all hit since he gets the most milage off this string in all variations. He would need a faster poke if the string became neutral because that's where his mixup a would come from

Make sense?

Agree, disagree?
Damage goes a long way in making matchups go from even to advantage or disadvantage to even, if the increase is great enough, since it increases the worth of your risks.


The last Saurian from Zaterra - Syzoth - Reptile
Its necessary to be an overhead because the animation is overhead (1) and (2) Without it his only practical overhead is b2.

Reptile players tend to do enough lows to keep the opponent blocking low. Then what? They just block infinitely cause they can outrange your only overhead. I want the overhead. But some of people's suggestions have been suitable or even more than enough.


f412 to be neutral on all hit since he gets the most milage off this string in all variations. He would need a faster poke if the string became neutral because that's where his mixup a would come from

Make sense?

Agree, disagree?
I'm inclined to disagree. I'd prefer his other strings gain more mileage, rather than forcing him to rely on a single string to get everything done. That said, I still think looking into his normals should come much farther down the line.

Damage goes a long way in making matchups go from even to advantage or disadvantage to even, if the increase is great enough, since it increases the worth of your risks.
Well said. I've been harping on the damage angle, but if 'roiding up Reptile makes his risks worthwhile, so be it. It wouldn't make db4 or meterless db2 practical, but it's a start.
It's definitely the easiest solution on paper--a few people have remarked how delicate forceball frames could be to balance.


Reptiles claw swipe being an overhead would do literally nothing for the character or the move itself, you guys need to realize this. Damage buff isn't going to solve the problems in MUs he has already.

IMO he needs 2 things faster forceballs (startup or recovery) and f412 to be neutral on all hit since he gets the most milage off this string in all variations. He would need a faster poke if the string became neutral because that's where his mixup a would come from

Make sense?

Agree, disagree?
Someone has already said why having an overhead safe special move would be great for reptile. You'd have a "50/50' off of certain strings (34B3 or 34Claw I think is the string) and you can end your stuff safely into a special move to build slight meter.

I'm still adamant that his most necessary buff besides forceball recovery/startup is F21 1+3 costing no meter. Would help so much.


Why is this thread still open? There's extreme upplaying and extreme downplaying going on along with the demand of unreasonable buffs. No progress is going to be made when the 2 sides arguing are the ignorant and the stupid.

Let Reptile rest in peace. If the damage buff is indeed true I think it's probably the only buff he's getting. NRS wants him to stay that way.
Wow how dare people have a conversation about their character.


RIP Ex Smash
Why is this thread still open? There's extreme upplaying and extreme downplaying going on along with the demand of unreasonable buffs. No progress is going to be made when the 2 sides arguing are the ignorant and the stupid.

Let Reptile rest in peace. If the damage buff is indeed true I think it's probably the only buff he's getting. NRS wants him to stay that way.
When you consider the Kenshi that shipped with the game and the current Kenshi we have now, it's pretty clear that NRS has no fuking clue what they want.


Soul Stealing Loyalist
everyone seems to agree that reptile is bottom ass tier; didn't look so to me, but I really rarely play with him.

so can somebody, perhaps a reptile main, tell me why is he that low in the tier list?