Red pill.
In my peak physical condition, I will break people's backs all around the world.
No but really, having a huge amount of intellect won't protect you from people wanting to shut you out of the world for personal reasons. That much knowledge is dangerous, and you'd be a fool to think people wouldn't just be waiting to bring you down. Above that, there's no promise of longevity. Even with all the knowledge, you would need the funding to take care of that business. You would need the resources to secure it all, and all of that won't pay your bills either. Being really really smart isn't good enough for most places, you need to be able to actually get certified to practice in that field regardless of your personal mastery. Creativity is also locked in, so even if you could design whatever you wanted, you would need to keep it within the realm of realism for our technology at the time. All of that would take time, and you don't have a limitless amount of it. You could drop dead from the stress and weight of your own genius.
Red pill makes me essentially a super hero of sorts, but moreso it protects me. It ensures I'll live to be 100 years at least, and maintain perfect physical condition all the while. Know what I could do with that much time and my newfound power? Whatever I set my mind to, I can become intelligent on my own and not have to worry about the stress. I could become anything I wanted, and not have to worry about someone trying to do me in for it. People say knowledge is power, but know what else is power? Being alive, unbound by time. I could explore the deepest depths, climb the tallest peaks... I don't have to think or imagine, I can just DO. I can take action, live life, and not just think about how to live it.