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I got to beta test UMK3:TE @SummerJam (Thoughts & Impressions)


Hey everyone, so UMK3:TE was at Summer Jam and this was the first time it was open to the public for beta testing. Now considering I was once a pretty big UMK3 head like many of you on this site, I can't tell you how I excited I was in getting the chance to test this game out.

When I sat down, the first two characters I tested out were of course my favorite sisterly duo in ultimate - Mileena and Kitana. I was really surprised with Kitana more than Mileena, just because I went into it knowing they were definitely going to remove the horrendous damage scaling on Mileena's roll. I had absolutely no clue that Kitana would have gotten two awesome new combo strings. Mileena now hurts off her roll and it makes up for it being one of (if not the most) unsafe special in the game. I think Shock hit me with a 54% combo involving the roll that can be seen some where in the video I'll provide at the end of this post. Her sais and teleport drop kick seemed the same to me from what I could tell. She did however gain some interesting use off her (once useless) HP,HP, u+LP, d+HP string. The string is now heavy advantage on block and hit. Since it leaves them standing it greats for throwing it out of the blue and resetting your opponent. Also doing the string on block and then immediately following with a roll is now a frame trap. Awesome. :DOGE

Kitana was pretty cool. I read on the change log sheet that her instant air fan had a slight recovery nerf to it but it was barely noticeable in-game. (unless it didn't happen, yet). Kitana was given two new combo strings. One was HK,HK,LK,f+LK,b+HK, which is similar to her standard four hitting kick string but one extra hit added. This compliments her already impression rushdown by allowing her the option of stopping the combo after f+LK and mixing it up with LK and other ways to try and sneak in more chip damage. (it's just more for the opponent to think about) Her other new string was HK,HK,b+LP,f+HP. This is where she gets the most damage from. She can combo off into a sweep mid-screen but on block she doesn't get the mix-ups and set-ups that her other five hit string emits.

Now of course after play testing these two ladies I had to move on to Jade to complete the trio of female ninjas. Jade to me, had the most work done to her from what I could tell. Her hit limit off three Shadow Kicks max was removed and extended to I believe, six? So now when you land a aaHP in an opponent jumping at you with their back in the corner, you can get monster damage by doing aaHP -> Shadow Kick x5 -> HK. :eek: It said on the change log sheet she can do her projectile immunity glow while in air, but I couldn't get it to work. She was given a new combo string - HK,HK,d+LP,d+HP which is essentially her mid kicks linking in her staff pop. This boosts her damage mid-screen by allowing her to combo into a sweep for set-ups or ending in a Shadow Kick to set up a zoning or spacing game. I thought Jade was very interesting and I could tell she has a lot more potential left with many more areas of possibility left.

Kabal was the next character I went to test and mess around with immediately since him and Nightwolf were pretty bad ass in ultimate. Kabal REALLY surprised me. He went from being your typical very generic and boring overpowered top tier to a character with new found style and set up, plus enhanced zoning attributes. His saw blade was the first thing I had fun with. It was once the most useless special move in the game, to now being a very viable special. It gets people moving, hits low, has increased start up, and the best part of all - it no longer disappears when it's on the screen and Kabal gets hit. :D If the saw blade hits an opponent who is up close near Kabal, he can get a full combo. Kabal's old useless HK,HK, HP,HP,d+LP,d+HP string has been given new properties which make it good advantage on block and lets you recovery quicker on hit. (you can combo in the corner with a sweep). The best part is you can create a saw blade set up where you do this string, and then immediately follow off the advantage with a saw blade where the opponent must jump or sit there and block the saw which allows Kabal to come in with more pressure. Now start throwing the spin every once in a while after that string and you're in business. :DOGE

Kabal's spin was nerfed in a very noticeable way. It had slightly longer start up which means it can actually be stuffed with HKs and other attacks now. It also had whiff recovery added to it now where Kabal can't move immediately like he used to. He spin also gives some damage scaling to it now so he not longer kills you in two spins. Now he needs at least three spins to kill you. The spin also had a hitbox adjustment from what I clearly saw in game-time with him. The spin is no longer hits people 100% of the time with no chance to miss when someone does a deep cross up since it becomes active a little bit later. His fireballs were the same. I really enjoyed playing Kabal, he was very fun and felt like a breath of new fresh air. Definitely one of my favorite changed characters. And he is still a very strong character, he just requires a bit more effort and now many characters can compete with him.

