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Hearthstone Discussion


Blind justice....
nope he wasnt streaming
played his hunter twice and then his priest
can 2 ppl have the same username in HS? I thought this wasnt possible
he played good at the start but made some terrible decisions later on which made him lose those games on
EU server I have no clue why trump is playing on EU server at all
he is from US
but ppl on the HS forums say that trump switched to eu servers because its easier to rank up
I would rly like a FT5 in constructed vs him
been playing MTG in real life and online since almost 20 years and HS at least for me is just a simplyfied MTG game and is more based on luck than skill
my current acc has 5k+ gold and I dont even spend so much time on this game

like I said trump ignores casual gamers / random ppl so he probably wont play me, but I would like to run a ft5 constructed vs him
Firstly people say weird things, most of it isn't true. Trump plays on EU and ASIA servers for his F2P series. He was like legend rank 2-4 on US server for a very long time.

Constructed vs him can be arranged, i can set it up. Of course if you also play on US servers, obviously he has all cards there and thats hes main account.

He doesn't ignore casual gamers / people, it's just impossible to talk and reply to everybody when you have like 10k viewers on stream and 310k subscribers on YT. In reality he's really nice and humble guy.


1 2 3 drink
why are you running feugan and stalagg in this deck? seem like dead cards to me in the deck
same goes for ysera
Im normally not a big fan of those 2 cards but it has really good synergy.
Especially with the secrets. Always try to place counterspell before u use them. Btw i didnt make this deck myself, i got it from sjow with some minor changes, i havr ysera instead of sylvanas and 1 bloodmage and 1 loot hoarder instead of 2 loothoarders. I took ysera back out tough and changed with malygos.

The Slaj Jazz

TIckle my sweet salty nips
Im normally not a big fan of those 2 cards but it has really good synergy.
Especially with the secrets. Always try to place counterspell before u use them. Btw i didnt make this deck myself, i got it from sjow with some minor changes, i havr ysera instead of sylvanas and 1 bloodmage and 1 loot hoarder instead of 2 loothoarders. I took ysera back out tough and changed with malygos.
Will you ever come back to me D:


1 2 3 drink
faced trump 4 times in arena
beat him every single time
wasnt this guy supposed to be 1 of the top HS players in the world?
shows how much it takes to be legendary rank top 10 = all you need is time and playing HS all day long
but doesnt say much about your actual skill
Its a cardgame bro. 4 games means nothing. Especially arena.

Breakin Wordzz

Best Rengar NA, also ares of world


Its like game developers have to nerf something to the ground when they nerf it. +3 mana on starving buzzard and lbh the stats on that card are irrelevant to its purpose


As a shaman I am very disappointed :(
to be honest the shaman legendary isn't as bad as it seems, its just such a weird card. In worst case its a 7 mana 7 atk, 7hp that brings in four 1 mana, 2 atk, 1hp. you could literally flood the board and have bloodlust combo next turn. if you think about it the sheer amount of value this card gives is nuts. Murlocs biggest strength is flooding the board and getting insanely strong very quick and this card gives you the opportunity to set this up at turn 7 / whenever you get this card. this also addresses shamans weakness of running out of cards near the mid-late game. Honestly i'm more disappointed this isn't a neutral card so that murlocs could become more legitimate


1 2 3 drink
I cant wait man, the new cards look so interesting.
My favorite so far is the one that steals a random secret. Yeah FU hunter!


to be honest the shaman legendary isn't as bad as it seems, its just such a weird card. In worst case its a 7 mana 7 atk, 7hp that brings in four 1 mana, 2 atk, 1hp. you could literally flood the board and have bloodlust combo next turn. if you think about it the sheer amount of value this card gives is nuts. Murlocs biggest strength is flooding the board and getting insanely strong very quick and this card gives you the opportunity to set this up at turn 7 / whenever you get this card. this also addresses shamans weakness of running out of cards near the mid-late game. Honestly i'm more disappointed this isn't a neutral card so that murlocs could become more legitimate
The 3 overload is huge though, if you ever ran earth elemental then you'd know how much of a deficit it can be. Also like earth elemental, 7 attack means it gets sniped to bgh and doesn't 1 hit giants, but at least its not prone to black knight. And except in a murloc deck, at turn seven, four murlocs aren't very strong let alone if they can survive the turn they are played. I can only see this card being useful in a murloc deck

edit: Im liking this card a bit more the more I think about it, and right now im thinking that this card's value might be really dependant on what murlocs are drawn
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Trust me, I'm a doctor
I'm excited. My loins...
You all don't even see what I see... By the gods, I'm ready...
Mill Druid Trogg Spell Immunity Vo-7t-r0-n deck, activate!


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Like just imagine the combo between KT and troggzorr. Summon a bunch of spawns that just don't die, and beef up every time someone throws a coin


god damn
gonna blow so much money on the fucking gnomes
All I ask is for paladin to not get run over by zoo
well for the most part warlock is able to get card advantage over most other decks.
paladin is kinda slow to begin with. control paladin is a good deck but control usually loses to aggro.
so its not unnatural to lose to zoo