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does anyone have tips on how to connect d1 after db1 launcher with Kenjutsu Kenshi?
From what I can figure out it is one of his most important specials for long combo's but I have serious troubles connecting the d1, it feels like a 1 frame link and if i miss it i waste meter on EX-db4

[edit] oh and is it harder to connect the d1 after you start your combo with b3,2 xx db1, d1 ?

it seems really impossible to hit the combo if i input the 2 after the b3


Blind justice....
Balanced is the only version with meterless combos that are worth anything though... The other variations completely need 1 bar to do anything worth while, which sucks because you kind of need all that for armor, with how terrible the startup on his pokes are :/
This exactly, i have serious problems with people playing hard rushdown characters with quick pokes and normals. Without meter (especially) in corner its like GG.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I dont think that this posessed vortex is very good.
Blocking low eliminnates b3 and ex db4 so ur left with tele mix up or df4 which does like 7% ?
The tele one is better than u think

Do b3 tele 4,good cancel adv and 4 has larger hitbox so stuffs a lot of attempts

It's all about the mind game
More video examples of some of the combo's Pig of the Hut posted, I'm having trouble getting bf3 to connect after doing a full combo into EX db1 in Possessed is the timing really strict or does it just not work if the combo is too long?


Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
More video examples of some of the combo's Pig of the Hut posted, I'm having trouble getting bf3 to connect after doing a full combo into EX db1 in Possessed is the timing really strict or does it just not work if the combo is too long?

Good stuff

Golden Kenshi ???? Awesome

After final swipe from ex db1 input bf3

U must enter earlier than it looks
Good stuff

Golden Kenshi ???? Awesome

After final swipe from ex db1 input bf3

U must enter earlier than it looks
You can get his alternate gold color by just press Start/Option(for ps4 I think?) when selecting a specific outfit. It's X for PC/Xbone don't know what it is for PS4 though.

Thanks for the tip on the bf3 I'll try and see if I can get it down and post videos of those tomorrow along with maybe some of this vortex tech.
Kenjutsu is probably my favorite variation just because his df1 is 13frame overhead alone.



B1 ex db4 nj2 f32 ex db4 22 into vortex options
1. Reverse input db2 tele mix up
2. Reverse input ex db4 launcher
3. B3

Kenjitsu vortex example
F2 ex df1 b1 ex db4 ji2 d1 <----+16 on hit

Guarantees vortex options which are

1. F2 ex df1 combo
2. Ex df1
3. B3 df1
4. B3 ex df1
5. 311
6. 31 ex df1

^^^^ this shit is B-A-N-A-N-A-S

It's working so well
oh my. Going into training mode with it. ;3
For beginners could you clarify some of the inputs like JI, JN and the like. It would help alot. Thanks.
Been posted a few times already mate, here's a quick run-down of a lot of the inputs:

Number = Xbox = Playstation
1 = X = Square
2 = Y = Triangle
3 = A = X
4 = B = Circle

f = forward
b = back
u = up
d = down
jip = jump in punch
jik = jump in kick
njp = neutral jump punch
njk = neutral jump kick
xx or ~ = cancel (i.e. f32 xx db1, which could also be written f32 xx rising karma)
EN or EX = Enhanced move (i.e. db1+block, also could be written db1+blk, db1 EX, EX db1, EX rising karma, EX rk, etc.)


Oh damn, I'm new and wanted to see if anyone was talking about kenshi tech so someone suggested this site. When I found some of this I was like O_____O! So for the vortex for the possessed variation do you do the tele mix-up after 22?


Stay Free
Oh damn, I'm new and wanted to see if anyone was talking about kenshi tech so someone suggested this site. When I found some of this I was like O_____O! So for the vortex for the possessed variation do you do the tele mix-up after 22?
Yes, thats an option, or you can low starter


Would you settle for me sausage?
anyone wanna run some sets? i'd love to see how some of you play his neutral game


A spaceman
More video examples of some of the combo's Pig of the Hut posted, I'm having trouble getting bf3 to connect after doing a full combo into EX db1 in Possessed is the timing really strict or does it just not work if the combo is too long?

Is there some trick to the timing with the run canceling? i always drop the combo after I input the run. 421 just whiffs 90% of the time. Im pressing 421 right after i input ffR2 but it consistently drops. What I'm I doing wrong?