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Lost faith in online players...


Dojo Trainee
Don't play ranked, problem solved. Ranked is rigged, the people that play ranked abuse lag exploits and use lag switches, then when they lose they crash the game and you just get a disconnect. All they care about is their meaningless "record". In general, this games online mode is terrible, in my opinion, unplayable in its current state. If you want to save yourself the headache avoid online altogether. When you have some offline casuals with some decent players you'll never want to go online again.
Unfortunately this isn't possible for 90% of the player base it seems. All we have is online.


Unfortunately this isn't possible for 90% of the player base it seems. All we have is online.
I was reluctant to play offline as well at first. We all lead busy lives, have work, responsibilities etc. But taking one or two days a week to play some good offline matches with people will make a drastic difference and is completely doable if you wanted to. You just gotta get out and meet/seek the people. It's a hassle at first, there is tension, you don't know the people too well, you may get nervous etc. But thats the beauty of it, you make friends in the process and you really up your game. After all they are called casuals for a reason, no one will judge, it's all practice to level up and for fun. You can Give each other tips, explain what went wrong, how you won etc. And of course it's a lag free enviroment with a human opponent so you can truly test out new setups, strategies etc.

I'm currently having my casuals with Ashenar, Jose Da Cuban and Noobe and let me tell ya, after playing these guys offline there is no way in hell I will ever enjoy online again.
I have yet to have a match lost because of this. At least on PSN, when someone disconnects, it gives them a loss and you a win. The software seems to know who caused the disconnect reliably, even if the message is "Game is no longer available" instead of "Player has left the game". Be aware there is a delay in updating your stats sometimes. Sometimes it takes 10+ minutes to update your stats. Ive had several games in a roll that did not show up as wins or losses, then when the update happens it adds them all at once.

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
There was this guy I saw in a lobby while I was practicing my Quan Chi.

His name was Manuel91 I believe, and his w/l?

1600 wins
91 losses. Yes, Ninety-One losses.

He is on no leaderboards to speak of, and he declined the many, MANY challenges I sent him.

As for faith in online, there is no MK scene ANYWHERE NEAR ME. NONE. Online is my only option.
It's alright for me, for the most part, and apart from Kung Lao or Raiden, the match quality is acceptable.


>>R2 - BF4 = Unblockable.
I wish I could play some offline, I feel I've got a lot better over the past month. But when my punishes and combos don't work online it's really frustrating. I mainly just play KOTH and casual games and you still encounter BS.


Never Gonna Give
I'm not bothered about my score online whatsoever on MK. If anything I have to hunt harder to find people to fight because everyone declines if your ratio is good. Plus it's more fun fighting people who have a good ratio with a shit ratio and them being shocked at your ability. If there are TYM rooms on Xbox i'll defo join next time i'm on.

The only offline I can play is with my bro, and he isn't as into MK as me. I know the Neal Brothers locally as well so I may have to play offline with them some time. Definitely is more reliable.


No, if they dashboard before the game ends it doesnt count as a loss
there should be another way to trigger the loss+d/c

i got this scrub ass in online ranked, at fatality popup the game suddenly is not available bla bla check my w/l & d/c for the obvious bs
i search immediately after for another ranked and the same guy pops up
no way he had the time to dashboard or disconnect the profile and search for a match again

i would like to leave online play asap
but i kinda live in the part of the country where no one know what a fighting game is
nearest location is 600kms away and work, travel and expenses make it hard to reach those players

as for now i'm stuck with online>no mk, we'll see when another good game comes up (gears3 maybe)


Don't be mad!
So YOU are TYM also? Your Mileena is annoying. I hope my Kitana is the same.

Every good (randomly given) series I have in ranked are mostly TYM nowadays.

