1 2 3 drink
IMO if you play hunter you are scum in my eyes.

IMO if you play hunter you are scum in my eyes.
well i play zoo. so it really pisses me off when a deck clears the board. draws five cards. and im killing my self every single time i tap. a hunter can easily do 20 damage one turn their burst is second to miracle and among mage.You know, its funny because I main hunter but also you've already invalidated your opinion before with your druid idea.
Don't like hunter? Don't play the game. Even after the Meta shifts, hunter is still going to demolish you because you suck at the game.
I mean its not like hunter is hard to beat, its just a saturated field at the moment.
did u read my post? im guessing u didnt watch vvgn tournament with all the big names. kolento, amaz, trump, ect. HUNTER WAS BANNED EVERY SINGLE TIME. and if it wasnt banned its becasue they THOUGHT they could beat hunter. i believe his name was realz. he was a miracle player. he didnt ban hunter casue his decks were centered around countering hunter. he went up on trump 2-0 then trump played his hunter and beat realz 3-2. U CANT COUNTER A FCKING HUNTER DECK. THERE IS A REASON I PLAYED AGAINST 17 HUNTERS IN A ROW.@Breakin Wordzz
lol wtf am i reading.
hunter is presently the best deck, but it does not make the people who use the deck scumbags...
when a deck is made that completely destroys it, then people will play that and the meta will cycle like it always does.
then there is going to be a new deck everyone is running...
i really have no issues with hunter, just learn how to play around their cards
the druid idea was centered around me playing against a druid. he did innervate turn one harvest golem. im like ok i can deal with that. then turn 3 innervate coin carine. there is no way anyone is winning the game with a turn 3 carine.You know, its funny because I main hunter but also you've already invalidated your opinion before with your druid idea.
Don't like hunter? Don't play the game. Even after the Meta shifts, hunter is still going to demolish you because you suck at the game.
I mean its not like hunter is hard to beat, its just a saturated field at the moment.
Plenty of people do, thats why Ramp druid is strong but not as strong as some other decks.the druid idea was centered around me playing against a druid. he did innervate turn one harvest golem. im like ok i can deal with that. then turn 3 innervate coin carine. there is no way anyone is winning the game with a turn 3 carine.
Only 20? You haven't played my hunter then. Also you playing zoo doesn't mean much of anything, no matter what you play its the same result.well i play zoo. so it really pisses me off when a deck clears the board. draws five cards. and im killing my self every single time i tap. a hunter can easily do 20 damage one turn their burst is second to miracle and among mage.
a lot of the people who go to those tournaments ban hunter and then focus the rest of their decks around beating the counters to hunter or simply just playing good decks with good match ups.did u read my post? im guessing u didnt watch vvgn tournament with all the big names. kolento, amaz, trump, ect. HUNTER WAS BANNED EVERY SINGLE TIME. and if it wasnt banned its becasue they THOUGHT they could beat hunter. i believe his name was realz. he was a miracle player. he didnt ban hunter casue his decks were centered around countering hunter. he went up on trump 2-0 then trump played his hunter and beat realz 3-2. U CANT COUNTER A FCKING HUNTER DECK. THERE IS A REASON I PLAYED AGAINST 17 HUNTERS IN A ROW.
with all the new death rattle, how is your board being cleared.well i play zoo. so it really pisses me off when a deck clears the board. draws five cards. and im killing my self every single time i tap. a hunter can easily do 20 damage one turn their burst is second to miracle and among mage.
you can play all the handlock you want after the nerfs lolI've been playing miracle rogue this season, Thou i got legend with zoo last it's not a playstyle I enjoy. i played a bunch of handlock which is my favorite deck but seeing hunter 5 times in a row with such a bad matchup i had to let it go. Now I'm enjoying Miracle it's a lot of fun but I don't think I'm skilled enough to get to legend with it this season, and it's rough with loatheb around and hunters are still kinda bad with freezing traps and flare.
Hahaha, I've played hearthstone since the beginning. I've seen plenty of nerfs. This is by far the biggest nerf I've seen. I still think hunter is viable though, people are just going to have to think outside the box with their decks, can't faceroll beast decks anymore.http://kotaku.com/blizzard-nerfs-two-huge-hearthstone-cards-1633993326
Dat Starving Buzzard nerf....
yea holy shit, this is the harshest nerf to any character in any game I can think ofhttp://kotaku.com/blizzard-nerfs-two-huge-hearthstone-cards-1633993326
Dat Starving Buzzard nerf....
why are you running feugan and stalagg in this deck? seem like dead cards to me in the deckthis deck is fun!
Right on i wish i hadnt crafted edwin now for miracle thou :/you can play all the handlock you want after the nerfs lol
Still weak, hunter is dead (especially any type of aggro) after this nerf.Feh... Out with the buzzard, in with the cult master.
Meh. I'm not phased.Still weak, hunter is dead (especially any type of aggro) after this nerf.
He isn't the best, he's very good. I really doubt you would beat him more then lose in constructed.faced trump 4 times in arena
beat him every single time
wasnt this guy supposed to be 1 of the top HS players in the world?
shows how much it takes to be legendary rank top 10 = all you need is time and playing HS all day long
but doesnt say much about your actual skill
Was he streaming? Ive fought some imposter reynads and kripps beforefaced trump 4 times in arena
beat him every single time
wasnt this guy supposed to be 1 of the top HS players in the world?
shows how much it takes to be legendary rank top 10 = all you need is time and playing HS all day long
but doesnt say much about your actual skill
nope he wasnt streamingWas he streaming? Ive fought some imposter reynads and kripps before