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A Unique Idea that will help the community.


Mid Tier
that's great man. Pm me when you have their match recorded so I can get the footage. We will have to wait until after Summer jam for thtb and 16bit but milky and lion should be able to get their match recorded as well. Everyone else either needs to pm me so I can arrange recorder for them or get in contact with a recorderthemselves. I may be able to get mine and Jimmys match done today as well.
I will be on at 9:00pm tonight man, busy till then, just message me on xbox or on here to let me know if we are going to be recording :)


Bad Reputation
Okay, first of all, this was a first outing and the first game. Only realistic there would be slip ups. You have to realize that while the idea is good it involves juggling three time schedules for three people, quite possibly in 3 different time zones. It's hard, and considering this is the first time we did it, getting it done on the first day worked out pretty damn well if you ask me. And, the guy did get held up, it's real life, you can't trump that for MK. He was going to be there, something happened within circumstances that needed to be attended and he couldn't make it. It's a reasonable explanation and something that you can perhaps excuse poor planning.

This wasn't exactly raging or anything because hey, I don't like when stuff is disorganized too, you have to give it a little bit more patience man. I mean, we are not only balancing the two combatants here, but also the recorder, which can be tricky. What I would suggest is before making cards, contacting the people on said cards, asking for their schedules for the next week, time zones, etc so you don't put a card together that has no chance in hell of being played. Then throw the time up there and see if you can get a recorder for that time.

Like I said man, from what I've read is that circumstances for the schedule drop were fairly reasonable and valid. If that's all it takes you to quit, well, hopefully you'll come back at some point because this had nothing to do with organization, you guys had the time organized, this was "EXTERNAL CIRCUMSTANCES" and you can't exactly blame Take2, his idea, or anyone for this.
I didn't "blame" anyone for anything. Shit happens. I realize that. I had my own stuff going on today, too. I played my match approximately 15 minutes after changing a friend's flat tire. I was there at the appointed time (and for about an hour or two later). I had my own stuff going on, but I worked with the guys to get the game in.

Anyone who has played me before will be wondering if I was even actually playing. I was just so frustrated with the situation and not into it. I just feel like things should have been handled differently. I agreed to play the match. It's just as much my fault as anyone elses. I'm just saying, if this is what we have to look forward to, I want no part of it

And just to clarify, I'm not upset with anyone. It's no one's fault. It's just a shitty situation. C'Est La Vie.


I didn't "blame" anyone for anything. Shit happens. I realize that. I had my own stuff going on today, too. I played my match approximately 15 minutes after changing a friend's flat tire. I was there at the appointed time (and for about an hour or two later). I had my own stuff going on, but I worked with the guys to get the game in.

Anyone who has played me before will be wondering if I was even actually playing. I was just so frustrated with the situation and not into it. I just feel like things should have been handled differently. I agreed to play the match. It's just as much my fault as anyone elses. I'm just saying, if this is what we have to look forward to, I want no part of it.
Understandable, but like I said, I'll talk to Take2 to get a better scheduling system rocking, coordinate before putting together the cards. It may involve people volunteering their email address to make it easier for all involved, or just putting up a thread every week.

I actually think what could happen is that we could start a thread for each set of cards, get people to put down their availability and then coordinate it from there. As it stands this was just a first attempt and I have no doubt that this will get better now that we're circulating ideas. Once again, that post was nothing against you, but more explaining what happened and why it wouldn't be so bad to just stick around for a few more tries. Maybe don't sign up for a few more cards and observe if the organization of things got improved, but don't just quit because of one bad experience.


Bad Reputation
Understandable, but like I said, I'll talk to Take2 to get a better scheduling system rocking, coordinate before putting together the cards. It may involve people volunteering their email address to make it easier for all involved, or just putting up a thread every week.

I actually think what could happen is that we could start a thread for each set of cards, get people to put down their availability and then coordinate it from there. As it stands this was just a first attempt and I have no doubt that this will get better now that we're circulating ideas. Once again, that post was nothing against you, but more explaining what happened and why it wouldn't be so bad to just stick around for a few more tries. Maybe don't sign up for a few more cards and observe if the organization of things got improved, but don't just quit because of one bad experience.
Solid advice, and Hell, when I rock it out next time, everyone will think "Damn. He got a shit ton better!" lol.
My problem is I am VERY easily frustrated when things don't go according to plan. A character flaw? Maybe. But, it's true nonetheless.

For future reference, can we set in motion some sort of rule to say that if, for whatever reason, someone can't // doesn't make it, we reschedule for a different day?


TYM White Knight
Solid advice, and Hell, when I rock it out next time, everyone will think "Damn. He got a shit ton better!" lol.
My problem is I am VERY easily frustrated when things don't go according to plan. A character flaw? Maybe. But, it's true nonetheless.

For future reference, can we set in motion some sort of rule to say that if, for whatever reason, someone can't // doesn't make it, we reschedule for a different day?
you had that option today. I left it up to the participants and recorders to determine times. Jimmy I will shoot you a message later tonight.


