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EMPR Jupiter Wins Injustice at Kumite 2015


This mean you don't like me?
God damn this tournament.

Congratulations @EMPEROR_JUPITER
for taking the whole thing. When I see you I see Goku. I'd like to think your success has been because I raise my hands at home allowing you to gather energy for your spirit bomb.

Good shit man. You and Wound have played the hell out of each other, so meeting during this tournament was inevitable. You both played exceptionally, though you don't need me to figure that out. And Xur sold Patience and Time one week. I bought it, so everyone wins.

Props to Murk, Honeybee King, everyone. Whether you did as well as you hoped or not, I hope you had a blast.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Ducky has the tournament of his life and knows the match the Martian Manhunter match up very well yet still cannot win a damn game. This community still perceives Martian Manhunter to be a "well-balanced super top tier character".

Imagine if Pig or Relaxed State were in the grand finals spamming nothing but instant aerial Zod balls. This community would lose its mind.

Scrubs and hypocrites.
Yeah, all those MMH's in top 8 were annoying

Wait a minute!


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Also, congrats to @Vandy for putting together an amazing tournament. I think it's safe to say you have solidified yourself as a leading venue for us NRS peeps. Great job and I love your professionalism!

@Kitana Prime Your commentating was perfect. Nice mix of chill and MLG style of information/hype/play by play. Congrats to you, sir!

@CrimsonShadow Amazing job with the organizing and public relations. You are a much needed gem in this community! Thank you.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
add kdz to that list. evo + tfc

name another region outside east coast that has 3 different players who have won majors outside there region

any region u cant name means they are just as bad as east coasters who cant win outside there backyard huehue
The quote sir was post patch and I made that very clear seeing how now one cares about pre patch or beta inj for a slew of reasons

TFC = KN backyard, the backyard is a reference to any KN ran inj event.


Chimpanzee that!
Congrats to everyone who competed and Jupiter for winning. This was a very hype and organized tournament to watch. Shoutouts to the brothers for repping Canada.

maybe next time Flash...