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Maximilian Talks About Visiting the Galloping Ghost Arcade [GGA] in Chicago, Illinois



I don't know if this has been posted or not, but I just figured I'd make a thread about Max sharing his experiences at Galloping Ghost Arcade (GGA) and how he thoroughly enjoyed himself.

If you're a fan of Max's videos, be sure to check this out.

I had no idea that the arcade had THAT many games. Not in the slightest. I would love to go there one day. I would probably never want to go home if I did.

edited/promoted by STORMS*


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A spaceman
Literally everywhere you look there will be an Arcade Cabinet! Place is awesome! I still haven't played a single one yet! Lol


And Disney World. And Beaches. And Sea World. Don't forget Shamu. :(
When you have lived here as long as I have, those things tend to lose their appeal.

This state sucks.

I live in this place called Vero Beach. You want to know what people refer to it as? "God's Waiting Room." Think about that for a minute.


Kuff Botal
When you have lived here as long as I have, those things tend to lose their appeal.

This state sucks.

I live in this place called Vero Beach. You want to know what people refer to it as? "God's Waiting Room." Think about that for a minute.
haha I live kinda close to there. soooo many old people


I don't know if this has been posted or not, but I just figured I'd make a thread about Max sharing his experiences at Galloping Ghost Arcade (GGA) and how he thoroughly enjoyed himself.

If you're a fan of Max's videos, be sure to check this out.

I had no idea that the arcade had THAT many games. Not in the slightest. I would love to go there one day. I would probably never want to go home if I did.

edited/promoted by STORMS*
lets move to Chicago


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I've never had more than like...2 or 3 arcade experiences in my life. WV had only one and it was a "tilt" arcade in their mall that never really kept anything in working order. I came in second in a Tekken 4 tourney once and other than that it was just the few times a year we'd get to go as a kid when I checked out Marvel 2 and Xmen Children of the Atom.

For me its always been about locals and I regret that because the few times I was ever in an arcade with stuff goin on at a machine were amazing growing up. I'd love to see GGA sometime.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
I would love to check out GGA someday.

I honestly feel bad for those of you who never really got to experience arcades. I know in my area they're completely gone. It's sad.

I will never forget the day I walked into Gold Mine at one of my local malls and saw Mortal Kombat 2. I nearly shit my pants. Back in the day you really had no idea what you'd see, what was coming out. If there was a way to know, I was unaware of it.

That feeling of putting your quarter up to challenge the winner and then just dominating and hearing the people behind you was amazing. Also, you made FRIENDS, and didn't have to hear fucking 12 year olds bitching about how much of a "fagit" you are and sending you hate mail anonymously.

I really miss it.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Damn I wish I had known about this place back in 07 when I was finishing my training up in Navy


TYM White Knight
One of my fondest memories of Street Fighter actually happened when I was in University. CBU had a mini arcade room just inside the campus and one of the machines was Street Fighter 3.

I used to spend all my spare change on it just jumping around with shotos and doing fireballs...I used to think I was pretty badass.

Then one day a dude came up and slapped his quarter in the machine...It fucking blew my mind...like that feeling when someone directly challenges you, and you can't do shit about it because your money is in the machine...it's so godlike.

I am in the middle of whipping some ai and then BOOOM screen goes back to character select and that shit was on.

Fuck I am getting a rush just thinking about it...

I miss that machine too. I actually started building a custom cab a while back...I haven't finished it yet but my cutouts are all done in my basement...I should really get back to building that :)

Honestly, I would go to Chicago just for this and just to get that rush again. I couldn't imagine dicking around in MK or Injustice and having someone come up out of the blue and play. It's just a great competitive rush.


Did Max at GGA meet GGA Max?

I guess you never watched Back to the Future... !?!?!?!

Marty was strickly forbidden by Doc to interact with any other version of himself...

The same theory applies for Max... If he would have met himself there history can be ruined ... :(