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What is your #1 worry about Mortal Kombat X?

What is your #1 worry about MKX?

  • Online Issues (example: Laggy gameplay, no rage quit punishing, reigon locking, etc)

    Votes: 144 55.4%
  • Balancing Issues (example: Some characters are super good, others are super bad)

    Votes: 56 21.5%
  • Characters that are to similar to others (example: Cassie being to similar to Johnny and Sonya, etc)

    Votes: 15 5.8%
  • Bad review scores from gaming sites (example: The game is great, but gets a lot of bad reviews, etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bad Story (example: The story turns out to be bad, boring, short, ruins the story of MK, etc)

    Votes: 6 2.3%
  • Other (post specifics in the comments)

    Votes: 26 10.0%
  • No worries! I'm fine!

    Votes: 13 5.0%

  • Total voters
injustice has a lot of quitters but mk9 for some reason so many people straight up rage quit, maybe because its more violent or something? really needs to be something to prevent people from not just rage quitting but doing it so much that it gives them a great score instead of showing how shitty of a person they are


TestYourMight SUCKS
Lol @ people thinking Cassie's going to be overpowered. Half of her moves buffers and are easily noticeable from miles away all one would have to do it just duck and counter that mess.
LOL @ people who think characters won't be overpowered. LMAO @ people who think they know the punishable moves, frame data and glitches of characters on a game that's not even out yet! omg LMAO
Are you scared he's going to be too weak, or too powerful?
Personally, I can only imagine unbreakable being good. Fast counter that counters both high and low for a full meterless combo, AND a move that seems to give massive damage resistance across numerous hits (from the one or two videos we've seen of it, anyway). Seems like an aptly named variation.


I believe balance won't be worse than in previous titles.

Online is the main worry. Among GG Xrds and KI laggy online will be a harakiri worth shame.

NRS, don't fuck this up!


Play Monster Hunter!
I'm not particularly worried about the netcode..... because I've already accepting it being shit.

I don't really have many worries, outside of like generic day 1 glitches.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
My main worry is that there will be super yolo characters or characters who get in any time with little risk.

So far Scorpion scares me with his super fast teleport and seemingly better version of his mk9 50/50.
Muahhahahahaa... be afraid, be VERY afraid! You thought teleporting was bad in UMK3.... soon.


Angry Joshua
My worry is the scene not becoming as big as it deserves to be...
This game im hoping is a popular as Street Fighter 4
Lets face it, even though we are all hyped for MKX (for the most part, anyway), a lot of us are also really worried about how the game might turn out. But in this thread, we aren't going to post a whole list of worries. Nope. Instead, we are going to post our #1 worry about MKX. The thing that has kept you worried for a while; the thing that bothers you the most...

Before voting or leaving a comment, please read the rules!

  • You can only vote for one thing.
  • You should choose thing thing that actually worries you the most; not something you think should worry you the most.
  • If nothing worries you, choose the "No worries! I'm fine!" option.
  • If what worries you isn't in the poll, choose the "Other" option and post what worries you in the comments.
  • Feel free to talk about what you voted for in the comments, and why it worries you!
I'm worried the controller (PS4) I practice on wont be accepted in tournaments.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Other than the online/netcode, I worry about too much balancing early in the games life. And I'm definitely worried my character will get nerfed because of whining from scrubba dub dubs. Hopefully NRS will only do patch updates to fix glitches and broken stuff and not do balance patches until at least 6 months have passed.


You alright mate ?
Im worried about online the most. So we can make use of the frame data, punish any fucking gimmick that only works with lagg.

I don't think the game will be unbalanced, don't think NRS want to make that mistake again :/.


You alright mate ?
unfortunately 80% of people lack solid zoning fundamentals and think landing 80%damage off a lucky guess and a setup takes more skill than constantly controlling your opponents movement and making 0 mistakes. Most people think rush down takes more skill and/or is more fun(when it really depends on the mu and sometimes zoning is much more demanding) Personally I wouldn't mind a game that was more purely about spacing and reactionary play.

Unfortunately I don't see a lot of risk reward consideration in nrs games. I atleast hope I have strong options for punishment of jumps (whether they yield big damage is not the issue) and I am not competing with absolutely retarded mixup games that yield huge damage.

id be happy without any Sonyas, batgirld, or Freddie's in the game
AMEN !!!!!!!
Other than the online/netcode, I worry about too much balancing early in the games life. And I'm definitely worried my character will get nerfed because of whining from scrubba dub dubs. Hopefully NRS will only do patch updates to fix glitches and broken stuff and not do balance patches until at least 6 months have passed.
This is the what we really need to worry about.


I have a couple of comments and concerns about the game, but my only real worry is not being able to use my freaking HitBox without having to buy 2 copies of the game.


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
I voted balancing issues.

I am worried Kung Lao, Raiden and Kitana might be superbroken again, and with the dissapearance of dash cancel they could very well destroy at least half the cast 8-2.
I wouldn't say I'm 'worried' about anything to do with MKX, because really what's the point in worrying about something that hasn't actually happened yet?

In terms of what I imagine will be the biggest issue, on the other hand, it's balancing for sure. I've no doubt at all that online will improve with the new installment (just look at the Tekken series!), but the possibility for one or two REALLY overpowered variations is all too real. Worthless ones matter less, because worthless variations wouldn't make other variations unviable... whilst a particularly powerful one could make practically everything else unviable instantly.

But, you know, fighting games with huge casts have achieved balance before - there's still hope.


Meta saltmine
I propose everyone in the camp of those worried by too much balancing early on to join our camp of worried by not enough balancing later on. Early overreaction can be backtracked or compensated later, but lack of adjustments to matured game is terminal.


early excessive patching.... and a short story mode. don't really care about the character roster of who makes it in and what not.