Well against sinestro, doing a escrima ground spark allows NW to duck his fear blast. It also causes sinestro to jump considering that NW would win that trade 75% of the time unless sinestro has trait. Causing sinestro to will also allow me to bait him as he's coming down by slightly delaying the ground spark, and if I think he's gonna do a move, I do a stance cancel into staff ground spark.@EMPR_MURK I have a question for you: how do you know/decide when to use MB ground spark in escrima? I pretty much never use the MB for that move, but you were using it quite effectively. What do you do if they are hit with it? What do you do if they block it?
Well now im in staff which is not good because sinestro can abuse his zoning options and I have to play the patient game which can allow sinestro to build his trait. Sometimes NW can squeeze in a lucky staff ground spark but as I said in a earlier post, I'll be taking a risk so usually I would just go back to escrima without canceling into a special.
Now what if I didn't go back into escrima and sinestro is keeping me staff??? Well what I do is just slowly walk forward and close distance in hopes of playing the infamous staff footsies while also keeping a eye on his trait, and luckily the mb fear blasts are poopy up close so sinestro would have to play my game. Either way staff is poopy against sinestro 80% of the time.
I hope that helped man. @AK L0rdoftheFLY could explain this way better thn I could. Im just the guy for the action.