Cage Redfield
Can he confirm from b32 from a bar into the vortex? I'm trying B32 into Rising Karma, D1 link and I'm missing it. F2 works but you're guessing that'll hit, like Scorpion's overhead in his vortex. Unless you have a full stick of butter, that's a 50/50 reset but definitely not a vortex.@Cage Redfield you're super wrong, kenshi is able to start vortex on hit confirm for 1 bar right now, he doesn't have to commit in kenjutsu until he is sure the EX DB4 will connect and open up the 50/50 situation. I think vortex is probably the wrong name for it, I mean you get one rep, and if you want 2 reps it takes 3 bars. I'll definitely give you that one, but there is absolutely a 50/50 in that situation. F2 Overhead ~ EX DF1 versus B3 Low ~ EX DF1 is very difficult to see and react to, the overhead looks way faster and harder to see than scorpion's overheads in MK9 so I think it's a totally good option. At worst you're -10 at point blank, at best you're doing 50% life for one bar. It's definitely based around both a bar of meter and a correct guess, though, so I have to concede there are concerns with it. But with how fast the low transitions into the overhead... that's gonna be really hard to block for most people for a while. In the early meta this is basically an unblockable until people really start looking for this, and once they do, we get to open up with more options, and therefore more mind games and damage sources. It's exciting stuff
That still doesn't change the point I made in my post in which Kenjutsu requires meter for solid damage and waking up. How are you able to 50/50 the opponent after a BF3? They get put at round-start positioning after it hits and trying to run up and do b3/f2 doesn't seem possible due to how fast they get up. EN BF3 seems to allows this, but you're spending a bar for an oki situation into a 50/50 that does 20-ish% for overhead/17% for low for another bar into a 50/50 that does 14% for OH/17% for Low. I don't know about you, but I feel like that super isn't worth the risk of getting bopped in the mouth by an armored move like EN Punchwalk or EN Lift from Ermac.Just wait until you start getting repeatedly thrown around by BF3 from ridiculous ranges, are dropped right next to kenshi, then are put into a free 50/50 oki situation unless you armor to stand up. BF3 is a pretty retarded move in that variation if you're getting good hits with it.