What's new

i just got the patch!


Mad scientist
ok, some things ive found.

Net reset still works and its easy. They made it hard to do net reset with the old method of 3,3~net. Instead of doing 3,3~net, just dash up and do 3~net.

Basic combo with this is..

uf+2, 2,1~net, uf+2, 2,1~EXbomb, midbomb, 3~net, u+2, b+2, 1,2,1~ragdoll+throw.... 65% using 1 bar

Ive found a 1 bar net reset combo that does 76%

The damage from all his other regular combos remain the same, wich is a good thing.

far bomb, 2,1,2 reset is still the same, though not that usefull.

b+2, EXbomb, midbomb.. This bomb trap still seems to work.

uf+2, 2,1~EXbomb, midbomb, 3..... This bomb trap doesnt work anymore

Not all is lost with cyrax, even without resets he is still a major player.

If i find anymore interesting stuff ill post them up..


Mad scientist
lol i just found some crazy new technologies with cyrax! i smell a combo video! lets just say this patch doesnt change a thing!

Vulcan Hades

Ive found a 1 bar net reset combo that does 76%.
Are you serious?

lol Cyrax is unnerfable man. Every time they try and tone him down he just finds a way to get around patches and get better. Good news for you guys I guess. Terrible news for me. :(


Is this on the PS3? If so then it might be that with the latest patch you didn't get the hotfix and I think you have to restart the console to get the hotfix.


Mad scientist
Is this on the PS3? If so then it might be that with the latest patch you didn't get the hotfix and I think you have to restart the console to get the hotfix.
Restarted it twice. All these new combos i have still work and there untechable!

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
Interesting, it's the one i posted a couple of months ago but with just one 3 instead of 3,3. I remember trying to pull the 3~net off before the patch but it had to be timed correctly or else the opponent didn't hit the bomb. I thought that cyrax wasn't supposed to do a second net, instead he was going to do the sparks thingy that happens when you try to do 2 consecutives nets. Guess i was wrong!

Haven't played in a week or had the chance to test the update, but man you just made me take my gears 3 disc off the xbox lol!

I told everyone that as soon as the update hit people were still going to find some crazy stuff!


is it me? or does the game speed seems a bit faster? i was practicing for like a hour+ then i downloaded the patch cus i just found out.
but when i go practice again....seems faster.
or maybe is the ganja? hmmmm....


I don't know why I'm finding 3net hard to connect. I so used to 33 net that I keep pressing it without even knowing lol


Dear NRS:

Please ackowlegde that Cyrax will not be fixed until Tony-T is on the payroll.

Best Regards,


Mad scientist
i wont make a vid now as the cats outta the bag. instead ill post up some of the new bnb's as single combo vids..


looks like check beat me too it.. oh well. i was going to record this too..


are you freakin serious
am i right that the net desolved and put the guy into the bomb??? good lord do to cyrax what has been done to csz and dont let the bombs hit.