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Shoehorned teleports need to go.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
The only thing that needs to change as far as teleports are concerned is to not make them track to the opponent. Make it a fixed distance like the old school MK's (UMK3 for instance) so you can actually utilize it for mobility.
Tracking special moves need to GO... (moves like Sektor EX homing are ok though... but "get-in-for-free" or "anti-footsie" moves are bullshit! Make that shit hella unsafe.)
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It's. A. Game.

No logical explanation is needed.
I don't agree. Games, much like movies, fly or fail on their ability to transport the audience into the fantastical realm that the creator has made for us. Having movesets that make sense to us goes a long way towards that. I don't think that MK would be as memorable and beloved if the movesets were just tossed together random ideas because "they would be kool for our game".

As an example, let's pick on Sonya's Arc Kick. This move is basically a glorified Kip Up that not only travels roughly 20' forward but does it with enough impact to hurt and cause a knock back of about another 20'. In our world, this is very unbelievable and rather silly. In the MK universe, where you have Sonya's partner Jax who can punch the ground (bionic arms or no) and hurt people, suddenly Sonya's Arc Kick fits in much better. Again picking on Sonya, trying to suspend reality enough to make her first fatality believable (the Splits) makes my brain hurt (I still refuse to use it).

The only "teleport" I have a problem with is Kung Lao's. He's a human with some spiritual powers from his faith and training but come on.....


These chars have teleports because they're ninjas, so, actually, it's strange why Sub has no teleport, since he's a ninja too.
And they don't have to avoid teleports, they just ave to make sure teleport is unusable, like CSZ's.
Sub-Zero is no ninja... for chist's sakes he even admitted in Scorpion's MK4 ENDING (OR HIS OWN). People pay NO attention to small details do they?