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Your Opinions On The Show "1000 Ways To Die"


Sig Maker
So lately, whenever I get super salty at MK, I'll just turn on NetFlix and browse through their library for some action movie to watch. But today, a show called "1000 Ways To Die" showed up and it caught my attention. So long story short, I ended up watching the first 14 episodes and I'm in love with that show! Some of the deaths are just extremely funny and/or sick.

So what does everyone else think? :)


I am the salt
Just my opinion, but I think that show is god-awful lol. It's almost as dumb as Deadliest Warrior.

Better tv shows on netflix:
Sons of Anarchy
Scrubs (oh man I love me some Scrubs)


Scrublord McGee
If you're looking for action movies, I recommend the Ong Bak movies: damn good martial arts and a decent plot.

Anyhow, as for 1000 Ways to Die, I like it, but then again I like Family Guy too, and I know how some just can't see any humor in that either. 1kW2D can be extremely corny at times and has no plot whatsoever, but it feels more like a series of fables, with lessons such as don't force your religion on others, don't be vain, and in general don't be an ***-hat. Although admittedly, they do reach for quite a couple of their morals.
I'v watched it a few times here and there and find it to be a little on the odd side.
I don't get why people like watching a person die by Getting stuck behind some plastic in 99 degree weather, Or by being anally fixated and sticking too many rectal thermometers up their ass then those thermometers break resulting in too much blood loss out tha ass... never have and never will.
ELC Made some good points though. :)

Like Eight, I recommend some Dexter. Can't wait for the new season!
Here lately if I get "Salty" I just turn on the TV and put on Shaun Of The Dead. :p


Lose without excuses
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It's funny how 99% of the "ways to die" are dumb people doing dumb shit. The "moral of the story" for each case is basically... "Don't be a dumbass". I usually watch it if nothing else is on, which, I find that the show is on a lot when nothing else good is.


Sig Maker
If you're looking for action movies, I recommend the Ong Bak movies: damn good martial arts and a decent plot.

Anyhow, as for 1000 Ways to Die, I like it, but then again I like Family Guy too, and I know how some just can't see any humor in that either. 1kW2D can be extremely corny at times and has no plot whatsoever, but it feels more like a series of fables, with lessons such as don't force your religion on others, don't be vain, and in general don't be an ***-hat. Although admittedly, they do reach for quite a couple of their morals.
The Ip Man movies are godlike martial arts movies as well. I love watching them.

And yea, I know 1KW2D is corny at times but some of the deaths are just like WTF? Like, who would expect to get shot through the chest with a meteorite?


Scrublord McGee
The Ip Man movies are godlike martial arts movies as well. I love watching them.

And yea, I know 1KW2D is corny at times but some of the deaths are just like WTF? Like, who would expect to get shot through the chest with a meteorite?
Hahaha true, true. Yes, a lot of deaths are more or less idiotic (like getting sneaking into the cargo area on a plane), but others were well out of their control (like an earthquake causing tons of stolen money to crash down on someone).


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Great show, I think most people that die in that show are stupid...or usually high or drunk anyway so...yeah.

It's a prime example of why Earth needs to rid drugs, excessive drinking etc as they would prevent more deaths and people doing stupid things....

Some of them seem made up though, they really make you wonder "are people THAT stupid?" sometimes...


Grapple > Footsies
This was on in the background last night, and I must say its the stupidest fucking show I've ever seen. lol

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
It's a prime example of why Earth needs to rid drugs, excessive drinking etc as they would prevent more deaths and people doing stupid things....

Some of them seem made up though, they really make you wonder "are people THAT stupid?" sometimes...
No, man. It's a prime example of WHY drugs and alcohol need to exist; ever hear of natural selection?

I don't care if some repeat drunk driver slams his car into a tree, hell I'm generally glad. At least he didn't manage to kill someone else in the process. Some people just do not possess common sense. Call a damn cab.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
No, man. It's a prime example of WHY drugs and alcohol need to exist; ever hear of natural selection?

I don't care if some repeat drunk driver slams his car into a tree, hell I'm generally glad. At least he didn't manage to kill someone else in the process. Some people just do not possess common sense. Call a damn cab.
Yes, the thing is if drugs and alcohol didn't exist, people wouldn't have that "illogical tool" to fuck up their lives even more and there would be statistically less deaths, you should check out the stats for drunk driving and drug related deaths every year.

That's why I said for drinking though, excessive. If you're smart, you call a cab. But still, this world can do without crack, coc and the rest of the crazy illegal drugs. I have no pity for druggies, they choose their own fate to kill themselves....like you said, natural selection well there are TONS of other choices that are natural that are in fact more beneficial.

That's the thing, you should care because often those drunk drivers DO kill others at times...example, where I live there's some roads where stupid teens like to drag race, well this year there were two drunk related accidents with the driver killing others, one was someone on the street and others in the car, the other had a full care, one guy got decapitated he was going so fast, and the driver himself went thru the window, his a gas station started a fire, and the body was found in 2 pieces....with a leg missing. Need I say more?

Big Frog

Dojo Trainee
I actually like it anymore. I thought it was the dumbest show idea at first, but started watching it and found myself enjoying it. Same goes for Manswers. We all know the reason for Manswers though....

I can honestly say the only "newer" shows I watch are It's Always Sunny, Svetlana, 1000 Ways and Manswers. The rest is MMA and football.