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You're offered one of two pills: a red pill and a blue pill...

Choose your destiny!

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Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
1. The red one increases your physical capabilities to maximum human potential (i.e. Captain America), except endurance--you will be completely invulnerable (bullets, missiles, knives, and impacts will not hurt/harm you). The pill will also give you your "dream body," immunity to all illnesses, the ability to instantly adapt to and live under any temperature, and you will be able to breathe underwater and in space. Finally, you will maintain eternal youth (assume you stop aging at 28 and will revert to that youth, if older) until you die at the fixed age of 100. These changes will last for the rest of your life, and you won't have to exercise or diet at all to maintain them; you will be able to eat anything (preferably, edible food, but you may even consume poisons) without fear of gaining or losing weight, or getting sick.

Note: You will not suddenly become a pro MMA fighter, boxer, wrestler, swimmer, track runner, etc. You will have to train using your current knowledge and way of being (i.e. all your anxieties/fears and current emotional/mental flaws will remain intact) to become a fighter/athlete, but will have the physical abilities to be the greatest at any sport. In other words, if you don't know how to play baseball, how to swim, or how to throw a jab, you won't magically learn without practice. How fast you learn depends on how quickly you are normally able to.

Note 2: If you are a psycho who wants to use this pill for world domination, note that even though you cannot die, you can still be held captive. You're as strong and fast as a human can be, not as Superman or Goku can.

Note 3: You won't technically need to eat or drink to survive, but will still have normal human cravings.

2. The blue one raises your mental capabilities to maximum human potential (i.e. highest possible human IQ). The pill will also raise your level of memorization and focus to their peak, you will be fluent in every human language on Earth, and you will be granted mastery and full known knowledge of any two subjects/art forms (including instruments) of your choosing. To put this in perspective, if you choose electrical engineering, you will acquire all known knowledge of the subject, be able to create a limitless amount of things, and continue endlessly innovating, given your IQ. If you choose drawing, you will be able to perfectly draw anything in your mind or in front of you. If you choose world history, you'll know how the Earth was created, and how humanity came to be--millions of years of history all in your brain (will only apply from then up until the present day; not future, unknown, history).

Note: This pill will not have any impact on your creativity or current personality and knowledge. You will be as creative as you are now, and your current personality, level of reasoning and curiosity, ignorance, and knowledge (excluding the knowledge of the languages and two subjects/art forms you choose to master) will remain the same. Physically, you will remain the same as well and die whenever fate chooses.

Note 2: This pill will NOT give you all the knowledge in the world or the answers to the universe. You will have the level of intellect and focus to learn anything you wish to learn as fast as humanly possible, but it will ultimately be up to you to start learning about whatever it is you want to learn (not including the two subjects/art forms you choose to master).

Note 3: You will not be able to magically solve problems or create things; you will still need the resources and information to do so.

Red Pill = You have as much strength, speed, and stamina as a human can. You are invulnerable, able to live under any temperature, immune to all illnesses, able to breathe underwater and in space, will possess the body of your dreams, and basically immortal and eternally youthful until you die at the age of 100.

Blue Pill - You have the highest possible human IQ and level of memorization and focus. You are now fluent in every human language on Earth. Lastly, you will be granted mastery of any two subjects/art forms of your choosing.

Which do you choose? Assume the resources to duplicate these pills do not exist on this planet.
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Dropper of Bass and Bombs
The Blue Pill so i would gain the knowledge on how to create the Red one

But seriously I think blue is an easy decision. I can get the body of my dreams by working out and while illness is a bitch, I would have the knowledge on how to cure it or get better asap. Knowledge is more valuable than strength imo

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
"Assume the resources to duplicate these pills do not exist on this planet."

Can't create red pill, gaiz.
Red pill.

But this decision is pretty much entirely influenced by my current state of mind.... Marathon training is killing me- I'm sore everywhere ughhhhh.

So a pill that turns me into Ussain Bolt would be pretty nice right now.

Vulcan Hades

Oh so you die at 100 years old with the red pill? I though it was immortality.

The blue pill because the red pill sounds vain as fuck. I think it's foolish to seek perfection.
I think it's just as vain to want the highest level of intellect because you don't need an IQ of 300 to be happy or achieve your dreams/goals. You just need to be smart enough, have passion and creativity which many people with average or even low IQ already have. What would I do with all this uneeded intelligence?

Maybe I'm weird but I don't see the point in being overly smart and more intelligent/knowledgeable than I already am or need to be.
Unless you're an olympic hopeful and/or are currently physically disabled, blue seems the best choice. You may not set world records, but the "perfect" body can be achieved in 6 months to a year with the proper diet and exercise. Mastering a discipline like medical science? That takes a lifetime.