Latest character I picked in MK9 was Scorpion. Never before thought he is so fun to play once you can reed opponent. Once a solid gameplay was developed the mindless vortex cycle was no more and actually I started to win many mu, even against Cage. Problem maintained with Sonya, Cyrax, Kitana but other then that hell fire spears, AA into vortex all day long.
So I hope he's got what he had and a decent additional pack of tools that would make him complete.
The teleportation heavy variant may allow him to do, escape and apply some sick mind fuck setups. Seems like he may have several layers of offense and defense options.
Since two years I could say I am being fuck with Cyraxs draining NET on daily basis. This move changes so much in gameplay (my meter management). So the moment I saw Ermac MK9 veriant has ex lift with draining ability I decided to pick him up. Other then that he deals in souls possession I kinda do as well, so I find him now more interesting then ever before.
Kung Lao:
It is still my main in MKII. First character I picked in MK9 but then for some reason dropped him. Well, now I think it's time to return my first ever MK main I had years ago. Besides he may be much complex and high end character then he ever was in MK9.