Bad Reputation
you had that option today. I left it up to the participants and recorders to determine times. Jimmy I will shoot you a message later tonight.
Yeah. But it is VERY difficult to get 3 people schedules all aligned for this kind of stuff and as soon as I turned on my system, I had a game invite. I was honestly so frustrated that I just wanted it over with so I didn't have to deal with it.


Okay, I'll PM Take2, but here is basically what I propose (and if you need help with any of this I am more than willing to step in and help you out, but would have to be starting next week as I am moving and will have trouble getting anything in order before next Saturday, provided I even get internet that fast).

Establish people's availability for the weeks ahead before you make the match-ups. Perhaps even make a dedicated sub-forum for this, I am sure that TYM boys will most certainly help us out with this.

We can have a mock card of what matches we want to happen (ie like we did for this week) and then people there can post their availability etc. to make sure that they're compatible, any match adjustments can be done in there as well. As an alternative, we can simply put up a thread for each card where people simply put down their availability and we base the match-ups off that.

All rescheduling should be for a different day unless all three parties agree on a later time of the same day. If one match can't happen, I am sure that we can find replacements easily. What we could do is always have an extra "emergency match-up" without a fancy "card title" and perhaps just screen it as an exhibition or something. While I agree that the ultimate goal would be to have weekly productions, until we get it running smoothly, a good idea would be to give the players a week and some change to play their match-ups and then give the rest of the time for production and commentary and once we have a system in place, slowly transition to the once a week schedule (hopefully we'll have more recorders and participants by then).

So there, I think that would solve people's problems to an extent.


The Mad_Hattr
And my suggestion for you to "entertain" is to get organized schedules and stick to them. And if those schedules are compromised, reschedule. Not just "do it whenever".
I didn't "blame" anyone for anything. Shit happens. I realize that. I had my own stuff going on today, too. I played my match approximately 15 minutes after changing a friend's flat tire. I was there at the appointed time (and for about an hour or two later). I had my own stuff going on, but I worked with the guys to get the game in.

Anyone who has played me before will be wondering if I was even actually playing. I was just so frustrated with the situation and not into it. I just feel like things should have been handled differently. I agreed to play the match. It's just as much my fault as anyone elses. I'm just saying, if this is what we have to look forward to, I want no part of it

And just to clarify, I'm not upset with anyone. It's no one's fault. It's just a shitty situation. C'Est La Vie.
You know what Chad, You're right. I will take the hit on that. I should have rescheduled the fight taking into account the 2x Time Zone difference. I apologize. I wasn't thinking fully on that you might have your own stuff to do. I will most definitely learn from this. But, like it was said, this is the first go-round, there's bound to be kinks in the chain. We will iron them out. Don't say that you're done though man. I saw the fight, others will to, you did an OUTSTANDING job with cyrax. Just stick with us and it will get better.

Again, I know YOU weren't blaming anyone, but I AM....myself. I'll get it fixed


Bad Reputation
Not at all. and I DEFINITELY don't want you to feel badly because something came up, Admiral. I get it, man. I REALLY do. Definitely no hard feelings between you and I. Hell, I'm looking forward to getting in some 1-on-1 matches with you.

And Talyn, not your fault either. Like i said, i had some other stuff going on today (Friend got a flat and her stupid jackass boyfriend didn't know how to change it, so I went and did that, and listened to those two bickering the whole time. Then when I get back, I think "I'm gonna watch a movie" and get a challenge as soon as I turn on the system. My initial thought was "Oh ... okay. NOW we're gonna do it? Fuck it. Whatever."

I'm just frustrated because I really feel like I usually play on a completely different level than I did today. Hell, I got a compliment on my Cyrax from 16_Bit just this morning. And it's totally NOT your fault (either of you).

Also, no fire to stoke here. Nothing has been started. We're all cool (At least I think we're all cool). I was just pointing out that I don't think it should be handled this way for future reference.

Oh well. If nothing else, I guess we just set the stage for a Grudge Match. lol


Grapple > Footsies
I have spoke to a great capture guy and he's available to record some sessions late Monday night/Tuesday morning. So if anyone wants to get their matches recorded that would be a good time. You can msg Wile E Jaguar on XBL or let me know and I'll pass the word along.


Come On Die Young
I'm late to the party, but add me to the list. I might have to drop because I'll be running on my college's internet soon, but hopefully it's decent as CoD worked fine with it last year.

Question: Must the skype interviews be in PG language?


What I would suggest is before making cards, contacting the people on said cards, asking for their schedules for the next week, time zones, etc so you don't put a card together that has no chance in hell of being played. Then throw the time up there and see if you can get a recorder for that time.
I think this is a good idea. When scheduling, maybe make schedule your game, but also a rain date, in case something comes up.

EDIT: Just saw we have an offical thread? Should we get a mod to close this one?