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Question - Mileena The One Major Buff Mileena Needs. Do you agree?

Would plus on hit Low Sai across all variations to Mileena be a fair way to buff her?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 43.5%
  • No

    Votes: 25 36.2%
  • How Plus?

    Votes: 14 20.3%

  • Total voters


TYM White Knight
Before I get 100 people in here telling me Mileena doesn't need buffs, please read this first. I am not asking for a safe 50/50 launcher! I am asking for a tool that is 100% punishable on block and fits her high risk high reward arch type.

Here is my proposed buff along with my reasons as to why it would round out the character in all three variations:

1) Make her Low Sai + on hit (around +5 to +7), while keeping it punishable on block. (high risk/reward)
2) Make it available in ALL varations.

Whoa whoa whoa, all variations, am I nuts!?

Just check out this breakdown for all three which I have spent time in.

By far the most competitively ready Mileena variation. This variation DOMINATES the other two as far as usage and for good reason. She has access to low sai to low profile projectiles, has greater range, and in general is much easier to jump in and play. (you don't have to worry about positioning reversals as much as ravenous)

The only issue with piercing is that every single person is now learning that after blocking the lows in her string (mind you the ex overhead and the low portions are a 50/50) to stand up and negate all of her offensive pressure. Most of her strings at the end do leave her negative with the exception of 123 (which is high mid mid).

Well what will the + on hit low sai do? Plus on hit low sai adds another dimension to her mixups. It's not going to give you a combo, but it could guarantee you a d4/ex overhead mixup. For instance. Her 214 string which is high low oh is currently one of her main mixup strings. If we introduce the plus on block low sai her mixup potential turns into 2 -Ex Roll for a combo, 2 - Low Ball roll for a combo, 214 for the overhead ender or 21~low sai for the + on hit non comboable ender. The follow up to this would be a d3/d4 check, ex roll, or a string check. All of the options above end her pressure if guessed correctly, and in 3/4 of those situations nets you a full combo punish. Fair no? The plus on hit low sai simply gives her a way to maintain momentum.

All of Mileenas strings are quite slow in regards to other characters. She has her fastest high (2) at 10f and her fastest mid b1 (11f). She isn't going to get any mileage out of her one string overhead which is over 30f of startup.

You can see how this will help her neutral and pressure game tremendously without having to alter ANY of her normals.


By far the largest benefactor of plus on hit low sais being added to the variations.

Ravenous is an enigma to me. We have this great tool (low pounce) which we can use after conditioning opponents to block low...except we can't really condition opponents to block low AND use it in the neutral.

Some of the tick throw setups to actually land the pounce are:

d1 (11f)
d3 (10f)
f4 (12f)
2~tick (10f high but the next hit in the string is a low. The best mixup she has for pounce)

Now, the problem is. On all of those options the opponent literally has no reason to ever be blocking low. You can't condition them to. Even off of her poke tick setups, if you hit, the pounce whiffs, if it's block the opponent just has to counter poke as they normally would. There is no threat of the pounce. With the exception of 2~low pounce, you are never in a viable position to land the pounce. Even if F12~pounce tick throwed it would help tremendously, but it doesn't. I have no viable way to keep someone blocking low during a combo and have the pounce connect. The fear of EX ball is to great.

Well, what will plus on hit low sai do? Plus on hit low sai gives me a conditioning tool to FORCE opponents to start blocking low. For instance lets look at F12b4. The low hit in the b4 will force an opponent to block low, however afterwards they are free to start pressure or simply stand block and blow you up for attempting the pounce. If we added low sai into her mixup potential, the opponent now has to respect the option that at any point in my strings I could cancel into low sai and on hit be at plus frames or on block get blown the fuck up. It is an option to open up the pounce which would greatly aid the variation.

So instead of the setups above, you could have:

F12B4~low sai into another pressure string.
F12B4~Ex roll
21~low sai into pressure string
B12~low sai
B12~pounce (B12 becomes a great neutral tool)

Her whole game gets opened up and the character is allowed to breathe.


Ethereal while suffering from other problems gains from this as well. Being able to cancel into either the sai (which would force opponents not to press buttons) or the tele to get away/in would help her tremendously as well.

The low sai on hit+ would give her a F4/ex roll mixup or allow her to maintain block pressure into teleport run aways.

The low sai would also give her stronger zoning option within the variation. She wouldn't be just limited to a high projectile and could low profile projectiles being tossed at her while zipping around the screen. It would round out her variation and make it a hell of a lot more viable.

Those are my thoughts on why + on hit low sai (punishable on block) added to all of Mileena's variations would fill in her hoels and create a MUCH more well rounded fair and balanced character. She still has no safe 50/50, she is still high risk high reward, it fills in the wholes that pounce needs, it opens up more Ex ball mixups, but everything is still a hard read.

What do you think? Is this change fair and reasonable?

Is it not?

@colt Would you please consider?
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"Cheap Grubber"
It's definitely not unfair IMO. What's fair about being punished for hitting a move? I definitely think it should be plus on block, and it won't even help her that much.


