Alright guys...I haven't been that into Hearthstone until they started releasing the new cards from Naxx, shaking up the meta so there isn't one dominating setup per class.
That said, I've done some playtesting, some theorizing with @
deathblooms2k4, and some crafting to form a deck that I've called "Cancer Mage". The name came after someone sent me a friend request specifically to tell me to "get aids and die cancer mage".
Since then, I've played about 30 games with it, and I must say that some of the situations that it beats, and some of the endless "Nope, countered" situations it puts opponents in, it wouldn't surprise me of people playing against this deck DO get cancer from stress. I've been playing in Rank 14 and beaten many 'traditional' decks with it, which is a good sign.
Also, a bonus, it's completely Mage-themed which is a bonus for me personally 'cause I only played Mage in WoW's PVP (never enjoyed the pve, pvp was fun though).
So, here it is:
If anyone has any thoughts or questions, let me know.
Personal favorite story of it so far: Beating a standard Legendary Druid deck (this one had Loatheb as well) after killing every one of his Legendaries and ending it by Mirror Entity'ing his Deathwing for the insult-to-injury kill (I had Frostbolt for lethal in my hand anyway).