Nightwolf had very brief changes. The most important one was that his corner infinite that worked on Robots, Sheeva, Kano, Kabal, and Nightwolf himself was now removed. In the gameplay footage you can see me try and attempt it some where in there and it no longer works. His shoulder tackle was also given a few recovery AND start up frames to it. Any avid Nightwolf player can definitely notice the nerf to his tackle now. Still a good move, but no where near as abusable as it once was.

Scorpion and Sub-Zero, jeez where do I start. Boy were they buffed and pretty lethal now. Scorpion is very quick and avid now more than ever. His HP (the elbow) up close now hits mid so his newly buffed string HP,HP,u+LP string is now viable and not useless like it once was. HP,HP,u+LP string is heavy advantage on block and allows Scorpion the option to frame trap the opponent with a teleport, or watch as they sit their in fear while he sets the pace. The best part is he now has more hit advantage off the HP,HP,u+LP string while they are falling from the air and he can now combo off the last hit with a spear! :eek: The window for this combo was pretty tight, it's definitely something you're gonna have to practice. Felt like a 2-3 frame window or around that sort. Whiffing the spear here results in you dying so... yeah. Get that ten out of ten practice going. This new combo possibility really buffs his mid screen damage as he can now get around 35% mid screen on grounded opponents as to where he could only get mid 20%s before in regular UMK3.

Classic Sub-Zero and Unmasked Sub-Zero. Simply machines. Classic Sub-Zero is the rushdown monster where as Unmasked Sub-Zero is the patience king and ultimate defense fortress. Both very nasty characters now. Classic Sub-Zero's HP,HP,d+LP, d+HP string was buffed in a plentiful manner. It now grants heavy advantage on block where Classic Sub-Zero gets the 1-up advantage in going for an ice freeze, puddle, or a jump-in. He's the one calling the shots when the string is blocked. Classic Sub-Zero now recovers quicker after the pop up at the end of the string, which means he can get close to 50% by walking up, doing a aaHP -> instant JK, and slide. The best part is after an ice puddle he can now chuck freeze blasts! You are no longer stuck on the other side of the ice puddle with nothing to do but stand behind the line and maybe do a random slide. His freeze also now does damage on hit and block!

Unmasked Sub-Zero was very annoying to play against. He just makes you freeze in your steps (literally :DOGE). His ice clone now has a buffed proximity and is harder to stuff and prevent the clone from coming out. The buffed hitbox on the clone is also dangerous. Now it will catch and freeze you for doing things like scrapping it with a HK, cr.LK, sweep, etc. It's basically a STOP sign for pressing attacks and you need to be more careful around it. He can also chuck freeze blasts while his close is out, and just like Classic Sub-Zero, Unmaskes Sub-Zero's freeze blasts do chip on block and damage on hit. In addition to that, his ice showers ALSO do chip on block and inflict damage on hit! :coffee: Can you imagine playing against a character that is chucking horizontal and vertical projectiles, all while doing chip and leading to full combos for catching you? It almost makes you want to get the hell out of full-screen and rush on in up and personal in his face. Just one problem: Ice Clone. :DOGE Oh, and Unmasked Sub-Zero actually HURTS now when he hits you. His giant branch combo received a hefty damage boost so now he's doing around 40% each time he catches you froze.

I think that's all the characters that got changed in some way. It was just around eight characters, I believe. Regardless, I had a BLAST playing the game with people. It was heavily addicting and something Shock and I ended up saying out loud to each other as we turned around to look at the venue and noticed 90% of the room was empty and it is was getting time to GTFO. I think I spent around ten hours play testing UMK3:TE this weekend. I definitely spend a lot of time on it both on Saturday and Sunday night and it was incredibly fun. I really cannot wait to test later versions of the game at future tournaments. Just thinking about what certain characters like Sekor and Shang could be getting is enough to get me in the UMK3:TE vortex.

