do i need to write u an essay? lol. If u can't see what i mean, then i dnt know what to tell you. It should be obvious why he is one of the best, it is more than "lol 5f spin bro". But i will list some things for you
*Has teleport/ ex teleport for couterzoning or to close the distance (and he can get a full combo if he hits u with the right options out of it).
*Divekick is a good whiff punisher and in combos provides great corner carry
*mid b3,1,2 string is safe and if u hit it u get a full combo that corner carries alot and if they dnt respect ur spin after they block b3,1,2 they risk getting spinned
*U can not jump at him pretty much because his spin works for in front jump ins and cross up jump ins
*His j2 is great for beating AAs and it has superb reach and leads to a full combo (can beat out moves like scorpions flame aura because the hat takes the hit for him)
*not the most stellar poke game but definitely not a bad one either
*Can even zone decently with a life lead and hold life leads well
*Can punish things no one else in the game can punish (besides raiden with his 5f mid pretty much)
Do i need to list more things? this should do.