Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudes this weekend has been truly awesome. It was great to meet you! Thanks for the games (those who I
did get to play at least lol) and making me realise the work I have to do. I was too busy trying to hit new tech to remember to mix things up most of the time hahaha. It was nice to just talk NRS games for once with a bunch of people who get what I'm talking about

For the record once VGHD and I left HoG we bought 6 pizzas and ate them for dinner which was godlike.
Can't wait to come down next time! I need the practice on lagless monitors too
Shame that those of you who couldn't make it couldn't make it but hopefully we'll meet next time we're down!
Quality day.
Told you flashpoint was the best
Ggs all
Bodied by lagless monitor BibleThump
Nah ggs man!

I will have my revenge...