I don't play Kenshi in this game, and I will say the frame data on his normals (well, even some of his specials, but that's not relevant here) is absolutely inexcusable.
And let's take a look at your avatar for a second, your forums were heralding the curtain call for Sub-Zero after trivial clone adjustments with the last patch. LOL.
Let me make one thing clear, I think anyone in the Sub Zero community is just as bad if they are pretending that clone changes significantly hurt the character. For starters they've been completely worked around in the corner where it's most relevant, and on top of that it's a nerf that I think SHOULD be implemented, and now that a work around is found should be looked at again. I think it's way too hard for a lot of the cast to punish, even if some have no trouble with it, that's silly balancing. Unlike some posters on this forum, I don't let bias influence my opinion, otherwise I'd be on board with all the rest of the Kenshi crew as well whining for buffs as well. Be realistic, I'm not saying he's top tier, but he's far from the unplayable pick Pig wants people to believe
FFS, come play me or
@Pig Of The Hut in Kenshi mirror and show us how good Kenshi really is.
We gonna record it and stream it so everybody can see how you should properly play Kenshi and your godlike skill with the character. Coz obviously, we have no clue.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying, you guys are complete Kenshi scrubs , that's why Pig got top 32 with Kenshi, so let me just whip my dick out and come show you all my sick moves bro.
Or not, because the statement I'm making here is not that you guys are bad with Kenshi and don't get results, because that would make no sense, look at Pigs Kenshi play. I'm saying that you guys are the kings of downplaying and whining for buffs, which would make perfect sense, considering the top 32. I'm not trying to convince you of anything, you guys play him too, so I know that deep down you guys know as well as I do that this character isn't as unplayable as you are trying to convince everyone, so the two of you can participate in that pissing contest without me, whoever wins between Kenshi and Kenshi has zero relevance his balance in relation to the rest of the cast.
Lol at I-Got-Hands, you may got hands but certainly not the brain.......
Jk dude but listen to the people here they know what they are talking about
"Don't have an opinion, come and be a sheep like me instead, that's how the real brainy ones get by!" Ok dude, very convincing argument there