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The stream chat actually counted and it was literally around 142 wow's

Put it in guinness world records

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
I honestly think Mr Aquaman's Wow'ing had an adverse affect on the Marvel and Street Fighter commentators. Very much Wow'ing was said by them as well. It was wonderful. Summer Jam 8 - The summer of WOW!

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Sorry about that guys I was nervous, usually I get to just be crazy as hell on KN and it works out fine. So it took time to settle into professional mode and focus on the matches and try and put on the best show I could. But in all seriousness it sounds like people enjoyed it and we got everyone to at least not leave and stay tuned for injustice. So mission accomplished. Any feedback please let me know I would gladly like to do this again.


Sorry about that guys I was nervous, usually I get to just be crazy as hell on KN and it works out fine. So it took time to settle into professional mode and focus on the matches and try and put on the best show I could. But in all seriousness it sounds like people enjoyed it and we got everyone to at least not leave and stay tuned for injustice. So mission accomplished. Any feedback please let me know I would gladly like to do this again.
Aim for 150 wows next time