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Match-Up Discussion - Johnny Cage Johnny Cage Matchup Thread


Thought I would get the ball rolling on this!

Post thoughts on matchup specific tech/strategies, or ask for advice on specific matchups.

Played a really long set offline with a Grandmaster Subzero and a Lackey Ferra/Torr

Here's my thoughts thus far (still early to say anything definite about who's favor they are in, so keeping it to details i noticed for now)

First off, I would recommend Stunt Double for this MU. Found out quickly trying to approach subzero with run cancel pressure meant running into ice clones, which was bad news bears. Instead, I found a slower, more methodical approach was needed. Hanging back just outside his footsie range is good; if he throws an errant ice ball, you can jump and maybe punish, if he tries to move forward you can intercept him with your better buttons (f3, f24, etc), and if he tries to set up an ice clone and try to zone you by sticking to his ground, yo can use your own cloned shadow kick to force him to block.

This leads me to the next detail i found important in this MU: keeping at least one clone at hand is very important. i found myself adjusting to never use two clones in a combo unless for kill because it was just too valuable in neutral and wakeup not to have. clone shadow kick actually goes throw the ice clone, which very few (if any?) other projectiles do. This gives you something to make him think about laying clones in neutral. Almost more importantly, you will want to keep a clone stocked in case you find yourself at the defensive end of an oki situation. Ice clone (particuarly in the corner) generally demands you respect SZ's pressure on your wakeup, but if you have a bar and a clone ex clone uppercut will force SZ to block, giving you time to retaliate. This is of course expensive, but can be super worth it to get out of a very bad situation.

JC outclasses SZ in both footsie and damage i feel, and small hits add up fast. SZ doesn't do very much damage and his string aren't the greatest, so if you can keep a midgame neutral game going and focus on never taking risks that mean you get knocked down, you should do a okay.

Holy Moly does this guy hit like a truck. Has lots of move with armor, including one that doesn't involve meter burn. This made playing any kind of zoning game kind of risky, as it would let him get in,score a knockdown, and then start his pressure. Also, playing footsie at ranges I was comfortable with seemed dangerous. his low launcher (the scoop, pardon my lack of knowledge on notations) is really good, and he can confirm a solid amount of damage off of it. Between this and his fast, long range overhead that leads into big damage, he's pretty good at catching you by surprsise when you are trying to play your traditional neutral game.

The adjustment I made was always keeping him under up clsoe pressure. I would use my clones to get me there, and then try and be as unyielding as possible. Heads up tho; ya gotta respect his ex dp; safe on block and leads to lots of damage for Torr. this made oki kind of risky when they had resources to play with. I felt as if A List might be a better choice for this MU, since you can keep them lockdown more safely/more consistently.

Red King

One ugly motherfucker!
Full auto jackie is a nightmare. She has a low combo starting projectile, a minigun you cant armor through and a great anti air projectile
Indeed. Full-Auto Jacqui is the only character/variation I've struggled to fight against with Cage. I play A-List, and here's some things I picked up that worked okay:

  • This one probably goes without saying, but remember to duck (not block) her mini-gun projectiles.
  • Don't attempt to armour BF4 through the mini-gun, this doesn't work.
  • You can actually run forward in the gap between projectiles, you just have to time it right - this can look pretty scary and unnerve your opponent into delaying their next projectile.
  • If you find yourself at a distance, try using Johnny's DB2 anti-air projectile - you will take the next mini-gun hit if they're firing rapidly, but because the DB2 arches it takes longer to hit; they will see it coming and block which will give you a little time to advance or follow-up with a DF2 to mix it up.
  • As with most zoning characters, sometimes it's best to get within jumping distance and bait them into attacking you instead of diving in for the assault.
  • This can also apply to mid distance - they will be expecting you to close the gap and might not use projectiles so freely; use your DF2 to keep them guessing.
That's all I've got for now. I'm sure you guys can add to this!
I have a friend that plays Full Auto Jaqui and it's no fun. Ducking and not blocking the minigun if she zones is key to taking a lot less damage and being able to run in between shots, as stated by Red King. Once you get in though, you should be able to pressure her enough to open her up. I've never had an issue once I've gotten in.

