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Lost faith in online players...


God Amongst Mere Mortals
I didn't make this thread to bitch pointlessly, but seriously I have NO faith whatsoever in online MK players, they seem to be more obseesed by their online rank score than about the game they play. I just played over 10 ranked matches, of the 9 I won all 9 players disconected their internet after I had beaten them to preserve their fucking online score. Why does this bother me? At first it didn't I just found it amusing, but after countless people doing this to me I'm left with a score which doesn't reflect my skill in anyway whatsoever. Additionally, if you can't accept defeat you shouldn't play the game!


Grodd for Injustice 3
You're mad at them quitting to preserve they're score because you don't like how it makes your score?


Button Masher
I didn't make this thread to bitch pointlessly, but seriously I have NO faith whatsoever in online MK players, they seem to be more obseesed by their online rank score than about the game they play. I just played over 10 ranked matches, of the 9 I won all 9 players disconected their internet after I had beaten them to preserve their fucking online score. Why does this bother me? At first it didn't I just found it amusing, but after countless people doing this to me I'm left with a score which doesn't reflect my skill in anyway whatsoever. Additionally, if you can't accept defeat you shouldn't play the game!
this happens to everyone stop playing ranked if you dont want this to happen. add some people from here and just play them or hop in the TYM lobby. there is normally one open. And wins dont reflect skill. someones record could get wiped and they could be 0-0 and could destroy you. ignore records and play to have fun...


My blades will find your heart
I have at least 50 wins where they disconnected. I agree it is annoying, but online ranks dont mean shit so w/e


Grodd for Injustice 3
this happens to everyone stop playing ranked if you dont want this to happen. add some people from here and just play them or hop in the TYM lobby. there is normally one open. And wins dont reflect skill. someones record could get wiped and they could be 0-0 and could destroy you. ignore records and play to have fun...


I didn't make this thread to bitch pointlessly, but seriously I have NO faith whatsoever in online MK players, they seem to be more obseesed by their online rank score than about the game they play. I just played over 10 ranked matches, of the 9 I won all 9 players disconected their internet after I had beaten them to preserve their fucking online score. Why does this bother me? At first it didn't I just found it amusing, but after countless people doing this to me I'm left with a score which doesn't reflect my skill in anyway whatsoever. Additionally, if you can't accept defeat you shouldn't play the game!
i dont even know if theyre all pulling or if its the game. i had disconnects while getting fatalitied that made me look like i pulled.


God Amongst Mere Mortals
yeah I personally don't care about my online score, i guess what annoys me is the fact that they can't accept a loss... but yeah ill hop into the TYM room thanks guys


The only time I got a dc was when I already picked Sub-zero and this guy wanted to pick Jax.
Its probably just because you play Raiden I guess.
I myself never disconnected but I get so mad when I get steamrolled by a Kung Loa/Raiden but when I get destroyed by Mileena/a other character that isnt played alot,I take it/(or a character that requires skill in my opinion).


Button Masher
The only time I got a dc was when I already picked Sub-zero and this guy wanted to pick Jax.
Its probably just because you play Raiden I guess.
I myself never disconnected but I get so mad when I get steamrolled by a Kung Loa/Raiden but when I get destroyed by Mileena/a other character that isnt played alot,I take it/(or a character that requires skill in my opinion).
Every character takes skill to play. some more then others. but never get angry over a loss. its all comes down to this.

its a video game dont let it stress you move on and play some more.


Like has been said don't ever play ranked, I wouldn't even play in public rooms either. If you want any sort of good online experience add people from here and join the TYM rooms. Before I did this all I got was scorpion 100% of the time in ranked and players that won't fight twice or decline every challenge because they want to keep up their meaningless stats.

If you have or ever get a ps3 add me, ure in the UK as well and I could invite to the EU TYM room, its 1000x better than ranked matches.


First off all I play Sub-zero so I basicly have to stay calm and keep my mind clear (If I get mad I somehow cant stop spamming slides and jumps), and I actually learned to not stress and play more (this is how I got defeated in a sub-zero mirror but then learned I need to use the enchanced ice-puddle to do something about people low blocking waiting for you to jump at them and uppercut, and thats how I defeated him 4 times after the loss)(and I actually learned it from him)

I just dont like seeing intense matches against Jonny Cages and Mileena's (where they get close, limit my options and then use low-attacks and overheads) and get a lucky win, and then lose to some guy who spams supermans/teleports and then grabs, gets me with a net and does 50% combo's
(I know losing to a teleporting raiden is my fault for not punishing them)

>Every character takes skill to play.
You realize Jwong won a recent tournament with Raiden while he didnt touch the game for 2 weeks and used teleports and defeated everyone


God Amongst Mere Mortals
>Every character takes skill to play.
You realize Jwong won a recent tournament with Raiden while he didnt touch the game for 2 weeks and used teleports and defeated everyone
Sorry I don't see what anything you just said has any relevance to this thread, for subzero tactics go onto the character forum.


I didn't make this thread to bitch pointlessly, but seriously I have NO faith whatsoever in online MK players, they seem to be more obseesed by their online rank score than about the game they play. I just played over 10 ranked matches, of the 9 I won all 9 players disconected their internet after I had beaten them to preserve their fucking online score. Why does this bother me? At first it didn't I just found it amusing, but after countless people doing this to me I'm left with a score which doesn't reflect my skill in anyway whatsoever. Additionally, if you can't accept defeat you shouldn't play the game!
When kids, like the gamefaqs children, see the word "ranked" they take it super serious. The type of people that quit to preserve rank are the same people that say that online should be taken seriously. They're a joke man. Just laugh at them like the rest of us do.

I really wish they would remove win / loss ratio from player matches. At least then it would give people a casual method to play online. Not to mention we'd see a lot less quitters and shit talkers. It will never happen but... a man can dream.


Don't play ranked, problem solved. Ranked is rigged, the people that play ranked abuse lag exploits and use lag switches, then when they lose they crash the game and you just get a disconnect. All they care about is their meaningless "record". In general, this games online mode is terrible, in my opinion, unplayable in its current state. If you want to save yourself the headache avoid online altogether. When you have some offline casuals with some decent players you'll never want to go online again.


God Amongst Mere Mortals
Got to agree with you there man. It creates an negative atomosphere to play in, I disconnected mid-match once when my internet went down and logged back on to find a voice message from some asshole swearing at me saying I rage quit! :Soap:


I've played about three ranked matches total, won them all, yet only have one win because of the dashboarding people do. hahaha. Ranked is so damn annoying, I stay away from it completely. This game's netcode and most peoples connection make taking ranked matches seriously absolutely impossible. No idea why some people feel they have to play ranked matches. All you need is the chat rooms, find someone really good, and have some fun with your game instead of exposing yourself to the cheapness and frustration in the ranked matches.

You know what makes me lose faith in MK players online? The growing number of turtlers. Those not familiar with the term, it's the assholes who sit there blocking the entire time until you finish a string or jump at them nearby. 9 times out of 10 I beat those kind of players, but it's hard to even have fun when people play like that.
Its been this way for all online games you can't control it just move on because records mean nothing. I have more games lost then won because of this but I'm glad its that way because nobody would challenge me if I had a good winning streak. Use online because its good to learn the match ups and everybody plays differently fk em if they quit.