Hey guys!
So I went to Folsom Street Foundry in San Francisco to check out the venue. For those that don't know about Folsom Street Foundry its a venue that hosts game tournaments Tuesday's and Thursday's of all kinds, board games and video games. The place is rather huge. It seemed like there must have been a hundred people there, maybe a little more. The place has giant screens on the walls displaying games like Street Fighter, Smash Brothers and random other games like Golden Eye (Nintendo 64), pc games, etc. There is a bar there (yes, you must be 21 and over to get in) the place is a dream come true for gamers. Also, streaming is done by Showdown eSports, a group related somehow to Folsom Street Foundry. And it's in San Francisco. Yay!
I'm friends with a number of the Street Fighter players in NorCal and they are very interested in MKX. In fact, a few are interested in playing MK9 again. They're people outside our scene who love MK! Especially top NorCal players like LPN and Hoodaman to name a few who would love to play MK.
I then talked to CJ, one of the managers of Folsom Street Foundry. He said they would love to have MKX there when it is released. The length of time that MK stays there will be determined by how many people in the community continue to show up to support it. He also had question for the community about setups and do you guys prefer pad or stick ( I'm a stick player myself).
So I have a few questions for TYM Bay Area. Would you guys want to just wait till MKX is released to start tournaments there, or start soon with MK9 to prep for MKX? Would you guys like injustice there as well? Any questions about the venue?
I hope this can become a real possibility for a home for Bay Area MK.
Sorry for the late post, but I wanted to let you guys know as I just got back from game night there. I'm also super tired from a long day of work and play, so I hope I didn't leave anything out, but feel free to ask any questions you may have.
Here is their website:
Check out their site!
And here is the Facebook page for Showdown eSports:
Feel free to tag anybody who you'd think would be interested.
@cR WoundCowboy