On the general Johnny Cage thread I mentioned having difficulty with Mileena (both legit and scrubby), but I think that already got taken care of.

I've had a few issues against a really great Inferno Scorpion last night. The zone was great, his up close game was great, and his combos were flawless, especially it being online. I was able to bum rush him down a few times with run cancels to carry him to the wall, but he still bested me in the end. Kudos to him, probably one of the best people I've seen on ranked thus far.

Thunder God Raiden has been sort of a nightmare for me lately, especially when you get someone who knows what they're doing. I've been able to read that on knockdown they'll pressure your wakeup with Raiden's low BnB, so ex Nut Punch works pretty well with that trade. He's got great range and corner combos for days that makes me want to throw up. Ex Shadow Kick works wonders against his projectiles, as it would with any other character obviously. Dat pressure though.


MK is kinda dope
I picked up Raiden (as I'm sure anybody can tell) and his main objective as Thunder God is to get you in the corner. He has good midscreen combos but the corner is where he shines.

-Make SURE to max punish Raiden's B2 (it's the overhead where he swings his arm down). If he doesn't cancel into shocker (which is -7), then it's a massive -63.

-The problem with Raiden right now is even though he's a very strong char, he's getting away with murder because nobody is punishing him properly. EX Shocker is -14

-Like JC, he has an underrated D4. Good hitbox on it, +19 on hit.

-His EX Jumping move (forget what it's called) DB3? It's 0 on block, EX only. Raidens won't really use this move a lot, most of it will be spent on EX Superman or EX Shocker, both are super unsafe.

I STRONGLY recommend people going into training mode and look at his frame data. I believe even though the game is mostly balanced, YOU WILL be seeing a lot of:

Quan Chi (Summoner, which got a small nerf for the new patch)
Raiden (Thunder God)
Cassie Cage
Jax (Wrestler/Heavy Weapons)
King Jin (Bojutsu got SLIGHTLY nerfed, but not by much. It's crucial you know how to whiff punish his missed JP2)


Just call me Kruce
I think Johnny has a tough match up vs any variation that has a parry. Being that his only low combo starter is 113, and that his jump is floaty, the best punish you can hope for is D4 to start pressure or EX Fireball.

Whenever I fight a Flame Fist Liu Kang, Covert Ops Sonya, Grandmaster/Unbreakable Sub-Zero, etc, I always choose Stunt Double. If you have mimics loaded, you get a good full combo punish with the mimic's Rising Shadow whenever they whiff a parry.
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Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
What is Johnny's best matchup in his favor??
I honestly think it might be Slasher Jason if you're SDJC. You can out zone him because you can D4 his machete toss. Up close all your normals and footsies are better.

He doesnt have any command grabs beyond the choke, which has short range. This also means he can't punish (EX)Nut punch without using meter as an interrupt, and it only gets him like 15%. That's significant because you're more free to use 1,1 after a nut punch and you can go for the follow up 113~(EX)nut punch and it's pretty safe. You'll be able to condition him far easier.

When he comes in with that low into overhead combo starter just block it and full punish. He cant cancel out of it, and it leaves him negative enough for a F3.

This version of Jason just doesnt seem to have a ton of options.

Red King

One ugly motherfucker!
Has anybody got any tips for fighting Kung Lao, specifically the Buzz Saw variation?

I recently played my first match against a decent KL and I got absolutely destroyed. He totally changes the pace of the match to hyper speed; will spend the majority of the time jumping around to avoid pressure (and we all know how fun anti-airing is in MKX), can dive-kick or teleport out of it at any moment into a potentially launching mix-up, has an overhead-overhead string that can be cancelled into Low Hat and if you do guess the hat correctly he can armour Spin your punish attempt for a full combo.

