I've had various bad experiences in my life so far, whether horrifying things that traumatized me, things that hurt me emotionally, and physical injuries that prevent me from doing said activity without getting really uneasy.
But instead I'll share an embarassing experience that you guys can at least laugh at. I have shat myself in public a total of 3 times now. Once when I was 6, once when I was 11 and last summer.
The funniest one probably the one when I was 11. So here goes:
I was out with my mom buying school supplies when we decided to eat at a food court and rest a bit after walking for about an hour. I decide to eat this Chinese meal that I unfortunately don't know the name of and with a side of some small poutine. As if this wasn't a bad combination enough, when my drink Sprite ran out, I decide to get another drink which is pepsi instead. So after eating we set out to buy the last item on the list which was my school bag. And on the way back home in the metro, I start feeling weird. My genius 11 year old brain thought it'd be a good idea to drink milk to cure my pain. This was also before I learned that I'm lactose intolerant. I told my mom and she asked if I needed to use the bathroom, I replied "no, I can hold it until we get home" because I hate public restrooms. So after the subway ride and onto the bus just a few stops before home, my stomach gets worse until our stop when shit hit the fan...or my shorts. I awkwardly get off the bus carefully walking hoping my shit won't leak and be seen. Luckily, near our apartment at the time there was no one so I just dashed without care not knowing if I left traces of shit or not. My mom said I didn't so yay. On that day I learned that I will never eat a lot of different foods when outside. Also to not drink large quantities of milk.
By the way I'm on mobile so I accidentally clicked the 'off-topic' button instead of post reply and thank god for draft saving.