Oh, and in case anyone asks. Yes, glitch jabs are still in. The corner jab infinite was still in, too. I'm not sure when those problems will be tackled, as only eight characters out of the entire roster were changed. So it's definitely still in the early beta stages and it probably won't be complete for a while. But's it's so gonna be worth the wait! Hope this sheds some light on many of you who were asking questions about UMK:TE from someone that was at the tournament and got a hands-on experience.

If there's any others questions about any of the characters I got to mess around with, please feel free to post them here. I'll see what I can remember or may have left out by accident. I'm sure Shock, CDjr, and others who got to play it can post some things they may have caught that I didn't.

Gameplay of UMK:TE can be seen here: Skip to 3:00:00 (three hours and a minute in) to get to the good stuff:

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TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Great write-up. I can't wait to get my hands on it. I really hope they do address the kara jabs/run jabs in some way even if they are not fully removed.


Did they say if these were the only changes going to be made to the characters you listed? (Basically, will there be more tweaks for them down the line?)


"On your Knees!"
I always wondered why does the character selection screen fuck up after you unlock Mileena, Ermac, and Classic Sub_Zero?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
That's cool. By UMK TE, he means the UMK3 modded version, right? Like UMK2? Was it done by the same guy? Speaking of UMK3, I found some old awesome UMK3 matches I forgot I had between Reo, myself and Red Saleen. I'll let you guys know once it's up. :)
Reo, does Reptile still have HP,HP~Elbow Dash~HP,HP~Elbow Dash?? Repeat :) I will definitely play this if so


Oh I see...you post up a review for this... lol
It's MK. :DOGE

Did they say if these were the only changes going to be made to the characters you listed? (Basically, will there be more tweaks for them down the line?)
From what I was told these were the only characters they had changed for the time they had with changing the game. I think every character is going to be changed in the game. But it's all going to come with time. I would assume doing all of this is very time intensive and I appreciate all the hard work going into it.

I always wondered why does the character selection screen fuck up after you unlock Mileena, Ermac, and Classic Sub_Zero?
I think that's a Mame / Kaillera specific issue, but I could be wrong.

Reo, does Reptile still have HP,HP~Elbow Dash~HP,HP~Elbow Dash?? Repeat :) I will definitely play this if so
Reptile hasn't been changed so yeah, he still has it. I have no idea what Reptile is receiving change wise.

Oh, I just remembered Sindel and Cyrax were also changed. I knew I forgot some characters.

Sindel's flight was buffed. She can move around in the air almost immediately after while she's rising up. She can also cancel her flight very early with an air fireball. Her scream also had some sort of buff to it. I think a certain hit limit was removed, not exactly 100% sure on what it was exactly.

Cyrax also got some changes. His bombs now have less recovery. And when Cyrax does a bomb dud, he recovers quicker as well. His anti-air throw also got a buff to the hitbox on it so it doesn't whiff as much as before.

Vulcan Hades

The new Mileena and Kabal sound amazingly fun!

And sounds like Unmasked Sub could be the next S tier.
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Waifu, Peacock, Cutie Patootie,...
UMK3 balance hack is real.

and Lord REO finally posted something on TYM.

today is a good day, it's gonna be perfect if JLaw sex tape gets released.


From what I've been told, the entire roster will get changes, and these current changes are preliminary, just like with the MKII balance hack. The more the programmer sees, the more he can adjust things accordingly, for example, if Nightwolf's tackle is useless now, perhaps cut it down to 1 extra frame start up, 1 extra frame recovery, right now it's like 3 and 2 I think. He's already noticed a few things here and there that need tweaks but they will probably happen soon. The corner jab infinite will definitely be removed. If there's a way to remove the glitch jabs without messing up the jab game in general, they will go too but with my limited knowledge of programming I can only give suggestions on how to go about doing that, doesn't mean it'll work.

