Read the whole thing, great read Mr. @Pig of the Hut. I will say I play a variety of fighting games because it gives me a fresh take on how to break down a game, and sometimes can lead me to ideas with my character I didn't think about previously.
Like for example, the FADC is used commonly in SF4. I use MBDC on interactbles I feel I can't avoid, or have too good tracking to avoid a hard knockdown. Avoid the knockdown, take half the damage, and gain some bar back in the process. Plus due to the long recovery of some interactables, some can actually be punished from certain ranges.
Recently I been reading a ton of articles on footsies, so despite the slow walkspeed, I've been practicing to try to learn to walk forward as much as I can in injustice, as well as learning to punish pokes and sweeps. Practice makes perfect, so I'm going to keep playing and seeing how much better I can improve my neutral game.
Seeing tourney players put in the work (16bit, Pig, Sonicfox, Theo, Terry Bros, etc.) and posts like these shows that hard work pays off. I want to do the same in any game I play, whether it be USF4, MKX, or injustice. Now if anyone needs me I'll be looking at frame data, and practicing my neutral game in injustice.