I disagree, healthcare is NOT a human right. What your saying is that you have a right which SOMEONE ELSE needs to provide. There is no other right like that; no one needs to provide you with whatever you need to exercise free speech, for example. Your right insofar as health goes is to be able to make informed decisions on what kind of life style you are living. You have a right to eat if you want, but it does not force me to provide you with food. you need to get your food yourself.
But what you're suggesting deprives people of what they have rightfully earned, and people cannot forcefully deprive people of their rights to benefit another. A socialist is fine with that because individuals are not important, society is looked at as a whole. That's not the thinking this country was founded on though, and socialism tends not to work out very well.
I drink on weekends, but I'm not addicted, so the fact that someone could be addicted is irrelevant. And this will sound cold, but quite frankly someone else's addiction is their problem, not mine. I have enough of my own problems, I don't want to be dragged into others issues. And your point about addition is irrelevant as I've said, most obese people are not addicted, they don't know know, care or both about being healthy.
So be it. Honestly, I'm tired of this culture of excuses we're in. I don't see many people worrying about helping me fix my problems. And quite frankly, I'm ok with that. As a free, responsible citizen of my country, I will figure out my own issues.