Pig Of The Hut
Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
What makes you say his 50/50 is a joke? He nets in the mid 30s for one bar off of it each time he connects and he ends the combo putting them right into his best spacing (3/4-1/2 screen) and can choose which side to maintain corner pressure. I personally don't like spending the extra bar to break into the 40's, but it is certainly a pretty decent option in some situations.
I haven't played him in a super top level setting, so I'm sure that's biasing my opinion somewhat, but so far I've been loving the footsie game in this variation.
The only thing I thinks it really needs is some improvements to his telekinesis options; slightly more range on the bf2, slightly less recovery on bf3, and slightly better aerial hitbox on db4 for better AA options would go a REALLY long way in making this variation a ton stronger.
I could be wrong though. Mostly interested in discussing what makes you feel otherwise.
I've spoken about this 24/7 for a week over now so I'm gonna copy paste a txt msg I think will help cover some issues
Kenjutsu issues:
- if u want any dmg whatsoever u need meter
- risking df1 for 7-9%??? Doesn't launch and if wrong u risk 7-9% for 40% into a reset
-bf3 is -1000000 one of his best whiff punishing tools but meh
-db1 leads to next to nothing other than a just frame d1 to ender and is not good for dmg, or aa. Pretty crap move/punishable and when d2/d4/b4/d1 exist as better anti airs it makes this move even more trash
- bf2 is good but no Y axis hitbox
-b2 is gutter trash design, convince me plz otherwise
-322 <--- last hit should be OH
- 441<---- use to be OH launcher string as did b2 for other variations possessed and balanced
- to do good dmg u need 2 bars other wise u can hit low 30s off punish confirms into ex df1 or risky punishable ex df1
- db 4 doesn't combo leads to nothing without meter. No reason to use this move without *of course* spending a bar. Terrible Y axis hitbox if any
- ex db1 is absolutely worthless
-f2 slow start up hella punishable overhead meanwhile Jaqui looks over and says "HI Kenshi check out my -5 on block OH launcher, btw I got them LOWS too and they all lead to one place ......meterless 40% dmg combo and safe...get some BTW SEE YOUR FRAMES??? Yea I stole that too from u" -signed Jaqui /quan and family
-d3 is salt in the wound seeing how it is made a mid
Then there's just simple logic: 15+ characters have at least 3-5 if not all of these for all variations
-50/50 and some safe are safe launchers
-meterless dmg
-no worthless moves
-hella better normals
Need I say anymore ??? I'm done