You really don't get it and this is my last post to you regarding H Smoke's air throw. It's like your just arguing to argue now or you don't know what your even defending.
So the air throw isn't what makes him broken,. so he should have it? Smoke is broken in this game. He doesn't Need it therefore he shouldn't Have it (Vanilla). Why should he even have the option of being able to do it or have opponents fear it from him? It's about options, and the cast also. Not just how many special moves character X has, and this game does not revolve around H Smoke, it revolves around over 20 others as well.
My point about Kabal losing a move and still coming out the best was something you also didn't catch, and that is that you guys are so worried about him losing his air throw when even with it gone, damage nerf and walk speed nerf, this dude is PROBABLY STILL going to come out top tier. Shock just said, bet your ass, he can still dish out ~45% off a single pop-up, spear, etc. (With Ease).
People who want to play with a broken H Smoke who shits on pretty much the entire cast except one character can stick to Vanilla, plain and simple, and can leave this "hack" alone. But tournament level players are tired of it and want change, and it ultimately led to this game's demise and shorter life than it potentially could have been. Slips is right, we need a game that is balanced, has variety and is unique. Vanilla UMK3 is extremely unbalanced and a majority of the characters cannot even compete or stand a chance in tournament/high level play or against the top tier.
Your too worried about the character, and not the game.