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You're offered one of two pills: a red pill and a blue pill...

Choose your destiny!

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"On your Knees!"
Red Pill. b/c you will still have to learn things. having great strength doesnt make you a stupid brute.


Joker waiting room
Unless you're an olympic hopeful and/or are currently physically disabled, blue seems the best choice. You may not set world records, but the "perfect" body can be achieved in 6 months to a year with the proper diet and exercise. Mastering a discipline like medical science? That takes a lifetime.
We're talking peak human physical condition. As in 10 Arnolds at once. Every single body has genetic limitations, the pill removes them.


Come On Die Young
Note: This pill will not have any impact on your creativity or current personality and knowledge. You will be as creative as you are now, and your current personality, level of reasoning and curiosity, ignorance, and knowledge (excluding the knowledge of the languages and two subjects/art forms you choose to master) will remain the same. Physically, you will remain the same as well and die whenever fate chooses.
IMO, this is impossible. I mean, I get that it's a fantastical scenario anyway. But having that level of knowledge would affect all of those things.
We're talking peak human physical condition. As in 10 Arnolds at once. Every single body has genetic limitations, the pill removes them.
Hence why I put "perfect" in quotes and mentioned that you probably won't set any world records. The point I'm making is that unless your goal is to be a gold medalist and/or use those gifts in a very specific way (or your disabled in some way), the potential benefits of the blue pill are much much higher and significantly harder to achieve.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
IMO, this is impossible. I mean, I get that it's a fantastical scenario anyway. But having that level of knowledge would affect all of those things.
Need to get rid of that note. You're right. With the knowledge you gain in the two subjects you choose, your creativity, curiosity, and so on will naturally be affected as well. I meant in regards to just having a high IQ since I added the knowledge thing after writing that note.



Joker waiting room
Hence why I put "perfect" in quotes and mentioned that you probably won't set any world records. The point I'm making is that unless your goal is to be a gold medalist and/or use those gifts in a very specific way (or your disabled in some way), the potential benefits of the blue pill are much much higher and significantly harder to achieve.
You underestimate the mental burden that is knowing too much. The smarter you are the more you suffer


being super intelligent will just make it painful to coexist with all of the stupidity around you because noone will understand what you have to offer and you just feel alienated , plus you might go insane from all of that capabality. Ignorance is bliss.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
blue pill 1000000000% you could rule the world with that much intellect (going off the same for someone who would try to do so in red pill, not saying i would try lol). with blue pill Reaction time would increase, photographic memory, and am willing to bet even perception of time would change. if i were that smart i would advance the human race thousands of years. find the answers to gravity, dark matter, space/time travel, cure cancer, end world hunger. the only thing i still wouldn't understand at that point is women. :DOGE:DOGE:DOGE:DOGE:DOGE


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
being super intelligent will just make it painful to coexist with all of the stupidity around you, plus you might go insane from all of that capabality.
not true, if you were that smart you would understand how everything worked at a fundamental level (sorry am a flash player don't know what fundamental means) and would be able to control your thoughts and insanity. think professor X or Jean Gray.


I actually thought pretty hard about this, but decided on going with the Blue one. I thought about the burden of being that much smarter than everyone else, and it sounded lonely. But then I thought that just because you have a high IQ doesn't mean you KNOW everything, it just means you're able to absorb everything extremely efficiently. The journey with those tools would be super rewarding. Plus, choosing an instrument or an artform to master would make life really cool. Not to mention I'd probably get laid a lot. Although both pills would help with that haha.


not true, if you were that smart you would understand how everything worked at a fundamental level (sorry am a flash player don't know what fundamental means) and would be able to control your thoughts and insanity. think professor X or Jean Gray.

true, you would be very distant or perhaps you would be so emotionally in touch that you would understnad each human being on an such an in depth level that you would be able to empathasize with them and overcome their problems., this reminds me of the comic book watchmen with dr. manhattan. You could be either profoundly sad or profoundly happy or profoundly distant. It's the scarier of the two alternatives. However in watchmen "the smartest man in the world" opts to attempt mass genocide to rebuild the world better than it is now because the current model is unstable. Being that smart could present some pretty horrifying and daunting questions, only amplified by your own processing power.
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Deleted member 28105

The Blue pill, without a doubt in my inferior mind. I fantasize about possessing the mental power of Sherlock Holmes or Jim Moriarty.


This applies to certain stuff you habe have to ask for like relationships n trust
not just that stuff, ignorance is bliss generally can apply to how a person can be happy without really looking at the world for what it really is or how some people are blissfully happy with their own beliefs that fulfill their own concept reality without questioning them or without interpreting the universe objectively.

In the matrix, the red pill and blue pill could (and probably should) be interpreted as a metaphor for our current world today. Most people take the blue pill, which is much a less painful way of going through life by just sleeping unawoken to the true world, going about their daily lives filling it with things or occupations that slowly enable them to reposition themselves higher on the social totem pole. Whereas taking the red pill is being awoken (or reborn like neo is), into the true perception of the dark world that we have created, that it a dark world in which machines (progress and industrialization) rule our world and are going to destroy us because in our nature we are parasitic using the world as a host until we destroy it as we are incapable of forming an equilibrium with our environment.

Viewing the world and asking these questions (truly pursuing the truth) is a painful prcoess, which is why cypher opts to be "ignorant" of the task which is at hand around xion (saving ourselves and the world from self-destruction) by becoming a person (lawyer, wealthy, good looking, able to compete well sexually) whom "coasts" through life, and appears high on the totem pole.