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webspinner is my new fav card! played 2 on turn 1 with coin, traded them in on turn 2 and got double king mukla!

Edit: just got "the beast" legendary from it. this card is insane
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Scrub God Lord
why can't I play wing 2?
I purchased all the damn wings
plss don't tel me that I need to beat the first wing on heroic to move on
its not really braindead..... zoo is a pretty hard deck to play at the highest level.

the doomguard gets rid of 2 other cards, which in most tcg is a pretty steep cost.
you are never really suppose to play him at turn 5 unless you curved out perfectly and you only discard one card and it will be an irrelevant card for the next few turns.
its better off saving him for when he doesnt discard.
the first two games that I played Zoo i got doomguard by turn 5 and had zero cards to discard.
Seems like it happens a lot.
plss don't tell me you main Zoo.

webspinner is my new fav card! played 2 on turn 1 with coin, traded them in on turn 2 and got double king mukla!

Edit: just got "the beast" legendary from it. this card is insane
wtf l0l
Blizzard plss
does mukla still give the opponent the bananas?


why can't I play wing 2?
I purchased all the damn wings
plss don't tel me that I need to beat the first wing on heroic to move on

the first two games that I played Zoo i got doomguard by turn 5 and had zero cards to discard.
Seems like it happens a lot.
plss don't tell me you main Zoo.

wtf l0l
Blizzard plss
does mukla still give the opponent the bananas?
yea they still get bananas but i had board control the whole game so he didn't get to use them efficiently

Breakin Wordzz

Best Rengar NA, also ares of world
no really card games are like 90% luck 10% deck strategy. I could beat the best hearthstone player in the world if i could get the right cards lol. no skill


Filthy Casual
Could some of you sage-like Hearthstone heads help me put a Priest Deck together? I managed to snag a Prophet Velen in a pack.


Or hunters mark + stone tusk/arcane which is still your advantage overall
Not really if he plays turn 1 yeti and see you play turn 2 trap its obvious he gonna just test it with hero power first. Since its not gonna trigger, he will know for sure its a freezing trap and just wait / play another little minion and attack with him.
It's not like you can play anything significant on turn 3 (bow or deadly shot [if you have it even] at best, both leave you at disadvantage)

And sure there are possibilities but vs a good Ramp Druid who knows the match up its 50/50 at best.

GL on using your 1 of 1 or 2 hunters mark on Yeti vs a Ramp Druid which obviusly runs 2x Ancient of Wars (and druid of the claws) and other big creatures. I've played this MU dunno how many time (but like x00) with many legend rank players it's 50/50 at best. Just to be clear i only play aggro Hunter or Tempo Rogue.

there are tons of ways around a turn 1 yeti for hunter.
freezing trap being one of them, but sure the druid can test the trap with his hero ability, use up his turn 2 then the hunter can either kill the yeti or kill whatever the druid plays next
there are options


why can't I play wing 2?
I purchased all the damn wings
plss don't tel me that I need to beat the first wing on heroic to move on

the first two games that I played Zoo i got doomguard by turn 5 and had zero cards to discard.
Seems like it happens a lot.
plss don't tell me you main Zoo.

wtf l0l
Blizzard plss
does mukla still give the opponent the bananas?
if that happens to you it is because it is suppose to work out like that.
the deck is designed to work well with doomguard
i dont main zoo but i do main warlock

Chakk dizzle

That's baaaaane
Got to rank 8 Today. Been playing a combination of my random ass pally deck and modified freeze mage. Hopefully I can keep it going.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Thanks for that. I like the surprise burst of Mind Blast.

Another general question. I have two Hungry Crabs, should I disenchant? I'm really trying to get some friggin Pyromancers.
According to @NoxiousDonny , Pyromancers are terrible and you should just use juggler instead.
I never used hungry crab, honestly I don't see myself using it ever... Like out of all the gimmicks I do, that is one I refuse to touch.