In terms of supernatural experiences, why do human beings only see or mostly report seeing other human spirits, whether evil or good? If there is a God, and we aren't just a system of organs, why doesn't anyone see dinosaur ghosts? I want to see a Tyrannosaurus Rex ghost or a ghost of Megalodon.
Well, if one were to buy into the supernatural aspect of having a soul, I think I have a decent explanation of why people mostly report of seeing only human ghosts (though, there are people who claim to see cat and dog spirits, as well as undefined orbs).
One common theme with ghosts seems to be "unfinished business." As far as I can tell, humans (being cursed with abstract thought) are the only species to spend their lifespan obsessing about death, and going out kicking and screaming when death finally comes. With animals, survival is immediate or instinctive, going no further than collecting food for a long winter. There is an absence of arrogance, self importance and a desire for immortality outside of mankind. So of course we'd be the only ones stubborn enough to bind ourselves to the earth, even when our physical form is gone.
I don't know where I stand on any of this. I consider myself an open minded atheist with agnostic leanings, but I'm not sure about ghosts. I believe there is a life force, essence or pneuma; the force behind plants communicating, strange inter species empathy that overrides instinct, etc., but I've never had the horror/honor of witnessing an obvious ghost.