I'm actually surprised I didn't see more of him at the Combo Breaker tournament, but you can see Perfect Legend utilising him exactly as I described at the BAM7 finals in Melbourn:

one of my buddies plays buzzsaw - i actually think its in JCs favor. first thing to know - dont block the hat long ranges. if you neutral jump the hat (mid or low) then it gains way longer recovery (KL can't throw another hat for a few seconds). this means at longer ranges, he can't run in after a hat to start his pressure. as for teleports/divekicks, both of those options are pretty unsafe for him. if you play a patient long distance game, you should be able to punish both on reaction (is DK perfectly punishable on block?? i forget.) the teleport can be d2's for free. these are more or less all his tools he uses at longer ranges to try and get his game started. once you've neutered them its much easier for you to go to work (in stunt double this is even easier since cloned shadow kicks completely outclass any projectile option KL has)

JC beats KL in footsie imo. His D4 is better and KL doesn't have too much to match F3. Assuming you are using Stunt Double or A List, a good strategy is to play footsie and constantly check with d4. D4 ~ F3 is a frame trap, so if you have the resrouces you can either:

STUNT DOUBLE (Clones Active)
D4 ~ F3 xx DB1
D4 ~ F3 xx BF4

A List
D4 ~ F3 BF4RC

If they push any unarmored button, they are going to eat a full conversion. On block, you are at advantage and can start 11 mixup pressure. If you are constantly checking KL with D4, once in a while you can mix them up with F24 from midrange

The OH~OH / OH~low hat mixup in neutral can be kind of a pain, yes, but if you pay attention to KL in that situation, you'll notice the low hat animation startup is long enough and different enough that you can react to it. Always proxy high block until you see the low hat animation, then block low. Also, keep in mind the desired result of a KL player will always be OH~OH since they can make a full conversion out of it, so keep in mind [eating low hat >>>>>>>> eating OH~OH]

Low hat isn't punishable, but it is decently negative on block, meaning once you've blocked one you can start RUN xx 11 pressure, D4 pressure, etc. Yes its true that KL has ex spin, which is REALLY good and has REALLY fast startup, but use the knowledge that this is a go-to move to your advantage - if you can bait your opponent into using it, they waste a meter that couldve been used for damage/breaker, and is also very very punishable on block. Keep in mind its a resource, and KL won't always have EX Sping handy.

One tactic i use against KL with stunt double is after a knockdown i hang out at midrange and either do throw a meaty clone BF4 as KL gets up - if he tries to reversal out of it the kick eats the armor and you can whifff punish it. If he blocks, you can run in and start either 11 or D4 pressure for free. this is a great way to mitigate KL's excellent reversal.

KL is good, but I don't think he's as good as Johnny. You have the tools to make him struggle in footsie, JC does way more damage up front, and in stunt double JC can outzone KL very well. Its a weird match but very doable


I'm struggling in the thundergod matchup. Don't really know how am I supposed to deal with his corner pressure since anything he does leaves Raiden too far from cage after I block it...I can't really reach him except for f3, but both f3 and f34 are punishable by raiden f12.

Looks like his NJP is a real problem too. Has amazing range and if the opponent uses it when Raiden is descending he gets a lot of advantage....at least +10 on block :/.

It's also worth mentioning that his superman goes under my projectiles so Cage forceballs becomes pretty much useless. Raiden can also jump straight forceballs on their startup without any problem even though the projectile clearly goes upwards.

I use Fisticuffs.

Any tips?


fistcuffs cant make F3 safe except by doing F3xxExFB, D4 has a really nice reach, try using it.

Matador Fiend

Dojo Trainee
Cassie gives me alot of trouble. She out pokes johnny and that flip cartwheel thing breaks right through fisticuffs speedbag pressure. That long range string she has that everyone uses to high hell outranges all of my shit too.
Hello there,

if you have any strats against Shirai Ryu Takeda, I will gladly take them as I have the most trouble with him. It seems to be his absurd NJP and traps that get me..

