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You're offered one of two pills: a red pill and a blue pill...

Choose your destiny!

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The Farmer

Gunslinger since pre ptch -Shout out 2 Youphs 2015
Red Pill for sure. I mean who wouldn't want to be in their sexual prime till the age 100. Anyone who doesn't want that is lying to themselves. But it would be nice to have the blue pill to create a cure for most/all sexually transmitted diseases so..........


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Damn that was a great post, @Peckapowa. ^^

Have you ever seen the movie They Live? Think you would like it.
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HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
I pick blue. While I understand the risks in it (it is the much much more complicated option with the possibility of disaster) I feel like it has more potential overall to do good for the world.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
I would take the blue pill. Then i would live in the world for a year. The travel for a few years. Then either leave the world never to be seen again or well option D. I already know how fucked up this world is. I already see things in a different perspective. I would use the knowledge to do what i could before i would have to dissappear.


I find it odd how the blue pill magically grants you mastery of 2 art forms but the red pill does not grant mastery of 2 physical skills


does the red pill make my dick bigger?

Does the red pill enhance taste touch sight and sound???? peak human condition... i think people are righting the red pill off too quickly...

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
does the red pill make my dick bigger?
No. But you will never lose your sex drive!

Does the red pill enhance taste touch sight and sound???? peak human condition... i think people are righting the red pill off too quickly...
Enhances sight and sound. Taste, well, you will be able to consume anything without getting sick, and survive without food or water. Taste buds will be the same, I guess, so you will enjoy the same foods you do now, even if you won't NEED to eat them.

As for touch, I'd imagine it will actually decrease your sense of touch since you're invulnerable. This one is tricky. The way I see it, you're not fully invincible (i.e. can't feel pain at all), as that would kill off your entire sense of touch, in theory. So you can feel pain, but no long term repercussions (bruises, cuts, lost limbs, etc.). For example, if you pinch yourself, you feel pain, briefly, but then it goes away and you're fine. That will be what you feel from any impact, so as to not lose your entire sense of touch.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Red pill.
In my peak physical condition, I will break people's backs all around the world.

No but really, having a huge amount of intellect won't protect you from people wanting to shut you out of the world for personal reasons. That much knowledge is dangerous, and you'd be a fool to think people wouldn't just be waiting to bring you down. Above that, there's no promise of longevity. Even with all the knowledge, you would need the funding to take care of that business. You would need the resources to secure it all, and all of that won't pay your bills either. Being really really smart isn't good enough for most places, you need to be able to actually get certified to practice in that field regardless of your personal mastery. Creativity is also locked in, so even if you could design whatever you wanted, you would need to keep it within the realm of realism for our technology at the time. All of that would take time, and you don't have a limitless amount of it. You could drop dead from the stress and weight of your own genius.

Red pill makes me essentially a super hero of sorts, but moreso it protects me. It ensures I'll live to be 100 years at least, and maintain perfect physical condition all the while. Know what I could do with that much time and my newfound power? Whatever I set my mind to, I can become intelligent on my own and not have to worry about the stress. I could become anything I wanted, and not have to worry about someone trying to do me in for it. People say knowledge is power, but know what else is power? Being alive, unbound by time. I could explore the deepest depths, climb the tallest peaks... I don't have to think or imagine, I can just DO. I can take action, live life, and not just think about how to live it.


Damn that was a great post, @Peckapowa. ^^

Have you ever seen the movie They Live? Think you would like it.
no, i'll try it some time, but thinking about stuff like that too much tires me out. My friend and i are big movie buffs and whenever he wants to talk about that stuff i'm like oh my god too much. I just googled, will watch, seen parts, looks awesome.


Noob Saibot
Take this from experience. Being the smartest person doesn't make you the best Doctor, Lawyer, CEO, etc.

I had plenty of run ins with people who are geniuses that are Physicians who are just terrible Physicians. Would have been better suited as Chemists, Physicists, Biologists, etc.

Common sense and critical thinking are more important, at least in medicine than raw intellect. Both are rare in a Physician.

I also know people who dropped out of College because they weren't smart enough to make the grades but now are successful business owners.

Intelligence can be viewed in many ways.
Red pill. Physical greatness is what people should want to have in my opinion. And being the smartest on the planet does have it's cons such as knowing too much (which most likely can make anyone go insane), being vilified, and it doesn't give you guaranteed protection. It potentially makes you the most dangerous person on the planet, and shit, people would most likely be hunting you down for their own gains.
Neither for 1 reason. Because you will become the most arrogant asshole on the face of planet earth and no matter how strong or smart you are no one wants to hang with a someone with that massive of an ego. Believe it or not when given that much power you will turn into an ass, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Complete srs


intelligence is evolutionary, it builds upon itself, you are only as smart as as hard as you think or as much as you study something. For example, reading. First you must learn what a letter is, what a sound it makes and how it fits. You have to understand that before you can read and understand a sentence, and only after that can you understand what the sentence means in that context, why the author wrote it. Only then can you understand the story, and then you can discuss what the message of the story is. how can a person talk about the message of a story if they never learn the sound of the letter q.

to become emotionally intelligent, you must have the intestinal fortitude to conquer and understand your own emotional weaknesses and habits understand them, and apply them to others, so you can empathize them.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Neither for 1 reason. Because you will become the most arrogant asshole on the face of planet earth and no matter how strong or smart you are no one wants to hang with a someone with that massive of an ego. Believe it or not when given that much power you will turn into an ass, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Complete srs
For not accepting either pill, you will instead be given a free snickers bar.

You're not you when you're hungry.