Hi guys!
So ive spent loads of time with Raiden in the lab (Thunder god variation), and playing online, he is without a doubt going to be my main in this game. Ive watched different players around the world play him, but still im seeing combos that are far from maxmized, including when J-Wong is playing him (no disrespect).
The area I chose to focus on when making BnB combos is consistensy, combos that will always connect in high pressure situations, and also not spending more than 1 bar, since meter is so important in this game The trick to getting high damage combos with Raiden is to leaving them standing with b1,4 into shocker, so most of these combos revolve around exactly that. In addition to the consistent combos, I will include different combo options that deal even more damage, but have a much stricter timing, and also some options that some might find easier but still have good damage. The choice is ofc yours what combo you will go for, but consistensy is always a priority in my game. Getting 3-4% extra with a much higher drop percentage? not worth it if you ask me, especially when you make up for those % by getting good chip and building meter with strings like b3,4 hold and f1,2b2 hold. Another thing that is extremely important for Raiden combos is the fireball run cancel, all of the midscreen combos I include here use that mechanic. But with some practice, I pretty much never drop those combos, even online. The window to hit 2,1,4 after the FBC (fireball cancel as it will be called from here on out) is pretty big, and is something that every Raiden player MUST know if they want to maximize combo damage with this character. A general tip for getting the FBC is to wait till the fireball is held before you cancel it with a run. Dont try to cancel it to early, if you do you will get a regular dash. I will mark the combos that is my personal choice, but these refer to online, as that is where I usually play. For my choices offline I will write a note next to the combo. FBC combos in the corner is possible, but it must happen fairly early in the combo, or else the timing is extremely difficult. In time maybe FBC corner combos will be the thing, but it takes some solid execution.
Yellow = My personal choice
(no jump ins are included in these combos).
b2 - b2 - 2,1,4 - df2 EX - b3,2 hold - b3,2 hold - 4 - df2 (50% 1 bar)
b2 - b2 - b1,4 - df2 EX - b3,2 hold - b1,4 - df2 (51% 1 bar)
b2 - b2 - b1,4 - FBC - 2,1,4 - df2 EX - b3,2 hold - b1,4 - df2 (54% 1 bar) - Max from b2 in the corner
b2 - b2 - b1,4 - FBC - 2,1,3 - f1,2b2 - b1,4 - df2 (46% meterless)
b2 - b2 - 2,1,3 - f12b2 - b1,4 - df2 (43% meterless) - This is the one I would go for offline, but its no doubt that the 39% is more consistent online
b2 - b2 - b3,2 hold - NJ1 - b1,4 - df2 (42% meterless)
b2 - b2 - b3,4 hold - b1,4 - df2 (39% meterless)
b3,2 (tap not hold) - 2,1,4 - df2 EX - b3,2 hold - b3,2 hold - 4 - df2 (43% 1 bar)
b3,2 (tap) - 2,1,4 - df2 EX - b3,2 - b1,4 - df2 (45% 1 bar)
Since b3,2 tap is unsafe on block, I tend to just go for b3,3 as it leads to a higher damaging combo. The downside is that if they block you spend a bar of meter since you have to commit to df2 EX, and df2 EX is also unsafe. But the reward is so big with Raiden in the corner, that I personally think its worth taking the risk.
b3,3 - df2 EX - b2 - b3,2 hold - b1,4 - df2 (48% 1 bar)
b3,3 - df2 EX - b2 - 2,1,3 - f1,2b2 - b1,4 - df2 (52% 1 bar) - This combo is very consistent, and offline it is the best combo from b3,3 in the corner, but online it can be tricky, and I am not risking dropping the combo.
b3,3 - df2 EX - b2 - b1,4 - FBC - 2,1,3 - f1,2b2 hold - b1,4 - df2 (55% 1 bar) - Best corner combo possible from b3,3 with 1 bar.
b3,2 hold - b1,4 - FBC - 2,1,3 - f1,2b2 - b1,4 - df2 (35% meterless)
b3,2 hold - 2,1,3 - f1,2b2 - b1,4 - df2 (34 % meterless)
b3,2 hold - j2 - b3,2 hold - b1,4 - df2 (32% meterless)
50% 2 bar restand corner combo
I said I wouldnt include any 2 bar combos, but this combo may actually be worth it, since you get both 50% and you get a restand, it might catch some people of guard and you will get another free combo (not guaranteed since it is from an enhanced throw)
b2 - b2 - b1,4 - FBC - 2,1,4 - df2 EX - b3,2 hold - j2 - f1,2b2 hold - Enhanced throw (50% 2 bar, restand for guaranteed mix up if they dont break it)
MIDSCREEN COMBOS (all the df2 enders in these combos can be replaced with bf3 for corner carry, in exhange for less damage, which often is the best solution as we all know how strong raiden is in the corner):
b3,3 - df2 EX - b1,4 - FBC - 2,1,4 - df2 (42% 1 bar)
b2 - run - b1,4 - df2 EX - b1,4 - FBC - 2,14 - df2 (47% 1 bar) - Not the easiest combo, but the best one of b2 midscreen
b3,2 tap - b1,4 - FBC - 2,1,3 - df2 (30% meterless)
b2 - run - b1,4 - bf3 (24% meterless) - I dont like using b2 at midscreen since it is so extremely punishable, but sometimes you got to mix them up. Reason that im not using FBC combo for this one is that the window for 2,1,4 after FBC is extremely small because of the distance that is created after the b1,4 connects.