Anyway, on topic - I play mostly ranked because I don't wanna choose my opponent. Just give me WHOEVER and I'm ready to go. I guess I like the 'mystery' somewhat of who my next opponent will be. Although, I'll agree the amount of EZ Mode tactics go through the roof of ranked, tehre are A LOT of formidable players out there, so it balances out for me. Even though laggy Kung Lao / Raiden matches make me want to, I NEVER disconnect or quit.
Yep I'm on TYM. Been here for a min. Yes your Kitana gives me problems. I have to seriously watch you and I have to seriously plan my Rush downs. But I agree 100% with what you said. I only play in Ranked because it's random so you have to bring your A game the first time as they only way to get a rematch is by chance that the game puts you with that person again. I hate a laggy kung lao...But I will NEVER disconnect because the connection is not going my way...I hate a laggy Raiden...because I cannot punish that teleport like I should cuz I still in the frame of turning around and cannot move. BULL BOO BOO!!! Oh well I usually take the match anyways because I stop rushing and turtle. It's the player that makes or breaks you online. You can win if you have mastered you characters game. If you have not...then you have to keep practicing.
I do not understand the logic behind Online hate. Players are supposed to fight the way they want, along with sending any form of text they want as a message afterward. Mortal Kombat is a personal and competitive game, which erupts massive amounts of emotion and pride. The lag online does not exist to me, I suppose it is because I pay top dollar to receive the most superior Internet service but I merely notice a micro amount of difference between Online and offline.​


Dojo Trainee
The game should at least register the loss when the the 'Finish Him/Her' pops up. Now they can still bail at that point, the loss not being counted.

I faced this guy some time ago he had like 10 to 1 win rate. Finish him pop-up, guy bails. 'Predicted, you have an impossible winrate' i mailed him. He mailed me back 'you can do it if you want'. lol.

Seriously though, when I play online now, I'm going for the hatemail. Loving Reptile and his elbow dash for this purpose. Makes everything ok XD


Aquaman is dead lel
The game should at least register the loss when the the 'Finish Him/Her' pops up. Now they can still bail at that point, the loss not being counted.

I faced this guy some time ago he had like 10 to 1 win rate. Finish him pop-up, guy bails. 'Predicted, you have an impossible winrate' i mailed him. He mailed me back 'you can do it if you want'. lol.

Seriously though, when I play online now, I'm going for the hatemail. Loving Reptile and his elbow dash for this purpose. Makes everything ok XD
Then again, if I lose, I leave after Finish him/her. I don't care about my WL, but most people just want to taunt or fatality or something. And I want to play. Even my motto says "playtime>fatality". I get hatemail for it saying that I'm a stoopidraggequuitter, but I don't care.


Dojo Trainee
Then again, if I lose, I leave after Finish him/her. I don't care about my WL, but most people just want to taunt or fatality or something. And I want to play. Even my motto says "playtime>fatality". I get hatemail for it saying that I'm a stoopidraggequuitter, but I don't care.
Well, one of the main features of MK is Fatality. If you don't want to get finished or tea-bagged you should've won the match:)

The way I see it, you are ruining the game for others because you reject some of the main features. If you don't like it, don't play.
The game should at least register the loss when the the 'Finish Him/Her' pops up. Now they can still bail at that point, the loss not being counted.

I faced this guy some time ago he had like 10 to 1 win rate. Finish him pop-up, guy bails. 'Predicted, you have an impossible winrate' i mailed him. He mailed me back 'you can do it if you want'. lol.

Seriously though, when I play online now, I'm going for the hatemail. Loving Reptile and his elbow dash for this purpose. Makes everything ok XD
If a player quits, they lose. If a player disconnects, they lose.​


Aquaman is dead lel
Well, one of the main features of MK is Fatality. If you don't want to get finished or tea-bagged you should've won the match:)

The way I see it, you are ruining the game for others because you reject some of the main features. If you don't like it, don't play.
I love MK. I love Fatalities. BUT I have seen them, why should I watch them again if I'd like to... you know... Actually play the game. And Tbagging is something I don't understand. If you want to do it, do it. Just count me out, it's not funny anymore.