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Girl Severely Burned While Eating In A Chinese Restaurant


End Of Humanity
At 12:50 on September 2, Xiao Qian and small Suxi came together to celebrate the "good life" at barbecue buffet...girl in flames is a 2nd year university student *waitress only been on the job for a month, first time working alone *there was a fire extinguisher, but kept behind the cashier's counter *girl has 80% burns, 3rd degree burns on limbs and face *she is conscious and stable at the moment, but doctors worry about grafting skin with just 20% of her remaining healthy skin. *the hospital is asking for type a blood, and the family is trying to raise money for her operations. first operation on friday will cost rmb $30k, subsequent ones will cost at least rmb $10k at least.the situation is fairly stable."


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
No silly, it's "STOP" "DROP" and "ROLL"... not "sit on butt and kick the invisible fire breathing dragon".

INB4 the TYM righteous police condemn people for making jokes about this.

INB4 the actual TYM police (lol isn't that me?) close this because the thread gets too... heated.

INB4 the fire extinguisher


Oh, my days !
This "JEAN FOUTRE" guy that edited the original footage with MK ost & effects and uploaded it on YT is AT LEAST A RETARD if this is his kind of humor or acknowledges that accident as funny.
He can go fk his self...


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
That's actually pretty disturbing. I'm not playing righteous police, but I personally didn't find it funny.
For the record, it actually wasn't funny, and it was disturbing. Shock humor only works if it's funny, and this video wasn't funny. Maybe if it was edited to not be as graphic or something, but just dubbing MK sounds (and imo poorly dubbed and poorly chosen sound effects) is not a very good effort.