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General/Other - Jacqui Briggs (Old) Jacqui Briggs Pre-Release General Discussion

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I'm so fucking salty right now.

Why would you even show that trailer the day before the stream if they weren't going to be on the stream?

I don't know what planet they live on, but it would have made sense if they showed the Takashi family trailer yesterday, but they didn't that's a major fucking cock tease. Whatever.


I think that's her "Workout Clothes" Alternate! She's supposed to have another one too where she looks like she's an Olympian.


Dojo Trainee
I think that's her "Workout Clothes" Alternate! She's supposed to have another one too where she looks like she's an Olympian.
Assuming that rumor was true anyway. But Olympic champion sounds like it could be a cool look, especially if she is wearing some gold medals.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
I called that fucking alt the moment I saw that sexy-ass shoulder. If they stream the Scottish MKX tournament on the 18th I'll whip it out just for you guys if it's on that console.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
I think that's the outfit from Raiden's vision in chapter 3 of the comic, when she is shown training with Jax. So if that is her alt do you think we'll be playing some of the stuff that happens in the comics in the game.
That's not the same costume as in the comics. The comics don't intertwine with the game's story either, they're more of a backstory for some characters.

Fun fact: We won't find out who Jacqui's mother is in the comics, we'll find out in story mode in the game. We will however see her in the comics, and she's a new character!
That's not the same costume as in the comics. The comics don't intertwine with the game's story either, they're more of a backstory for some characters.

Fun fact: We won't find out who Jacqui's mother is in the comics, we'll find out in story mode in the game. We will however see her in the comics, and she's a new character!
I don't mean the outfit she is wearing when her and Cassie get kidnapped. At the end of chapter 3 Raiden has multiple visions and in the last vision bubble Jaqui is shown hitting a punching bag and she is wearing a white tank top, dog tags and jeans. the only difference between the two outfits is the color of the tank top and the gloves.
That's not the same costume as in the comics. The comics don't intertwine with the game's story either, they're more of a backstory for some characters.

Fun fact: We won't find out who Jacqui's mother is in the comics, we'll find out in story mode in the game. We will however see her in the comics, and she's a new character!
How do you know we will see her mother in the story


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
I don't mean the outfit she is wearing when her and Cassie get kidnapped. At the end of chapter 3 Raiden has multiple visions and in the last vision bubble Jaqui is shown hitting a punching bag and she is wearing a white tank top, dog tags and jeans. the only difference between the two outfits is the color of the tank top and the gloves.
I know what you're talking about, and they're not the same. That's why I said they're not the same.
How do you know we will see her mother in the story
The writer Shawn Kittelsen and Shaun Himmerick from NRS confirmed it over Twitter.
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