The anticipation is killing me
Just want to double check that the 7th March is the next date for HoG?
If you're talking about Hypespotting I'll gladly meet you there7th is cool with me. Is anyone thinking of going to the April 4th tourney btw? I'm thinking of making the trip just to watch. Sounds it like it could have some good international players in attendance for Tekken.
That's cool. Hoping to get a ps4 soonI'm going to pass on the 7th with buying a ps4 and MK its going to skint me out. Will see you guys on the first meet up for MKX.
Funnily enough it was Bloodborne that convinced me to jump to the PS4Taking the hit to the bank balance in order to get games in with you all! Bloodborne helped also haha
yep i'll only be there for the satI won't be able to make it the weekend unfortunately on the 7th, still definitely up for the Saturday though.
will doyeh i'm coming down for 1ish i guess. gab bring sf