2,1,4 - df2 EX - b1,4 - FBC - 2,1,4 - df2 (45% 1 bar)
6 FRAME PUNISH (according to arturo sanchez on next level battle circuit this is actually a 5 frame move)
f1,2b2 tap - b1,4 - FBC - 2,1,4 - df2 (30 % meterless) - If you dont have a bar for 10 frame punish after say scorpions teleport, just use the meterless 6 frame for 30%
f1,2b2 tap - b1,4 - FBC - 2,1,4 - df2 EX - b3,2 hold - bf3 (38% 1 bar)
f2,4 - df2 EX - b1,4 - FBC - 2,1,4 - df2 (40% 1 bar) - Use this punisher for things that are bad on block, but have pushback so f1,2b2 tap or 2,1,4 doesnt reach.
Air to air - f2 - bf3 (15%) - You can get a 40% combo after an air to air, but the timing is very strict, you will drop it. No need to get greedy here, just take the 15% and get the corner carry. I will give you the combo, but there is no need to work on it, because the timing is extremely hard:
Air to air - f2,4 - df2 EX - b1,4 - FBC - 2,1,4 - df2 (40% 1 bar)
If you do not know, f1 is a really good anti air tool, that catches people mid air for a full combo if timed right.
f1 (anti air) - b1,4 - FBC - 2,1,4 - df2 (27% meterless)
f1 (anti air) - b1,4 - df2 EX - b1,4 - FBC - 2,1,4 - df2 (42% 1 bar) - This combo is not easy, the window to hit the 2,1,4 after FBC is very hard. I would go with meterless every time.
Raidens best wake up move is df2 EX, it has armor, its advancing, and it launches for great damage.
df2 EX - b1,4 - FBC - 2,1,4 - df2 (37% 1 bar)
df2 EX - j1 - b1,4 - FBC - 2,1,4 - df2 (40% 1 bar) - It is possible to do, but you are making it alot harder for your self for 3% damage. Again, consistensy, go for the easier version every time.
Personally I think Raiden is a very good character in this game. He has safe pressure strings that builds ton of meter, he has probably the best corner carry in the game with superman/fly, very damaging combos both midscreen and in the corner, a 6 frame punish that leads to a 30% meterless combo, an amazing 50/50, which might be the strongest tool in the game, and decent anti air with f1. Sounds pretty damn good to me lol. In my opinion your general objective playing Raiden should always be to carry them to the corner with superman/fly, and you can do this after hitting with any combo and the fairly safe strings (someone tested these strings, that they can be punished with advancing 9 frame moves, I have never been punished yet though) f1,2b2 hold and b3,2 hold. These strings should be abused, you build half a bar from either of those strings on block. When you get them to the corner, watch their meter so they dont armor you on wake-up (which you can stuff with whiffing the first hit of b3,2), and then apply your mixup. You can also play a good defensive game with Raiden, punishing with 2,1,4 and f1,2b2 for great damage + wall carry if needed. If you punish for instance Scorpions teleport with 2,1,4 for 42% with wall carry (superman ending), and hit with your mixup after in the corner, well then they are pretty much dead (I have made some insane comebacks with this character). Use your meter for armor df2, combos and breaker in crucial moments. I also like to use armor superman against players that constantly spam projectiles, a trick I use is that I block and spam b, what this does is that I only have to react with forward 3 EX when they throw something slow out from range. You have to be careful though, since it is very punishable on block. A little reminder: you can and should switch the df2 combo ender with bf3 for corner carry and less damage from time to time. There is no better situation to be in with Raiden, than to be in the corner, so it should be a priority.
So there you have it, just leave a comment if you think I left something out, or you disagree with something. I am open for other solutions, we should all be here with the mindset that we want to learn. I will keep updating this thread when I come up with new combos/tech for this character. So check in from time to time to see if there is new information.
(My win ratio online with Raiden is 243/12 in player matches, with the criteria of 3 bar connection to accept match. Im praying to the gods of netherrealm that they dont nerf this character)
PS4/TomTomO _ o (no spaces, I get a smiley without spaces) - Hit me up if you have any questions, or if you are a european player who wants to play some matches