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Regarding the News with 16 Bit and Pig...


xbl-OBS trustinme
last I heard pig and bit weren't going to attend a big e event until they saw 'major improvements' correct?
didn't they hash all this out on the OBS show about 6 weeks ago?
What's happened since then?

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Mr Aqua, well....remember the NEC pot bonus thread? When storms came in and said he was gonna "clean up" the thread? All he did was delete pig's and 16bit's posts...that's all. He let everyone else's comments stay....including Fran's telling pig if he's gonna bitch about every little thing in a tourney and your's saying how your events were ran better than evo and mlg combine.....i mean.......that looked pretty bad on the Mod's part just sayin.....
okay so one thread, storms also deleted big e's posts in that thread, and left mine, and I was vugar!


PSN: Skkra
I have been going to Big E's events since I can remember. Any dealings I've had with him have always been straightforward and constructive. I've also met 16bit and Pig several times at tournaments, and my experiences with them have always been extremely pleasant. So now what?...

Whatever is going on is between the parties involved, as none of us know the full/real story. Whether or not I agree with it, it is perfectly within the TO's rights to ban whoever they want from their events for any reason. If everyone has a huge problem with that, then people are free to "vote with their wallet" and not support the tournament. Don't attend, don't watch the stream. Anyone with the dedication is also free to start their own tournament series if they believe they can do a good job.

It is a shame that these great events may now not feature these top-tier talents, but I don't believe there is anything to gain from having this (or any) community boycott any tournament because of a handful of players. Personally, I will continue to attend Big E's tournaments. They're always a good time, and in my personal experience (not speaking for anyone else here), my dealings with the man have always been more than fair.


TYM White Knight

I don't think either side is a saint after reading those pms, which is btw, a violation of the site rules.



I will say this.

Rigging has been going on for a LONG ass time. Don't think it doesn't happen on the west coast either...there is a reason players are so protective of their seeds...

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
So I am watching the video, and I see storms say that the conversation will be kept private.............. I just stopped the video right there for now. But come on, if it was supposed to be private, keep it private. That's not fair to them.

EDIT: Next screen Big E says it will get out. lol


@Indecisive just type pighut and search by channels in the youtube app. It's the first video.

Ill be surprised if this thread isnt cleaned up or deleted all together
pfft what you mean by "cleaned up" is any post that is anything near siding with pig and bit will be cleaned up..that's all.

So I am watching the video, and I see storms say that the conversation will be kept private.............. I just stopped the video right there for now. But come on, if it was supposed to be private, keep it private. That's not fair to them.

EDIT: Next screen Big E says it will get out. lol
but then you have people who keep wanting the know the whole story....so now they have it.


the 16 bit ban makes a lot of sense cause how he and Waffles and whoever else was at GGA when the "oops are the mics on?" attempted rigging video was discovered HE lost every once of credibilty..

but Im not sure what happened with my boy @AK Pig Of The Hut

gotta read this further...
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The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
From what I've read so far in that vid, I see pig trying to bury the hatchet, and big e/shin not wanting to. It looks like Bit and Pig want to move past this and reconcile their relationship with east coast to's. The ball doesn't seem to be in pigs/bits court.


When will this community realize that these grassroots organizers dont give a fuck about the games you play.

Pig banned from the tournament that he ran poorly for free? Irony much? I guess a conference room filled with neckbeard humidity is better than a bathroom.

What i think is more funny is that somebody took the time to document all of this. Spend your money on something enjoyable. Like a cruise.