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Boon Confirms, No Demo for Mortal Kombat X


bye felicia
Yeah, its not like NRS has relesed a demo for a game in the meantime, and it's not like that demo didn't leak the entire game. Oh wait....
Now that MKX is happening I'm sure a ton of people have just neuralyzered away the last 2 years of NRS history.


I actually didn't realize that they did that with the injustice demo..

Well, guess I can't blame NRS in that aspect. Damn "hackers". Ruining it for everyone v.v


4/14/15 Baby!!!!!
Call your local Gamestop and tell those bitches to put on for MK.
All of the ones in my area have told me either it is too early to tell or they don't plan on doing one at all. I remember three years ago I went with my friend to a midnight release for COD: MW3. It was so much fun, I would love to go to one for MKX.


This is the one in virginia. They have a facebook event thingy...IDK how facebook works

Hey where exactly did you see that? I couldn't find anything about one.
MY bad, dont get your hopes up,

when I saw it said "auburn" I ASSUMED it was the auburn in mass because thats where I bought my car, and I thought it was such a strange town name.

But its auburn Washington if anyone cares.


Searching for an alt.
NOO! My hopes were so far up! I saw that and jumped to the same conclusion too, I had family there for a long time, but I did see the WA part before recklessly posting it on tym. So sad.