Cyrax bombs have a little less start up and a less recovery, including the dud, which I think should be even less than it is. I think 10 total characters have been changed so far, I don't have the sheet in front of me right now.


Got a chance to play the game this past Friday and all I can say is that the game plays awesome. Hopefully, it becomes popular again.
I think if it gets the right exposure and players see the depth added and nonsense removed a lot of the ones who avoid it merely because of that will get into it.


"More deadly than the dawn"
If Sektor could combo his standing HK into his uppercut, similar to the way he can from HP,HP, I'd be a happy man. Wouldn't be OP as it'd be the same as his HP,HP,LP string, just makes a homing missile more reliable to sacrifice doing the stronger 5 hit combo. A few less recovery frames on homing missile would be nice too.

What do you think @REO?


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana

I have the current changelist right here from the hacker (with some additions to Kabal, Kitana, USub, and OSub since Summer Jam):

UMK3:TE Hack Changelog (as of 9/2/2014)
New stuff since Summer Jam highlighted in Cyan

-- Knee,LK now chains to D+LP,D+HP
-- Knee,LK,B+HK has been removed
-- Animation for D+LP sped up

-- Damage reduced for LK,LK,HK,B+HK combo
-- Damage increased for Hooksword combo ender
-- Recovery after Hooksword combo ender reduced to allow combos in the corner, sweep midscreen against some characters, sweep in the corner against everyone, and Blur if only last hit connects.

-- Damage Protection added
-- 5 frames added to startup (now active on frame 7)
-- Recovery increased slightly on hit/whiff and block
-- Glitch where Damage Protection is removed when airborne opponent falls out of Blur reaction animation has been fixed
-- Glitch where opponent can air special out of recovery after Blur reaction wears off in the air has been fixed

-- Damage Protection added
-- Damage reduced from 23 to 18

-- Damage Protection added
-- Startup reduced to allow use in combos (does not work on all characters, best if used after aaBlur)
NOTE: The hitbox will be looked at to see if it will work on all characters
-- Hit limit changed to allow use after any combo of up to 5 hits
-- Saw no longer disappears if Kabal is hit or forced to block
-- Saw now must be blocked low
NOTE: Saw does NOT grant a free hit at this time

-- Throw damage reduced from 32 to 21

-- Elbow hitbox adjusted so it no longer whiffs against Female Ninjas after a Jump Starter
-- DP has been removed from the LK part of his 5/6-hit combo
-- DP has been added to the HK part of his 5/6-hit combo
-- Recovery on the HP,HP,B+HK and HP,HP,LP,B+HK combos have been reduced by 5 frames. This makes him -2 (-1 FA) on hit and even (+1 FA) on block.

-- Recovery increased by 3 frames so it is no longer safe on block
-- Iceball and Shower now cause damage on chip and hit (3px each)
NOTE: Hit damage may be removed, but chip damage will stay.
-- Freeze duration has been reduced by 16 frames

-- Decoy is now active for 8 additional frames
-- The Disable Timer for Decoy has been increased from 256 frames to 288 (previous version was 240)
-- The Proximity Failure distance for Decoy has been cut in half.
NOTE: The success distance from touching your opponent was about 17-19 pixels, so the distance was reduced by 9.

-- Slide is now a low attack

-- Slide hitbox changed to match OSZ/Reptile so it can now be used as crossup defense or jump back
-- Jump Kick hitbox increased downward and back.
-- * It now hits every character crouching and not blocking
-- * It no longer whiffs in the mirror match when both characters jump and kick at the same time
-- Jump Punch hitbox increased horizontally (it was too narrow before and would whiff when you were sure it hit)

-- Sub can now throw an Iceball when Decoy is active

-- Recovery decreased for 3-hit kick ender combo by 6 frames
-- Recovery decreased for 4-hit popup combo by 7 frames
-- DP has been removed from the LK part of the HP,HP,LK,B+HK,F+LK combo