Any advice on the Ermac, Kenshi (Balanced) & Kitana matchup, outside of neutral ducking her fans, and punishing all of Ermac's unsafe special moves?


Up the Irons! \,,/
I need some tips against GM Sub-Zero. I have a local friend who plays amazing with this char. I like JC fistcuffs. But against GM is almost impossible to pressure. Is very very hard for me.
Any tips or I need to change my variation? Thank you in advance.


I need some tips against GM Sub-Zero. I have a local friend who plays amazing with this char. I like JC fistcuffs. But against GM is almost impossible to pressure. Is very very hard for me.
Any tips or I need to change my variation? Thank you in advance.
Against a good GM, A-list and FC is just a terrible Matchup, SD is way better.


I am having a lot of issues against Shinnok lately (boneshaper, but impostor is annoying too) while using A-List.

I really struggle getting close because of his zoning, and when I do it still looks like he has the upper hand. Shinnok pressing is better than A-List, I am always out of range and approaching with f3 against boneshaper is very hard-impossible if the opponent is spacing correctly.
Can't jump to cover the distance too, hellsparks totally shut down this option.

How do we win this? Let's discuss the matchup together.

@rafaw @Name v.5.0 @Killer Xinok @kelevra


I am having a lot of issues against Shinnok lately (boneshaper, but impostor is annoying too) while using A-List.

I really struggle getting close because of his zoning, and when I do it still looks like he has the upper hand. Shinnok pressing is better than A-List, I am always out of range and approaching with f3 against boneshaper is very hard-impossible if the opponent is spacing correctly.
Can't jump to cover the distance too, hellsparks totally shut down this option.

How do we win this? Let's discuss the matchup together.

@rafaw @Name v.5.0 @Killer Xinok @kelevra
Its a tough MU indeed, Hell Sparks on block is -22, i try to keep in the 3 hell spark distance, this way if they enhance it they dont get a free pressure, and if they do a normal one the pressure turns in my favor, pressurewise i think A list got a better one actually, Shinnok depends on meter to get a good pressure.


This is my A-List matchup chart; I'll write numbers only considering the variations against which I had experience.
What do you think? discuss

Kung Lao (Tempest, Buzzsaw) = 3-7
Jax (Heavy Weapons, Pumped up) = 4-6
Sonya (Covert Ops) = 5-5 --- (Demolition) = 4-6
Kenshi (Balanced) = 3-7
Kitana (Royal Storm) = 4-6
Scorpion (Inferno, Ninjustu, Inferno) = 4-6
Sub-Zero (Cryomancer) = 6-4 --- (Grandmaster) = 2-8
Mileena (Piercing, Ravenous) = 4-6
Takeda (Shirai Ryu) = 5-5
Cassie (Hollywood) = 3-7
Jaquie (Full-Auto) = 3.5/6.5
Kung Jin (Bojutsu, Shaolin) = 4-6
Shinnok (Necromancer, Impostor) = 4-6 --- (Boneshaper) = 3-7
Kano (Cybernetic) = 3.5-6.5 --- (Cutthroat) = 5-5
Erron Black (Outlaw, Marksman) = 4-6
Liu Kang (Flame fist, Dragon Fire) = 3-7
Ermac (Master Of Souls) = 4-6
Kotal Khan (War God) = 5-5
Reptile (Noxious) = 5-5
FerraTorr (Vicious) = 4-6
D'Vorah (Brood Mother) = 3.5-6.5
Raiden (Thunder God) = 3.5-6.5 --- (Teleporter) = 6-4
Quan Chi (Summoner) = 5-5
Goro (Kuatan Warrior, Dragon Fangs = 6-4
Jason (Relentless) = 5-5
Tanya (Kobu Jutsu) = 3-7
Predator = ?
Tremor = ?