They already nerfed H.Smoke, and now Ermac and Scorpion are better. Also, it isn't easier to nerf Kabal. His design is broken, not Smokes. Smoke did too much damage, and had too fast of walkspeed, that's it. His pop-up is shared by Ermac, and now Scorpion can out damage him. The only thing Smoke has left that makes you want to pick him is the invisibility they gave him.Bro, yes it is Kabal. But it is H Smoke as well. I know you like H Smoke a lot and he is probably your fav character, but he is just as broken as Kabal.
Kabal may slightly edge him, but not by much at all. So statements like this are implying that Kabal is much more broken than H Smoke and that is completely wrong. They are both in the Same tier, Above everyone else.
Yes Kabal is the best but H Smoke is right next to him. So all these people that defend H Smoke and go oh no, Kabal is way more broken.
Your talking to a guy who has seen H Smoke win more tournaments than Kabal, or any other character. Fastest walk speed, 50% combos off of roundhouse, punishers, anything. Let's please stop with this. Im not saying he is better than Kabal, I never have, I feel like your inversely implying I am saying or believing that.
They are both a HUGE problem.
Let's be honest, Kabal is much easier to fix than H Smoke. Kabal can be made Not Broken and viable easier of the two. Tt is a much much harder task with H Smoke. Inherently based on his design as is, this is my point as well.
Kabal is still good though, still top 3 even. His design is hard to nerf, because it isn't just one or two things you can fix. His spin obviously needed a nerf, and his damage needed a slight nerf, but his zoning game is still strong and he's still an all around character. iAFBs, now with a quick ground saw that hits low? And that doesn't disappear when he's hit, shit stays there forever lol. H.Smoke is done, he no longer needs any nerfs or buffs. Kabal may need some tweaks yet.