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General/Other - Kobu Jutsu Tanya Kobu Jutsu Discussion Thread

sry if already known.

in kobu jutsu Tanya can get 10% safe/inescapable chip with a bar off of B1
and the block string builds 2/3rds of a bar

Inputs are B1 2+4 ( slight delay) DF2,DF1,EXDF2
sry if already known.

in kobu jutsu Tanya can get 10% safe/inescapable chip with a bar off of B1
and the block string builds 2/3rds of a bar

Inputs are B1 2+4 ( slight delay) DF2,DF1,EXDF2
Tanya also gets slightly more chip damage and same meter by replacing b1 2+4 with 34. The 3 is slower at 11 frames and is high but you then have the option of not canceling as 34 is +1 on block, then you can mix it up with b1, b2, pokes etc.

Also tp canceling can be very useful for pressure, f2xxtele cancel and b1xxtele cancel are +1 or +2 on block I believe and b2xxtele cancel makes it safe against reptiles ex slide.

b2 is an excellent tool despite being unsafe, it is an armor breaker and a very fast mid. The only problem is that it's horribly unsafe without a tele cancel, so mastering the tele cancel will be vital for this move's usefulness.

Kobu also has a nice option on tele away. If your opponent tries to punish your unsafe string then you can tele away into airborne df2 as a whiff punish hkd for some oki shenanigans.


how are people getting interrupted?
I set Cassie to EX Flipkick reversal and I'm not getting interrupted

I'm not sure what the frame data for cassie is on her Ex flipkick. I'll check it out this evening after work and get back to you on that but I'm pretty sure some characters can armor through it.
You can interrupt only if you do the 2nd and 3rd part of df2 df1 df2 too slow, cuz you can alter the timing. If you do it fast nothing can interrupt or backdash it.
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You think you bad? You aint bad.
You can interrupt only if you can do the 2nd and 3rd part of df2 df1 df2 too slow, cuz you can alter the timing. If you do it fast nothing can interrupt or backdash it.
So we can use it kinda like a ghetto frame trap huh? Ive caught lots of people trying to mash through it. But thats just online. Timing fucks everyone

Apex Kano

Kano Commando main MKX
How are you going to criticize someone for saying bae, then immediately say "wifey"?

Anyway, I'm gonna start here and learn the basics before I try to learn Naginata.

Probably going to stick with this one though, as I love rushdown.
Because Wifey is a better word

AK Harold

Cuz I don't have time. Do those variation strings break armor consistentently? Especially asking about low profile armor like sub slide.


Finding a Main
I find njp 34 xx db4 easier after starter xx df2 df1 df2 EX because half the time I get her df2 dive instead of njp after ji3 xx df3. Same damage, maybe 1% less.


I find njp 34 xx db4 easier after starter xx df2 df1 df2 EX because half the time I get her df2 dive instead of njp after ji3 xx df3. Same damage, maybe 1% less.
Yes, I want to talk about combo finishers for Kobu Jutsu, I find problems after the df2 Ex:
-As you say sometimes it does the dive if you go for the Ji3-bf3-d2
-If you choose to NJP sometimes whiffes also,maybe 50% of time
So I am testing to finish the df2EX with
-A string/hit(maybe a simple 4)-df2-df1-df2 but the timing is strict,sometimes the last df2 whiffes
-34-db4 perhaps its the best option
-b1-2+4-1+3 ,does less damage but it works 100%



You think you bad? You aint bad.
-That b2 ender into telecancel has been quite some success for me.
-So far ive shut down Raiden, Liu Kang and Jax in the corner on their wakeups.
-Anyone know the frames of the telecancels.? Not sure if anyone spoke on this yet.
Yes, I want to talk about combo finishers for Kobu Jutsu, I find problems after the df2 Ex:
-As you say sometimes it does the dive if you go for the Ji3-bf3-d2
-If you choose to NJP sometimes whiffes also,maybe 50% of time
So I am testing to finish the df2EX with
-A string/hit(maybe a simple 4)-df2-df1-df2 but the timing is strict,sometimes the last df2 whiffes
-34-db4 perhaps its the best option
-b1-2+4-1+3 ,does less damage but it works 100%

1 - I do ji4-df3-d1 and I've never had problems with something else coming instead
2 - True njp whiffs, that's a bad option
3 - For a string try b1 2+4, df2 df1 df2, but make a slight delay after the first df2
4 - 34 db4 is the easiest option and works great
5 - This is easy as well and good for side switch

Personally I go for b1 2+4, df2 df1 df2ex, ji4 df3 d1 ( you switch sides here, so if you want a corner carry run under them ) b1 2+4, df2 df1 df2 - 37%, builds 40% bar and corner carry for about 60% of the screen. b3 starter is 33%


Stumbled on a bit of a option select she has. If you input B3, 1 DF2, on hit you get what you inputed but if your opponent blocks the string low, the first hit is blocked the second hit whiffs and then you get the third part of the B3,1,2 string which is + 2 on block.

The DF2 (Tonfa Swipe) will only come out on block if your opponent standing blocks the second part of the string B3,1,2 which no one will want to do.
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I find this variation hard to land her big combos with when actually in battle. Practice I can nail all her bnb's but not when it counts. I have to switch to Pyromancer