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How do you feel about spamming in IGAU?


Scrubby nice guy
How do you feel about spamming in IGAU?
Do you think some moves are so effective in some match ups that its just not fair?
Do you think it's fair to use the same move over and over when
the other player can't figure it out how to beat it?
Ppl will come up with all sort of things " just learn how to play " " stop spamming newb " etc
when they lose to spam.
Spamming is legit ye and if you can't beat it you need more practice.
I have received tons of hate during the 16 months I have been playing this game
& over 8k games online but
This is probably 1 of the most ridiculous things I have seen so far since I have been playing IGAU.

I do run FT10 vs anyone who wants to challenge me to some friendly games, but when some ppl are like this I don't understand why they stay in the lobby.
I stopped playing this game several times but always came back because I enjoy IGAU's gameplay so much.
I would rly like to meet more nice players with good sportsmanship like Ryumajinsen, klesk or GTDoffen
from TYM forums.

On the side not I have read this post not too long ago
Ashisogi_jizo posted...
Spam is a loser tactic for the unskilled, for one main reason. The amount of skill it takes to spam is much lower than the amount of skill and practice it takes to avoid losing to a spammer. Not only that, but winning with spam doesn't exactly improve your ability in the game..so eventually, once you start getting matched up to people who don't fall for that noob trash, you will be screwed. It is much more worthwhile to actually get good at the game rather than get boring wins via spamming.

The reason I hate spam is because it is a massive barrier to new players who are trying to get better, due to the fact that as I stated above, it is much easier to spam than to learn how to avoid spam (unless you play an easymode character like scorp, ermac, raiden or kung lao). What this means is that if two new players enter a match and one spams while the other actually tries to learn their character and learn combos, the spam will shut them down. Not only will this mean neither player gets a very good learning experience, but it may cause the defeated player to give up and resort to spamming as well.

I never understood the "win no matter what the cost" mentality. Do people have such a low self esteem that they NEED to win in an online game which has no reward other than a feeling of self-worth? Do people truly pay $60 for a game just to sit around and mash the same 1 or 2 attacks? Since the only people that spam works on are beginners, I say good job spammers, you beat people who are probably new to the game by using a method that takes no skill whatsoever. I hope the meaningless win improves your obviously horrible self-esteem!

I do actually play mainly for fun but since the characters I play ( Guile DS ) are designed to be played like this keep away style and anti air whenever you jump in to keep you out I don't have much of a choice to play that different.

Thanks for reading.



The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
If I had a dollar for every time I've been called a spammer.... lol

Doesn't phase me.


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
There are some people who use the word without actually being offended by the playstyle, only because they don't know what else to call it yet.
There are people who can be converted to our ideology of fairness being everywhere. Be careful to not call out anybody who uses the word when not talking about canned ham.


I like Tekken 8
Nope I have plenty of fun winning. I wouldn't play a game if I wasn't enjoying myself.

I will do anything I can to win, which is fun. I could care less if some loser doesn't like the way I win. If you don't like it, stop me from doing it.
He said the main goal of fighting games is to win and I don't think that's true. But it's opinion though. Personally I would rather get bodied 20-3(true story bro) by Shazzy's Martian with GL then get a twenty win streak Saturday morning on some kids who just got the game as an early Christmas present.


He said the main goal of fighting games is to win and I don't think that's true. But it's opinion though. Personally I would rather get bodied 20-3(true story bro) by Shazzy's Martian with GL then get a twenty win streak Saturday morning on some kids who just got the game as an early Christmas present.
I'm the same way. Beating noobs is not fun. I want to win versus good players. That is fun to me.


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
You've made a lot of good points, but I think it's too easy for many in the fgc to just say "if you can't deal, you're a scrub". I think it's the designer's(dev's) job to make sure that their decisions make sense to their players(hardcore and novice). Obviously there's nothing wrong with adding some challenging secrets or tricks to matchups, but I don't think a matchup should be so frustrating or confounding as to appear to have no solution; and that's an issue with a game's design choices.

If I design a character who shoots out 90 projectiles that hover over, and cover the entire screen, and every step you take forward eats your life, and the only way for you to stop it is to basically forfeit round 1, and build meter for round 2, 3, that wouldn't be game breaking, but it would be annoying as fuck; and it would probably turn off a lot of players. This is an extreme example, of course, and I'm sure, as you say, a game like Injustice has sensible answers, but Some moves (in a lot of games--not just NRS games) do seem spammy and stupid. And a lot of times these spammy, stupid moves don't even seem to be designed to benefit novice or weaker players--they seem designed for high level play, which makes them even more objectionable.

My motto is: if you're going to give a character good zoning, keep away, spammy attacks, for the love of god don't give them strong advancing tools. Do not give a character good rushdown, and a good projectile, and good zoning, and good aerial movement, etc....
No matter what every character it going to have "spam." Zod has trait, Supes has F23, Batgirl has her vortex, Martian has orbs, Shazam has teleport, etc. So with this said, "spamming" is not only projectiles, it's something a character has that makes them good. There is no such thing as "spam," that is literally nothing but a term scrubs make. It screams "Help! My opponent is using tools his character has that I don't know how to counter with my own so I must insult him by saying hes a bad player or create an excuse to cover up myself failing for adapting." The only exception to this rule are infinites but so far all of them are patched and will be hot fixed if more are found. So please, level up.


Kytinn King
You know, I've never actually tried spam? It looks fucking disgusting, like look at that

See, I'm getting a joke in before this turns into "NUUH, THERE IS ONLY ZONING" and "NUUH, SPAMING IS DUM". Offline, It's cool, but Deathstroke's pistols can be broke as fuck online
Spam is actually good lol..a little salty but good. You can eat it with rice, macaroni, or even put some cheese on it and make a sandwich. BTW spam is meant to be fried.


Meta saltmine
It's not 'spamming' it's 'zoning.'
And what if I spam command grab? :p

Other than that, it's sad that reposting PMs is all OP ever did really when it comes to content he provides. One would think that after all these years he'll get bored, but no...


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
And what if I spam command grab? :p

Other than that, it's sad that reposting PMs is all OP ever did really when it comes to content he provides. One would think that after all these years he'll get bored, but no...
freaking command grab spammers :/

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Reading what Ashisogi_jizo said and the only response I have is don't become any from of psychologist or anything that involves psychoanalysing because that was the worst analysis I've ever seen in my life. Like, seriously.


Beaten, by this mere man
there's actually zoning and there's just spamming. against characters with poor mobility am can just spam ftd until they're close enough where he just dominates with his op footsies,zatanna can just spam hat and throw out teleport every so often- these are spam. when it comes to zoning that takes careful decision making likes lex's zoning where every move has a billion startup frames and has 1 use(eg mine discourages dash ins and probes discourage pressure) or mmh's zoning, its much more acceptable as skillful.

spamming like IAZB breaks the game. yes it works but its an op feature that's easy as hell with the right controller.
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Beaten, by this mere man
@LiangHuBBB you seem to worry about scrubs too much. These people will complain about anything. It's to the point that they don't even know what they are complaining about. "Stop spamming" they say when you aren't even spamming anything. It's kind of sad actually.
i agree, they get to the point when they're actually embarrassing themselves because you probably didn't even spam anything-they just don't know how to beat you. these are the kind of players who might even have thousands of wins online but play like just another noob.