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What do you use more? EX, Breaker or X-ray?

What do you use more?

  • EX Moves

    Votes: 18 47.4%
  • Breakers

    Votes: 19 50.0%
  • X-ray

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters


EX, BREAKER Talking on a straight up competitive level... what do you find yourself doing more? One of my personal weaknesses is the fact that I have yet to really embrace the EX moves, therefore I end up doing more breakers than anything.

X-RAY In my honest opinion I pull off unnecessary X-rays more than anything... it's something that I'm trying to work on but you sometimes have your desperation x-rays and then the ones where you have pretty full health and I get you in a combo and instead of doing Ermac's 2,2, force push I will do 2,2, x-ray.

Regardless, just like to hear from everyone else on this and please vote.

Also, just an example: L0rd of the Fly: you seem him doing EX moves and breakers with Nightwolf and have maybe seen him do like one x-ray.
Breakers, all day, every day.

I play sub, i only use en icebeam when i'm facing some disadvantages in projectile trade or en slide to inverse corner.

but most of the time its meter for breakers


Sinestro's might!
Mainly on Breakers. I don't use Ex enough except in match up specifics where it is vital. X-ray I always try to achieve as a final mega combo.


It Stinks!
It largely depends on the character and match up. As Stryker I absolutely MUST use my EN moves to get out of frame traps/pressure at times, but I'll also absolutely need breaker to get certain rush down characters off me, sometimes even getting hit on purpose to use the push back from a breaker to create spacing. With no reliable "get off" move either, sometimes using X-Ray works as well and can also help change momentum.

However, if it's just a question of "what you end up using the most" in general, I'd probably say EN moves.
i play sektor i find myself trying to be very conservative. If im trapped in the corner ill save for breaker to let me breathe a little (you ask, why not use exTU on wakeup? well i get hit out of more often then not ...>_>) I sit back and zone/play keepaway to biuld meter launch a homing missle out when i have 2 bars go in and put pressure on the opponent and get half a bar back so i can still be close to a breaker. i use iEXTUs sparingly when i want to blow up a projectile and make it safe if i read wrong. Alot of sektors use his meter for his awesome meter combos (that grant you more then 10% for a bar) but i only do those if i have the life lead and it will kill them or close to and have at least 2 bars. sometimes i sit on a full bar for a little bit to scare my opponent into not trading a projectile for my xray thus causing them to come to me where i can play keepaway more. Mostly though i see myself at 1 1/2 bars alot and when i use a breaker if im left with no meter i go back to zoning to biuld more meter.


Depends on the character you're playing.. if you're playing cyrax, you might be less inclined to break and gamble if you think you'll hit a combo with two bars. If you're playing noob, why not break, since most of his ex specials are not very useful.

Most of the time I'm using my meter for breakers, but when I play Cage or Kang against a zoner I make use of the armored flying kick and armored shadow kick.

I rarely find myself use an X-ray with anyone, except for ermac if I get a mid round combo with full meter that will kill them. ...or Kano because his X-ray is hilarious.

Kuai Liang

I was going to say breakers but I when I think about it I use Ex moves more than anything. I use ex freeze with Sub and ex slide. I use ex RH and ex bubble with Rain. I use ex shake and ex smoke with Smoke. So it does suck when I get stuck in a full combo without meter. I feel like 90% of the people I play against only use breakers. It is frustrating to work to finally get a combo and have instantly broken. I'll use an X-ray if I have an X-ray, can fit it in my combo and it's worth the damage I'll get. Most of the time my meter is being used on ex moves and breakers so I rarely use it.
Depends on who you use. Characters like Sub, Lao, Cage should use X-ray because they are so good. But characters like reptile, mileena, cyrax, Kabal, Kitana should be saving their meter for breakers and some EX moves like EX bomb, EX dash, EX fan toss, etc


Playing Jade I use meter mostly for en-low boomerang, en-shadow kick and glow (in order of frequency :) ), then it's the breaker (sometimes I don't have to break, bad match-ups I guess) and last, but not least, X-ray (just to be cocky or when I feel I can build meter fast enough, sometimes to end a match and rarely to end a combo).
Playing Johnny Cage - definitely X-ray (I observed that Johnny Cage with a full meter is making opponents more cautious), then en-shadow kick and en-force balls and lastly breaker.
The breaker is not a first priority for me, although sometimes it is needed.