TYM White Knight
i dont get why you said across all variations then she only has Low Sais in Piercing
but yeah im for it
it would be kl to have some sort of pressure up close....
Read number 2 of the buff suggestion "2) Make it available in ALL variations"


Rhizomes and moustaches
I am definitely feeling that ppl are starting to realize the overhead ending to the string. Really as the move is now I don't feel comfortable using it in any situation (unless I am full screen). What good is it if I can't use it? If I can't use it why is it specific to the variation? I think if it was better it might not fit in with ravenous. Ethereal I could definitely see though. Since ravenous has the low pounce idk that it needs it.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
interesting thoughts @TakeAChance

i agree what your saying about making piercings low sai more plus on hit (seems +1/2 since last patch), much like with what was being said before telekick was changed it seems fair that plus frames should be given to a move thats a full combo on block and a very low reward damage wise on hit

about putting the move in other variations,
i could see it fitting into ethereal very nicely, would fit the style (my personally hope for that variation is for ex fade to get 2 hits of armor like ex kano ball/ex punchwalk to really push home the zoning/anti zoning/baiting style of that variation since see loses so much damage/normals etc in ethereal)

with ravenous i totally get what your saying about the low pounce conditioning, another possible way around that would be if high/low pounce worked like shazams high/low ones from injustice(maybe make high pounce more punishable if this was done) but all that might be too much.
i liked reos idea of a ex pounce with armor and the point of ravenous is maybe meant to be her in your face variation so i duno if it would still be true to that design if a extra zoning tool of a low sai was given

maybe even if they gave her ex telekick armor on wakeup only (like the other ex teleports in game...besides ex fade :()


I'm a literal Sloth
I didn't read the OP because it's too long (Sorry Chance <3), as much as I'd like to play Mileena again, the only thing that would make her playable to me would be faster normals. Everything else is fine for me.


TYM White Knight
I didn't read the OP because it's too long (Sorry Chance <3), as much as I'd like to play Mileena again, the only thing that would make her playable to me would be faster normals. Everything else is fine for me.
You should really read the op! You would if you truly hearted me.


Do not touch me again.
Disagree as a pretty frequent Mileena player. Her other two variations just need to be retooled, and neither one needs the low sai to be viable if the variations worked as intended.

I also don't mind the recovery on Mileena's low sai. the problem with projectiles being plus on hit in this game is that full screen they're insanely plus which grants free run in pressure and other annoying stuff. Mileena doesn't need all that and the game's dumb enough as it is.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
She can already 50/50 opponents on many instances. I don't think giving another chance to do it, with a projectile that would be + on hit and is a low-profiling move nonetheless, would be fair.

I think the only thing Mileena needs is a faster normal to help her in the neutral. Same as all other characters with the problem of having slow normals.


Good read. Well thought out. I agree with a lot of you're saying for how it would open up her offense more.

The thing is, Low Sai is pretty much the biggest benefit Piercing truly has over her other variations. (Aside from B12 gaining range of course). And while it would certainly be great if this happened, I think, just based on the idea of the variation system, they wanted the variations to play somewhat differently. If all variations had Low Sai and EX Low Sai, do you think it could make Piercing almost useless? Just honestly curious.

Instead of Low Sai, what if High Pounce was an unblockable grab and only avoidable by ducking? (or jumping...like regular Throws). That way, it's still a mind game, one that's a lot safer and less expensive than EX Roll, and would force opponents to think about ducking. Not a ton of damage, and not even enough frames to capitalize on the oki. But still a guess. (I could see a lot of players viewing this as unfair, but I mean... after seeing Erron Black, is it really?)

Ethereal, I think, is a much stronger argument for Low Sai, because it's basically the "Anti-Zoning and Gimmicks" variation. I could see Low Sai helping here the most.

Better counter-poke normals would benefit her more, imo. And it would be easier to fit into all 3 variations.
- D1 is slower than most characters... everything. And it has no range. (Maybe make D1 6f, and have better range so it actually touches the opponent.)
- Her D3 is good for evasiveness, but could be better on speed as well to take advantage of frame trapping. (Maybe make D3 7f-8f)
- Her Standing 1 is over 13f for a jab. Why not make that 9f?
- Finally, better recovery on strings overall. (F23, 21, and F44 all being -5 or less perhaps?)
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she needs better frame data, since all her stuff starts up slow she should have more moves that are slightly plus or only slightly negative on block.
this would make her quite good midrange, but weak up close. right now she's only alright midrange, and weak up close.

it would make her have a unique yet still viable playstyle in this game.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
It's neutral or at the very best +1.
it's not neutral it's either +1 or +2.
yea 16 bit is right if you just record low sai on hit and hold up you can see its around 1 or 2 alright.
i thought this was already mentioned in the general discussion thread after the last patch though :confused:
where we were discussing was it a stealth change when they were fixing telekick because both were listed as minus on hit on release

i thought the discussion on giving low sai plus frames was about giving her more to do with the risk of the move when used in mixups.
mileena doesnt get much from +1/+2 but what a d2 check(depending on mu) since thats her fastest?