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Hearthstone Discussion


"Cheap Grubber"
Yea, around level 10 is where you get stuck unless you're using a top tier deck, and control shaman without the punch of legendaries and tempo rogue are definitely not top tier.

I got to rank 4 last season in the last week of play by using a combination of Zoo and Mid Range hunter for when Freeze Mages were everywhere after Dreamhack. Before that I was using just a generic control mage, similar to your shaman.

Haven't played much this season. Card games in general frustrate me for not having total control over my "character". I much more enjoy watching Trump's quest for value than actually playing myself
Yeah. I think sham will do alright, especially once I get Al'Akir.


Keep changing my mind on my 3 decks. ;-;

Any thoughts from anyone would be appreciated.
Stuck on rank 9.
Trump literally just gave up on his F2P tempo rogue, disenchanted the cards and made zoo instead, on the last day on the F2P season... so that doesn't give me faith in my tempo rogue that's very similar to his...

- I have Ragnaros, Bloodmage Thalnos and Archmage Antonidas.
- I also have DuckWingFACE's mage, but won't show that because it doesn't really need editing, and I don't want to use it in ranked at the moment.
al'kir is awesome but not necessary for shaman, its a card you put in and take out depending on what your playing against. Tempo rouge is mediocre and will probably get even worse after naxx. What 3 decks are you playing against mostly?


"Cheap Grubber"
al'kir is awesome but not necessary for shaman, its a card you put in and take out depending on what your playing against. Tempo rouge is mediocre and will probably get even worse after naxx. What 3 decks are you playing against mostly?
Yeah, already dropped tempo rogue. Really? Worse? Even with cards like Spectral Knight?
Um.. I don't know, it changes a lot. None stand out.

I'm thinking maybe a new deck would be a good idea, although I'd still keep my mage and sham.

I'm also wondering: should any of the upcoming naxx cards go in my sham deck? Loatheb? Spectral Knight? Kel'Thuzard? etc etc.

Oh, and you say Al'Akir isn't necessary... but, and consider I only have 3 legendary and barely any dust, should I still save for it to complete the deck and make it as good as can be?
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Yeah, already dropped tempo rogue. Really? Worse? Even with cards like Spectral Knight?
Um.. I don't know, it changes a lot. None stand out.

I'm thinking maybe a new deck would be a good idea, although I'd still keep my mage and sham.

I'm also wondering: should any of the upcoming naxx cards go in my sham deck? Loatheb? Spectral Knight? Kel'Thuzard? etc etc.

Oh, and you say Al'Akir isn't necessary... but, and consider I only have 3 legendary and barely any dust, should I still save for it to complete the deck and make it as good as can be?

Not sure if any other naxx cards will get played in shaman. Spectral knight and loatheb are good but shaman doesn't really need more 5s. Hunted creeper and the egg work well though
and yeah al'kir is definitely worth getting if you like the class


"Cheap Grubber"
Not sure if any other naxx cards will get played in shaman. Spectral knight and loatheb are good but shaman doesn't really need more 5s. Hunted creeper and the egg work well though
and yeah al'kir is definitely worth getting if you like the class
Excellent, thanks.

Any other decks you'd recommend?


Filthy Casual
Man what the hell is the secret to the Heroic Noth (Mage) fight? A free 5/5 skeleton for every enemy minion death is dirty. Especially when combined with that Plague board wipe.

AK Stormthegates

These decks and miracle are the ones im using atm. I wanna learn control warrior next :)

the hunter deck is strong but theres definitely changes that could be made
Be careful what you wish for. Everyone is build Warrior again because of Loatheb and the 2 drop ghoul. Warrior mirrors are probably the closest thing to watching paint dry next to actually watching paint dry.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Alright guys...I haven't been that into Hearthstone until they started releasing the new cards from Naxx, shaking up the meta so there isn't one dominating setup per class.

That said, I've done some playtesting, some theorizing with @deathblooms2k4, and some crafting to form a deck that I've called "Cancer Mage". The name came after someone sent me a friend request specifically to tell me to "get aids and die cancer mage".

Since then, I've played about 30 games with it, and I must say that some of the situations that it beats, and some of the endless "Nope, countered" situations it puts opponents in, it wouldn't surprise me of people playing against this deck DO get cancer from stress. I've been playing in Rank 14 and beaten many 'traditional' decks with it, which is a good sign.

Also, a bonus, it's completely Mage-themed which is a bonus for me personally 'cause I only played Mage in WoW's PVP (never enjoyed the pve, pvp was fun though).

So, here it is:

If anyone has any thoughts or questions, let me know.

Personal favorite story of it so far: Beating a standard Legendary Druid deck (this one had Loatheb as well) after killing every one of his Legendaries and ending it by Mirror Entity'ing his Deathwing for the insult-to-injury kill (I had Frostbolt for lethal in my hand anyway).


"Cheap Grubber"
Alright guys...I haven't been that into Hearthstone until they started releasing the new cards from Naxx, shaking up the meta so there isn't one dominating setup per class.

That said, I've done some playtesting, some theorizing with @deathblooms2k4, and some crafting to form a deck that I've called "Cancer Mage". The name came after someone sent me a friend request specifically to tell me to "get aids and die cancer mage".

Since then, I've played about 30 games with it, and I must say that some of the situations that it beats, and some of the endless "Nope, countered" situations it puts opponents in, it wouldn't surprise me of people playing against this deck DO get cancer from stress. I've been playing in Rank 14 and beaten many 'traditional' decks with it, which is a good sign.

Also, a bonus, it's completely Mage-themed which is a bonus for me personally 'cause I only played Mage in WoW's PVP (never enjoyed the pve, pvp was fun though).

So, here it is:

If anyone has any thoughts or questions, let me know.

Personal favorite story of it so far: Beating a standard Legendary Druid deck (this one had Loatheb as well) after killing every one of his Legendaries and ending it by Mirror Entity'ing his Deathwing for the insult-to-injury kill (I had Frostbolt for lethal in my hand anyway).
It's a cool deck, I don't know how well it'd do at higher ranks though.


Green Lantern Corps.
For those of you who have reached legend how long was the grind from 5-legend. How often did you need to swap decks etc and how long a time frame of games played if you can remember a rough estimate?


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Grinding in games with this much RNG must be either incredibly boring or like a 2nd job....or both.


It's quite fun to play, faking people out with traps and having them salty spam emotes is the best
What would you consider a salty spam emote? I'm still new to this game, so I'm not really sure of any etiquette that exists. Normally I just greet the other player at the beginning, emote a "Well played," then thank them at the end of the match.


False Information Police Officer
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
What would you consider a salty spam emote? I'm still new to this game, so I'm not really sure of any etiquette that exists. Normally I just greet the other player at the beginning, emote a "Well played," then thank them at the end of the match.
Mostly spamming the taunt emote, you can generally do 3 emotes pretty quickly before it starts putting a time limit between your emotes