Oh yeah, although I use more often the enhanced attacks, I'll vote for the X-ray because IT IS AWESOME!!!


Real Talker
Kano=Xray and breaker
Ermac=Xray and breaker
Kenshi=Enhanced and breaker

So overall, I use breaker the most. Probably because I'm used to playing games in which you can bait/punish breaker-like features and in MK9 most of the time you can't.
I use a lot of EX moves and breakers. Hardly ever use Xray unless I am just screwing around.

I think an interesting side note to this thread is how the use of meter affects the match up chart. Proper meter usage and the ability to build meter would greatly affect those outcomes.
I mostly use meter on breaker. I'll occasionally do x-rays; I don't go out of my way to save the meter for it, but if I happen to go a long time without needing to break anything and find myself with three bars I'll start looking for openings to use it. I don't usually enhance any special moves because I play Liu Kang and his special moves aren't really worth enhancing; sometimes I'll do an EX bicycle kick as anti air but that's about it.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Cyrax = EX's. Lurrrrrves my sticky bomb combos.

Noob = X-Rays. To me, his only really useful EX move is his kick, so unless I manage to corner, I save the X to end a combo.

Sub-Zero = Breakers. Although I'm quite partial to the EX Slide, I'd rather make due with the normal one and conserve bars, 'cause I know I'll need it.


Cyrax = EX's. Lurrrrrves my sticky bomb combos.

Noob = X-Rays. To me, his only really useful EX move is his kick, so unless I manage to corner, I save the X to end a combo.

Sub-Zero = Breakers. Although I'm quite partial to the EX Slide, I'd rather make due with the normal one and conserve bars, 'cause I know I'll need it.
Nice point.

Different characters should use meter differently.


Warlock Nerd
mostly breakers and ex moves, but it is character specific. i noticed that when i do have full meter i tend to focus on hitting them with x-ray too much and sometimes it may take me off my game.
mostly breakers and ex moves, but it is character specific. i noticed that when i do have full meter i tend to focus on hitting them with x-ray too much and sometimes it may take me off my game.
This is true for me as well. Since I rarely Xray I have trained myself to just use a EX move one I hit 3 bars. I main Smoke so it is pretty easy to use a bar.
Sektor - Breaker, EX Moves.
Sonya - Breaker,
Johnny - Breaker, EX Moves.
Nightwolf - Breaker, EX Moves for Wake-up.
Liu Kang - Breaker, against Noob Saibot EX Moves.

I switch around alot, still trying to find my characters to stick with.

The Joker

Black Dragon
Depends in the character=
Kano: X-ray
KAbal: E-moves + Breakers
Sektor:E-moves + Breakers (3 bars,2 for breaker one for a 45+% combo with E-move)


Come On Die Young
It depends on my opponent, mostly. Against Cyrax, I always make sure I have breaker, but against chars with lower combo damage like Mileena, I'll sometimes save my breaker unless it's necessary.

The only times I use xray is out of desperation or to end a match. The one good thing about Kitana's xray is that you can bait a projectile and trade. Otherwise, I sometimes use it in a combo against online scrubs who throw out random xrays.


Dojo Trainee
Depends who I'm using. When I play Scorpion my bars almost always get used for EX teleports, sometimes for a breaker, and almost never for X-ray.

Raiden it's about even between breakers and X-ray. Don't use his EX moves nearly as much.

I'm too lazy to think about the rest of the characters.


Double Dasher
Depends on who you use. Characters like Sub, Lao, Cage should use X-ray because they are so good. But characters like reptile, mileena, cyrax, Kabal, Kitana should be saving their meter for breakers and some EX moves like EX bomb, EX dash, EX fan toss, etc
Although Reptile's Ex moves are really helpful, notably Ex slide and Ex spit, his X-Ray can be really useful because it goes through projectiles and can grab the opponent in the air, so I use it when I feel like surprising my opponent by breaking through a projectile and stabbing his eyes, muahahaha! Love that X-Ray :)

Plus, Rep build meter so insanely fast that you can be really generous with meter usage and still do fine, at least from what I know.