-- Recovery increased by 3 frames so it is no longer safe on block
-- Startup on Iceball has been reduced by 3 frames. It now matches the startup of USub.
-- Iceball now cause damage on chip and hit (3px each)
NOTE: Hit damage may be removed, but chip damage will stay.
-- Freeze duration has been reduced by 16 frames
NOTE: Iceball is still bound by the rule that it cannot be used if the combo counter is >= 2

-- Hitbox slightly expanded horizontally
-- Active frames increased from 80 to 112
-- Recovery reduced by 4 frames

-- Slide is now a low attack

-- Iceball can now be used when Ground Ice is active

-- Hit reaction on HP,HP,U+LP changed to match Jax HP,HP,Blk,LP hit reaction
-- Recovery on HP,HP,U+LP reduced by 8 frames to allow Spear followup on all characters
-- Damage Protection added on the HK part of HP,HP,HK (this was done to equalize HK,HP,HP,HK,B+HK damage)
-- New combo paths added
-- * Knee Starter,HP,HP,+variations
-- * Knee Starter,D+HP,U+LP (D+HP animation sped up to combo easier)

-- HK,HK now branches to B+LP
-- New option added after HK,HK,LK. You can do either HK,HK,LK,B+HK or HK,HK,LK,F+LK,B+HK

-- Double Damage Protection added to Fan Throw
-- Damage reduced from 22 to 18

-- Damage Protection has been removed
-- Damage Protection added to the Fan Lift once the "lift" is done and they begin falling to the ground
NOTE: This was done to prevent 40%+ combos off of a Fan Lift outside of the corner.

-- Fan Lift now does chip damage
-- Recovery on whiff reduced from 192 frames to 80 frames
-- Recovery on block reduced from 80 frames to 40 frames

-- Input changed to F,D,B,HP and input window reduced to prevent accidental activation when trying to uppercut while holding D+B to avoid throws
-- Kitana now recovers/falls faster after active frames

-- Throw damage reduced from 32 to 21

-- Recovery after HP,HP,U+LP,D+LP reduced by 10 frames

-- Damage Protection removed from Roll ONLY if it is the first hit in a combo

-- Damage Protection added to Net if hit count >= 2
NOTE: This was done to prevent 50%+ combos from a throw.

-- Damage Protection removed
-- Damage reduced from 26 to 15
NOTE: This damage will most likely be reverted.

-- Input window increased from 6 to 10 frames upon touching opponent (the hitbox has not been changed, just the input window)
NOTE: This move is still broken on the damage readout... no matter what the damage scaling is, it always adds the full 19 damage to the total damage count.

-- Recovery on Bomb Throw reduced by 3 frames (22 to 19)
-- Recovery on Dud reduced by 10 frames (32 to 22)

-- 3-hit popup now has Damage Protection instead of Double Damage Protection

-- Scream no longer decreases the hit count
NOTE: This means that every aaHP to Scream counts the HP instead of erasing it.
-- Scream now does chip damage

-- Startup animation sped up
-- You can move sooner after activation

-- Knee downward hitbox reduced to remove HK,HK,B+HK corner infinite.

-- 3 frames added to startup (Charge now active on frame 9)
-- Recovery increased by 2 frames (16 to 18)

-- HK,HK now branches to D+LP
-- New option added after HK,HK,LK. You can do either HK,HK,LK,B+HK or HK,HK,LK,B+LK,B+HK
-- Damage Protection removed from the LK in the HP,HP,D+LP,LK combo
-- Damage reduced from 7 to 3 on the LK in the HP,HP,D+LP,LK combo
-- Damage reduced from 7 to 3 on the LK in the HK,HK,LK combo
NOTE: The damage changes were to give her 7-hit more damage (>25%) but not MK3 damage (34%)... it is 30% now.

-- Hit limit increased from 2 to 6
-- Block recovery reduced from 32 to 30
-- Hit recovery increased from 16 to 19
NOTE: This is to prevent crazy corner combos with the increased hit limit... you cannot get more than 2-3 in a row.
-- Whiff recovery reduced from 40 to 32
-- Distance traveled (active frames) increased by 1 frame

That's it for now.
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